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Pursue your love

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Pursue your love!

What is love? I talked with a lot of women, and gradually realized that one way or another, they all agree that love - is this feeling which makes human life meaningful, helping to overcome obstacles and drives away evil thoughts in your mind when the love lives, your the body becomes light, his eyes shining, a smile on his lips blossom ... but all this only if you also love. Unrequited love - this is the worst punishment for a woman, because to feel unloved, rejected, abandoned - it's awful. I agree with all of these statements, I'm also a woman, and I know what it is - stay away from a loved one and do not even dare to once again call upon him to come to visit him. But unlike women interviewed by me, I do not think the situation hopeless.

In fact, what is a deadlock, if at all you - and your appearance and your mind, and female cunning and savvy, and everything else! Oh no, I never give up the fight just because it seems useless, you never know, in the end, what and to whom it seems! What I am is all? I think you've guessed it: I urge you, dear loving women, keep their brains in a cold state and not allow them to turn into a jelly under pressure flame (undivided) or feelings of despair. If you can bring the situation under control, I assure you, you never have to regret that the circumstances were just so and not otherwise. And his love you will not be considered unfortunate.

Do not be afraid of their feelings

SITUATION ONE. You liked the man, you always think about him, he'll dream about all your thoughts are full of them, that is, all signs - you fell in love. You may have it too nice, not too hard to spot the signs of attention on his part. And suddenly out of the blue - you know what your lover is married! You're not used to break someone else's family, you do not want unnecessary problems, but do not know what to do with itself, because you love and want to achieve reciprocity ...
EXIT. Want to achieve reciprocity - to pursue their love of! Do not expect me prudish statements about life values and shrines; yavsegda considered and will assume that the family - is a voluntary union between a man and woman, their mutual desire to be together. And no matter how developed in the future of your relationship with your married chosen, so you want to boot someone else's problems of family life should not in any case! Why? Make no mistake: your lover can choose two paths, and hardly depends on you, what option he chooses. Maybe he wants to save his family, and then he or general refuse to meet with you, or will meet the distance and in secret from his wife. But perhaps his family - not such a great value, for it to hold, in which case he can divorce his wife and marry you! Somehow, he solve everything - though in some way you can influence his decision!

SITUATION TWO. You love your husband's best friend, and he is not indifferent to you. How to be here, what to do? After all, you do not want to hurt her friend, but to abandon his love too, not the strength! ..

EXIT. Of course, there is a solution, just you need to stop thinking patterns. Sit down and how to sort things out in the chaos that reigns in your head. To get started ask yourself - what, in fact, hurt your girlfriend? Do not be immediately familiar to answer yourself - say, my relationship with her husband. Is it really so? No, no and no again! Your girlfriend will treat painful news of your affair with her husband, since it considers it a betrayal ... but only hear, not the relationship, catch the difference? This means that you absolutely nothing to tell her friend that you love her husband and that he is responsible will do the same. If you are sincerely attached to his girlfriend, then you do not give her reason to doubt your attachment to it.

SITUATION THREE. You are married and do not intend to (at least in the near future) to part with her husband, but fell in love with another man, drags you to it, but you are tormented by remorse, you are embarrassed in front of her husband ...

EXIT. We must stop torturing yourself, it's pointless endeavor! If you do not want a divorce, and at this stage of life can not imagine myself without her husband, then it speaks volumes that you have a normal family and a good relationship and artificially complicate his life is not worth it. If you love, and her husband, and that of another, none of this would not be worse. Again, for good cause by her husband's better to conceal his extramarital affair, then he will take it more acute than it should be, well, your lover will be happy and what you can give him, it is unlikely he will demand from you something something larger (divorce, for example).

SITUATION FOUR. You were close with their favorite person, and then for some reason he lost interest in you and stopped paying attention to you. You are terribly tortured, you feel bad, do not want to live, you yourself seem insignificant and useless ...

EXIT. Of course, the easiest way to lock up the house, bury his nose in the pillow and do self-flagellation: this is all my fault, I did not do something and that something, so he left, he did not like my body because I have (followed by a long list of your real or perceived flaws), and all in the same spirit. You can even settle in the kitchen and start to systematically ravage the fridge, sparing himself. However, all this dead-end behaviors they are any good will not result. In the first case you lose your confidence, become suspicious and aggressive, you will be exhausted and miserable form. The second option is even worse: binge Nobody has added attraction, and if you do not temper its appetite, it will soon be found on the barrel. It is necessary to you? I think not.

So I suggest you act differently. First of all, you really should think about why your lover so ugly you did, but think should calmly and soberly, without tears and tantrums. Imagine that this is not about you, but about some of your friend, not even very close. Your task - to analyze all your meetings, remember as many details of which can be paints a picture of what happened. It is best to write down all your sensible thoughts on a separate sheet - so it will be easier to think about the situation. In principle, I believe that paper and pen, that is, the process oblekaniya thoughts into words, helps people focus on their problem and the main draw of the abundance of minor details.
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