Psychological secrets of the Empress
Big is seen at a distance. We often fall in love with the search immediate idols, forgetting about the greatness and the values of the past. For superficial and unnecessary time out of it washed out.
Before you begin a fictional conversation with the Empress, based on authentic monologues, anticipating two questions: why Catherine and why about the sport?
Brightness personality of Catherine II leaves no doubt about it. She was not born heir to the throne, but managed to become empress. 1934 ruled restive nobility of Russia. Historians call later years of her reign, the "golden age".
Whether Catherine weak, sickly woman (and it could become such a - a child suffered a severe spinal disease), her success in life would have been impossible. Energy, mobility helped to Catherine for many years to preserve clarity and freshness of the forces that have given the necessary freedom sensations.
While all the court ladies were taught to ride. This seems to be a secular passion acquires a special significance for the future Empress.
To tell the truth - Catherine wrote in his memoirs, "- I was very indifferent to the hunt, but passionately fond of horseback riding. What this exercise has been freer, so it was nicer to me."
The desire for free will and freedom is especially felt in this young woman. Bound by strict rules of court etiquette, she is deeply worried their forced estrangement. Attempts to find kindred spirits in those around her maid of honor came to an end in tears. They are either deported, making them in favor of Catherine or she were disappointed in their darling.
Never let flatterers besieged you: let us feel that you do not like neither praise nor meanness.
What is the output of its natural energy could find Catherine in such an atmosphere, duplicity and artificiality?
I was so fond of then danced in the morning from seven to nine, I was dancing on the pretext that I take lessons in ballet dancing Lande, then I, at four o'clock in the afternoon danced under the pretext of rehearsing and then I dressed for the masquerade, where he again danced the night.
Empress Elizabeth, aunt of Peter III, suit masquerades, where men had to wear dresses with skirts on the baleen, and women - men's suits. It was then and strip all the physical disadvantages of society ladies - they just climbed with difficulty into camisoles. But still considered a matter of bodily exercises humiliating and unworthy.
What belonged to this Catherine?
It was actually kurtag turvy ... Men are not very fond of these days transformations, most were in a bad mood because they felt they were ugly in their finery, the women mostly appeared nervous young boys, while the oldest were thick and short legs, which is not very then their glory.
Better than others Catherine. Her body was full of energy constant fitness. One day, Elizabeth told her that either Catherine male, "would be that which she would have given an apple."
Talent and mind were her guiding star. Unlike his contemporaries, Catherine intuitively knew that now was proved by physiologists: the power of psychic energy is directly related to physical stamina. Feelings and desires are physically weak man like muted or even take a pathological focus. And confirmed later that the fate of her husband - Peter III.
In general, the fate of these two people - Catherine II and Peter III is very revealing. The dramatic denouement of life of Peter III was heavily programmed by him. So, at least, believed herself Catherine.
Advice, which I gave to the Grand Duke, in general were good and helpful, but the one who advises, can advise only on his mind and his manner of looking at things and for them accepted. A major disadvantage of my advice to the Grand Duke was the fact that in his manner of acting and get down to business was quite different from mine. As soon as we get older, it makes all the more noticeable. I tried all as close as possible to the truth, and he every day of it was removed until such time until he became a notorious liar.
But the vital truth - and even health and strong body, and physical endurance. I think Catherine would have agreed with this. Anyway, it regularly, day in and day trained in itself this endurance.
"I got up at 6 am, dressed like a man and went into the garden. There I ordered to withdraw his platform in the open air, which served as my arena. I have made such rapid progress that is often Zimmerman from the middle of the arena ran up to me with tears in eyes and kissed my boots in a burst of enthusiasm with which he could not control, sometimes with admiration said: Never in my life I have not had a student who would do me much honor, and would have achieved such success in such a short time. "
Now would be said: the ratio of Catherine to a healthy lifestyle was the fruit of education.
As a child, there was a boy I was braver, I'm proud of what is, and often hid when I was scared.
These distinctive features of his nature, as reticence and obstinacy, Catherine admitted for a an early age.
His first governess took for me so clumsily that made me very stubborn. However, two years old I wanted to be what might have liked.
Largely due to the independence of their beliefs Catherine reached what has reached. A considerable force had to have this woman to, not touching others with his eccentricity, to be able to achieve their goals.
Nothing strengthens a person's will, as a victory over their own weaknesses. In the initial stages of the life of missing the victories over physical disabilities. Then you need a more substantial progress. But without the first is almost impossible to second. To be the first to get used to the role of the winner.
Catherine's life provides abundant material for such generalizations. The crown of her life became a moral will, which she wrote for future generations:
1. To study people, try to use them, not entrust them indiscriminately, to find true dignity, even though it was on the edge of the world. For the most part it is modest and is hiding somewhere in the distance. Valor does not climb out of the crowd, no fuss and allows forget about yourself. 2. Never let flatterers besieged you: let us feel that you do not like neither praise nor meanness. 3. their trust only those who have the courage in the case of the cross and you who prefer your good name to your ladyship. 4 . Be gentle, humane, accessible, compassionate and generous. Your majesty, but does not prevent you kindly condescend to the small people and put yourself in their position, so that this kindness will never detract neither your government nor their reverence. Listen to all that even a little merit. Let them see what you think and feel like you have to think and feel. Do this to the good people you love, the evil feared and respected by all. 5. keeps the great qualities of soul, which constitute a distinctive affiliation honest man, a great hero. afraid of any artificiality. taint of vulgarity so you do not darken in the antique flavor to honor and valor. 6. Petty rules and pathetic sophistication should not have access to your heart. duplicity is alien to the great men: they despise all the meanness. Yes napechatleet Providence these few words in my heart and in the hearts of those who read after me. "
Eternal laws of morality. Ways in which to come to their understanding, are different. Yes, and ways to travel a lot. One of them is before you.