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In the practice of sociological research one of the most common type of survey is, in addition to interviews, questionnaires, or a questionnaire. It explains how diversity and quality of the sociological data that you can get through it. A questionnaire based on statements by individuals and carried out in order to detect subtle nuances in the opinion of the respondents (respondents). The method of questionnaire survey is an important source of information about the actually existing social facts and social activities. It starts usually with the formulation of policy issues, "translation" of the program's research problems in the questionnaire, the wording, which excludes a variety of interpretations, and accessible understanding of the respondents.

Questioning - the written form of the survey, as a rule, in absentia, ie without direct and immediate contact with the interviewer by the respondent.

It is appropriate in two cases:

√ When you need to ask a large number of respondents in a relatively short time;

√ respondents should carefully consider their responses, with the sight of a printed questionnaire. The use of questionnaires to survey a large group of respondents, especially on issues that do not require deep thought, is not justified. In such a situation appropriately interview with respondent eye to eye.
Questioning is rarely solid (covering all members of the community being studied), more often it is selective. What is it - a sociological profile, you ask? It is united by a common research conception system issues, aimed at identifying the views and assessments of the respondents and obtaining information from them about social facts, phenomena, processes. The questionnaire has a strict structure and consists of several parts. The first - an introduction, a direct appeal to the respondent. It summarizes the goals and objectives of the study, emphasized its importance, reports on how the results will be used. Here are the rules of the questionnaire and responses must be guaranteed anonymity.

The second part of a questionnaire - main. It contains questions (their units), aimed at obtaining the necessary information. Since the questionnaire should help solve some problems, it is better if each of them will fit your set of questions. Initially, it is recommended to put "specific" questions - simple, effective manner, calculated to arouse interest, to place the respondent to actively completing the questionnaire. This may have questions about specific situations, the facts. After that the more complex issues to identify the motives, attitudes, opinions and ratings. The main part of the questionnaire (questionnaire) developed normally, not only on the basis of general requirements for the poll, but also taking into account some additional considerations. The questionnaire can and should be put:

1.Do not only program-themed, ie directly resulting from the research program issues, but also procedural and functional, aimed at optimization of the survey;

2.HOW direct offering the respondent to express his own position, and indirect (agreement or disagreement with the positions of other people) issues;

3.voprosy - "Hook", which assigns to the respondent "pecked", ie in order to maintain his interest in completing the questionnaire;

4.voprosy - "filters" that allow individuals to allocate a portion of any ground, say, to weed out that part of them, whose opinion on the following for the "filter" question is a particularly valuable on the contrary, are either not very important;

5.kontrolnye questions that probe the stability and consistency of the opinions of respondents;

6.voprosy - "trap" is a kind of test designed to determine the degree of sincerity of the answers;

7.navodyaschie questions to help you understand the exact meaning of the subsequent (more important) issue;

8.dihotomicheskie questions assumes two mutually exclusive possible answers (like "yes-no");

9.voprosy - "menu", ie polyvariant with answers when the respondent can choose any combination of answers;

10.voprosy - "Dialogues whose answers compiled from replies imaginary persons;

11.shkalnye issues, ie such, the answer to that is enclosed in scaling anything;

12.tablichnye questions implying answer form table fills;

13.zakrytye issues, ie accompanied all theoretically possible variants answerer from which respondent should choose one suited his opinion;

14.otkrytye questions, do not contain any one answer, suggesting that the respondent would write what he wants, in the space provided on the questionnaire;

15.poluzakrytye, more precisely, partially closed (or partially open) questions, which previously given only a fraction of answers that may not satisfy the respondents with the opportunity to finish his version.

What else is it?

On the number of respondents questioning distinguished:

√ group and individual questioning;

According venue allocate:

√ questionnaires at home

√ at work

√ the target audience (visitors shops, exhibitions, etc.).

By way of distributing questionnaires release:

√ handouts (distributed to respondents by interviewers)

√ mail (sent by mail)

√ pressing (published in a newspaper or magazine). Different combinations of these features form a set of varieties of the questionnaire.

Other possible forms of interviewing. To create a complete picture of your opportunities when working with case study would also like to mention some alternative ways to polls. Think this might handy if circumstances dictate relevant conditions work.
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