Quarrel to the rules
If you decide to stop conflict, it is a natural way to affect your relationships, and to some extent change your views on what should be your life together. But do not let that scare, think about why you are actually fighting, because you also love one another. But if he does not agree with you and continues to harass you with their chicanery in detail, you should not despair. Change your tactics, and a positive result, to seek, you must be able to achieve. Of course, it is better to choose those methods that allow you to resolve the situation tactfully, without the swearing and insults. Put showdown at last, as one of the options for achieving peace and harmony in your relationship. And now you'll understand why.
Most often, after long hearings and arguments you come to a disappointing conclusion that nothing can change and you should leave. If you really do not want to continue the relationship with a man, then this situation will help put an end to your relationship. But if you're not going to spoil the relationship and breakup with his second half is not included in your plans, then what? In this case, you should work with other methods. First you need to understand that in the long and close communication between two people is simply impossible to avoid conflict situations. They are a consequence of the fact that the existing relations cease to suit you and their further development seems impossible.

Quarrel to the rules that conflict is not transferred to the separation, and reproaches - in the final stage of your relationship. Of course, return the old intimacy after a succession of conflicts can be very difficult. You, even unwittingly, internally review its attitude towards the beloved, as well as it to you. How could behave if you are already an established relationship is not pleased, and all your talk about what should change something, have not led to any results? Let things take their course, naturally, does not make sense, the situation itself is not resolved, and for you to allow her no one is going. Waiting for that miracle can happen and everything will be resolved by itself, also came to nothing lead. The situation started up to itself, can only change for the worse.
To get started, try to talk with their spouse "for the souls." You need to figure out how he sees your future together and that you both need to do to change this situation. If you can come to a unanimous verdict and to work together to resolve the conflict situation, so both of you are simply not enough communication and, perhaps, the husband simply had no idea about your experiences. Directness and frankness of the requirements can be very hurt, especially if your partner is annoyed by your chicanery and sees them as the cause. Before making a claim, try to look at what is happening as if from the outside. Maybe you'll have a better understanding of your man. And instead of once again begin their statements with "you": ("Do not you know ..."), begins with the words "me, me": ("I am saddened ..." "I hate ..."). You do not attack, you're asking. To this form of communication people respond much faster and easier.
Situation is more complicated when you're found out, came to a mutual agreement that keep the situation in such a situation is impossible, but the situation is totally changed. You, of course, will try again to talk to her husband: maybe you misunderstood each other. When you get tired of constantly talking about the same, the feeling that your second half frankly do not care about all that happens, will make you finally sort things out. Realizing what was happening was happy with your spouse, and hence to change habits is not included in his plans, you can just get confused. Naturally, the resentment overwhelm you with "head". But we would not advise immediately break off relations because cooling feeling on his part and irritability with your - not an indication that you once made the wrong choice.
First, you need to calm down and try to put everything in its place. Need to determine what aspects of your life together you are no longer satisfied with and what you would like to change, and with whatever you could accept. If you are able to do this, then the next time they'll sort things out, at some point you will be able, even in something to give, and this move will allow you to withdraw from the conflict unscathed and will to succeed. If you have already determined that it does not suit you in living together with her husband and decided to proceed with the explanation of the relationship, yet try not to overdo. If a conflict situation arises because of your constant reproaches, you feel that the atmosphere between you tense up to the limit, you must stop and think - maybe you've already tuned to the gap relationships?
If you want to keep the relationship
If you are in full confidence that the husband is still you care and you would like to preserve what little is left, you will need to draw up an action plan of how you act. Sometimes something does not mean to give to lose. You can not talk about win or lose - in a relationship need to stay on ravnyh.Odnako if the conflict between you is in full swing, then at least try not to draw it close. Your relationship does not need witnesses. You do not want to know about your disagreements all? In addition, it is not so nice to those people in front of which the showdown.
First of all, remember - your actions have to be very natural, approximate your normal behavior, because others are afraid, if we for some reason begin to behave in a way not characteristic of us. Of course, during an open conflict, we can make our actions a little more vivid and expressive. But do not get too carried away by something so theatrical effects, because the result can be quite the opposite. Your main task - to show the depth of his anger. If your spouse - the person interested in your location, respect and love, then he will definitely think about that in future not to call your irritation.
In order to reinforce the impression, you can nominate your ultimatum. For example, say that if he will continue to continue to behave this way (you both know what it is), then you in turn agree to ... (do not wash the dishes, not to prepare his favorite dishes, to transfer all the sandwiches, do not allow him to arrange with friends, long conversations in your kitchen, etc.). Just do not threaten to separate him from his body, because no matter how menacing looks like such a promise, a man may perceive it as a guide to action and will find someone on the side. Then you have to save the relationship, trying to scare away from his mistress. Therefore, your threat should be, of course, serious but not too too radical.
If you normally easy to explode on any occasion and can tell a lot of trouble to his companion of things, to behave during conflict must not deviate from the usual line of conduct. You can yell a little bit - even a very loud (of course, if your not around small children, which might scare you cry). You cry - evidence of your imbalance, which your husband knows. That's why you can afford to behave this way. But not only smacks of harassment, which can hurt your beloved and make him give you a response "courtesy." Try to make the process of explanation of the relationship was as short as possible, because protracted battles annoy everyone, including you.