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Psychologists believe that the family sex should be saved

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Psychologists believe that the family sex should be saved

Why in the family life fading sex? This question is haunted by the researchers.

According to a recent survey, writes The Times or India, 3,000 married people, their sexual lives with each passing year becomes poorer. Researchers found that after the wedding, couples are having sex more than 4 times a week, and after three years of life - only 1 time per week.

A third of married confessed that they no longer find their partner as sexually attractive, as in the early years.

6 out of 10 couples believe that marriage totally destroyed their desire for sex. And almost half of all respondents said that their relationship with their partner - most relationships friends than lovers.

59 percent of couples say that their sex life worsened after the marriage, while 79 percent of respondents said that they are much more important to sleep than have sex in the middle of the night, because they are very tired.

Therapist believes the cause of all this emotional distancing or physical fatigue:

"Emotional distance is mainly due to the accumulated problems that remain unresolved. As a result, one partner does not feel connected with others.

With regard to physical fatigue, it may be due to a variety of reasons - fatigue at work, tired from trying to maintain a balance between work, home and children. As a result of fatigue minimizes sexual life. "

What's the solution?

Psychiatrist and psychotherapist believes that more important to go to the root cause of problems rather than seek quick solutions.

"Sex - is an important part of marriage, and his lack of ukazavaet on marital problems. Dwindling sex life - is just the tip of the iceberg. We need to find an answer to the question - why is this happening?

Because there is no "chemistry" in a relationship or partner is too tired? Each partner feels that he is no longer attractive to the other? Spouse fascinated by somebody else?

But most importantly - partners need to tell each other what they want. Your partner is not a magician to guess what you want and need. "

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