Quicken the evil eye, damage
With rowan guarded by young wizards for the wedding. Rowan leaves underlie the shoes, and fruits were put into the pockets of the newlyweds.
• Fresh juice of ash applied inward from the external and internal hemorrhoids.
• Decoction of buds and twigs of mountain ash kills halitosis.
• Napara fruits of mountain ash is used for hypertension, kidney disease, diabetes mellitus.
• Flowers are recommended for diseases of the thyroid gland.
• Very strong cholagogic effect Napara fruits of mountain ash.
• Decoction and infusion of the fruit used for beriberi, diarrhea, dysentery, constipation, kidney stones, rheumatism and hemorrhoids.
• The fruits are used as a diaphoretic, diuretic and styptic, and cystitis, to improve liver function and as a purgative.
• Decoction of bark as an astringent take if you have diarrhea, and in the form of douches used in belyah and vaginitis.

• Decoction of bark or fruit is used in the stopping of menstruation, and as a contraceptive.
• Infusion of fruits as a painkiller used for malignant tumors, toothache, aching joints, as well as fever and stupor.
• The decoction of leaves bathe children with scrofula.