Psychological warehouse person
Many years ago I began to engage in astrology, I noticed that it was very difficult to tie the predicted events to a specific time. People react quite differently to the same energy. Astrology is the science of how we relate, perceive and react to energy. Sometimes we perceive energy as an inner need or desire to make any change, take risks or do something new or unusual that promotes the convergence of the heavenly bodies. Sometimes energy is manifested as an obstacle, blocking, obstructing or as an opportunity so happens in the case of a perpendicular dimension.

In case of conflict may arise in the relationship crisis, or a person can learn something by example. Aspects, transits, entry, moon phases and eclipses in the client card create energy, but we all react to this energy differently. In order to maximize pinpoint the most likely time of the event, I went back to basics. By studying the location of the elements (fire, earth, air and water) and modality (cardinal, fixed or mutabelnuyu) and some of the prevailing psychological characteristics of individual clients, I found that I can specify bind my predictions at the time. From that moment I began to start any job with the cards with an analysis of its components. These two factors modality and element allowed to form a picture of how people will react to certain situations.