Qualities that lead to success
Is it possible to be a leader and not have success? The answer suggests itself! Success, even stranger, is important as an incentive, as confirmation of the possibility of achieving it. The leader of his successful in attracting the attention of the team. Leader-loser - this is nonsense! Your own observations confirm that the losers are not leaders. I remember that expression - "Life - it's challenges and overcome them!" We are constantly forced to solve a variety of problems: financial, social, personal, situational, etc. Often an abundance of difficult tasks that bring pain and frustration lead to depressive and apathetic states, turning us into losers. We "pray" Heaven for mercy, hoping that life will change! However, accurate and easier to change yourself! All of us faults and weaknesses, this is a fatality. Our main misconception is that we put up with them, not trying to actively deal with such defects. It would be logical to imagine a model of life, which would would satisfy the basic needs of your life and ask yourself - what you need to change in yourself to fit the chosen model? So whether you live? Are you satisfied with yourself? Are you ready to change in your life not in terms of desire, but from the position of your abilities and opportunities?
It is worth emphasizing that even the physical qualities of the individual cause some associative perception of others. Big people attribute great significance, the ability to rapidly advance in your career. People of small stature find that their growth - the lack, so they work hard. In business communication importance as well, and gender. Practice shows that the peremptory tone, categorical judgments can reduce the image of the head and it is impossible for an informal leader. Asked Questions leader must demonstrate an interest in their opinion, not a critical attitude. This is the hidden compliment, strengthening the image of the head. Compliance with a reasonable distance in relations with employees and subordinates are also working on a positive image of the head. Such a manager is perceived as strong, the business occupied only a matter of rights. Opinion leader on the contrary should strive to build better relationships, it will allow a deeper understanding of the needs of the individual and collective as a whole. The image of the leader are also negatively affects the approach to his relatives, friends and family members. Characterized by the fact that such approximate, is likely to be denied a group of informal leadership.
Aesthetic impression of the appearance of the head or leader, is also making a negative adjustment in their image. The first impression, appearance, dress, manners of communication - all affect the image. Image formation leader depends largely on the ability to communicate with subordinates. Emotional as a leader, not burdened by the need to manage, lead has more freedom in choosing the forms of communication with peers and colleagues. Permissible for the head in a conversation with a subordinate to ask his state of health, to ask if everything is OK at home. But much frankness and interest in his private life will cause suspicion and unpleasant associations. Leader is allowed much more attention to the personal life of colleagues. Such trusts bring together leaders from the individual and the collective as a whole, and are testimony to his leadership position. In our mentality There is an idea that can "zahvalit" subordinate and this justifies the head, restrained in his praise. However, psychologists point out other reasons for such an efficient little incentive to apply:
Qualities that lead to success and contribute to the management of vertices:
1.Kongruentnost or adequacy of the perception. Rather, it is not even money, and acquired skills. For a more precise understanding of exactly how your emotional displays "read by" others, you need to compare yourself with your manifestations of their effects. Need to continuously improve the emotional competence. It is important to "see" the nature and motives of their actions.
2.Kontrol eigenstates. Ability to control their own state at the level of intuitive feelings common to many, but this is not enough to effectively influence others. Learn the same control over their emotional states - this means being able to manage them. These skills require special training and theoretical training. Understanding and control of own emotions give amazing effects, your influence and understanding of the team reaches the highest level, so each manager and the more the leader can be strongly advise to do the necessary self-education in this area.
3.Tseleustremlennost in achieving their goals. The basis of optimism is confidence. Confidence is - is the foundation of conviction, tenacity and perseverance. The totality of these qualities stimulate the development of organization and responsibility. The existence and development of all these qualities guarantee success to any supervisor.
4.Umenie understand the emotional displays of others. Such skills are mostly acquired from their own experiences and observations. Over the same deep knowledge can be obtained from the relevant training and theoretical publications. It may be advisable to explore further the basis fizionomistiki. Genuine interest to the individual, the ability to sympathize, empathize, emotional competence, communication skills - this is not a complete list of required skills and abilities for the formation of such abilities.
5.Kreativnoe thinking. Creative ability of the head are specific. Their focus on building the most effective communication involves some trained to practice psychology. The ability to use non-standard approaches in the management greatly increases the importance of the manager.