Psychology of Luck. Learning to use the law of gratitude
Each of us dreams of becoming a successful person, and this seems to be no barriers - it all depends on us. And to help us and the Internet and beyond there are a lot of information about it. We are taught not to waste your time on trifles, to see the target, to determine the motivations, believing in yourself and be optimistic.
It would seem that there is nothing complex, follow what is described in the books and soon your life will change for the better. And so we begin to change, follow the advice and everything seems to be complicated, but, alas, success does not come. One gets the feeling that in this whole chain of useful tips missing some very important link. Precisely because of this missing link is not what we are waiting.
The thing is that none of these books are not written on the law of gratitude. And he acts very simply, because gratitude is the only path to finding just what we want: whether wealth, love or health. Many people mistakenly think that for all that they have in this life, they should say thank you to yourself only. Well, still, after all this, I worked hard, nedosypal nights not only endured ups and downs, so who else should I say thank you?
In fact, we should be thankful to all that we have! Sounds strange, does not it? Let's take first things first, we live in a world where everything is subject to certain laws, our universe is governed by predictable and repetitive laws. One of these laws - it is the law of gratitude. About this law is very well written in the book Wallace Uotleza "Science on how to become rich."
Wallace believes that only by knowing the law thanks to the thoroughness you can expect to get exactly the results that people hoped. In his book, Wallace says that gratitude is a very powerful energy vibration of thought, with positive thoughts. It is through gratitude, we are able to communicate with a source of strength. The source of this power is in the universe.
How does it work this law? It's pretty simple. When we invest in something their energy, be it good or bad, we are not aware that such actions we attract these events or phenomena in their lives. Therefore, we must clearly understand where to direct their positive energy, and to negative.
When we constantly think about their fears, worry about something scrolls in negative events, we thought that without knowing send negative energy into something that we supposedly do not want to have happen in our lives. But the fact of the matter is that the force that is in the universe does not distinguish the good we think the event or not, it gets us to the energy at an event, a kind of promise and in the end she gives us this event. Thus, we have our hands draw in bad!
If ever direct their positive emotions and positive energy on what we want, and simply did not think about what we do not want in your life - thus, according to Wallace, we can take energy from the doubts, fears, and more send positive energy to their desires.
That is why in many books that tell exactly how to approach the dream, we suggest that we were their targets, as has already happened! And be sure to be grateful to everyone now, as if everything has already happened. Thus, using the appreciation, we will send a powerful energy on your goal.
It seems there is nothing easier than to take, and to begin to thank everyone around for the fact that we will once and for what we already have. Alas, it is not. Most people do not realize that they do violate the law of gratitude, and thus move away from their dreams. Let's try to understand why this is happening?
Einstein once suggested that people respond to one question: "Is the universe friendly towards our desires?" Many of the questions may seem strange, in fact, the issue is very important and simple. Simply put, Einstein turned to each of us to answer whether there is in the universe is all what we want and there will be enough of all this at all?
You never complained about his fate, saying: This is one of everything, and nothing else? You never mind does not say that you missed the turn to God for luck or wealth, or talent? But many believe that luck smiles only certain that human capabilities are limited by some unknown forces that can not all be rich and happy, etc.
From such a philosophy should be the logical conclusion - we can not be thankful, because everything is equal and all in all not enough. To achieve something, you need to take someone else's place, something someone away, etc. Such arguments are sowing negativity, anxiety and fear of the future. Person is difficult to be grateful, because he lives with the idea that life is hard, that fairness in the world do not, etc.
My thoughts are such people and generate such a situation where not lucky when winning the lottery goes to his neighbor, and the increase in office colleague. We do our thoughts create negative situations.
All around us, created from the original substance. This matter is called energy. Scientists have conducted numerous studies of outer space and came to the conclusion that the creation of our universe was used by only 4% of energy, which means that 96% left is not used. Such amount of energy will be enough to create more than 20 other universes! So how do you think this is enough to meet the needs of each of us?
To achieve the conceived need, above all, learn how to think correctly. Source of energy in the universe is huge and it will be enough for everyone. To become a successful personal and no one pick is not necessary! If we are able to accept and comprehend, then with the understanding that comes and the understanding that we are not dependent on some event or set of circumstances, we are creators of their lives! Correct perception of the universe will give us the opportunity to properly use the law of gratitude!