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Rare breed of men

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Rare breed of men

What are the rare breeds of pets, I'm sure you know: they do not occur too often and usually come from other edges. And what about rare breeds of men ? Perhaps many of the fair sex sad sigh and a pain in my heart will say: this is on all sides by common men, as they say, the knights without fear and without reproach, a shame they are so rare. However, firstly, the ideal representatives of the male species are not born, they become as a result of regular and persistent training. Secondly, if there in this world ideals, then with them in the end to any woman, sooner or later simply would not interesting. So caring, loyal, dedicated and hardworking male can not be attributed to the representatives of the rare species, as named in the quality principle laid down in many of them, even at great depths.

This article focuses specifically on the natives of the distant and near the edges of it is they - the rare breed of men . Do these representatives of the male species are available in some of the features of which would be nice to know if you're going to zaimet such an individual as a home favorite. What are these features? The first and paramount feature of the representative of a rare breed - this is the mentality. Everyone has his own, you, incidentally, among others. So let us now talk about what the main features of the mentality of the rare breed of men, whether it is worth contacting some of their representatives and how to conduct ourselves with them. Conventionally, the representatives of rare breeds of bipedal "pets" can be divided into east and west. Consider the eastern representatives. Let's start with the minuses. I have to say that the merits of such pets, in my view, cover their weaknesses. And yet the representatives of the eastern species, firstly, despotic - I'm not afraid of the word - and tend to dominate the relationship. So the question of who is whose boss, there will be inevitable, and most acutely.
Another disadvantage of the representatives of eastern breeds - the lack of loyalty and devotion to our understanding. Yes, perhaps these things move not too pleasant, but again, make allowances for the mentality and the age-old "harem" tradition. In the end, no one forces you to officially become the second or third wife. Moreover, I strongly recommend you accept it, because, firstly, the role of hostess unconditionally belongs to the first wife, and, secondly, you will be hard to get along with other "housewives" because education in quite other traditions. After all, you remember that no matter what breed of pet is chosen, the main thing - your desires.

The next minus the eastern two-legged "pet" - this is their unwillingness to hostess was engaged in work, career, and clearly expressed desire to "lock up" at her home. What can you do, it is a feature of mentality, and the age-old traditions, as we know it is almost impossible to overcome. Here, again, should objectively evaluate your problem. Who knows, maybe you're whole life is just about it and dreamed of? There is no shame: as the saying goes, no accounting for tastes.

We now turn to the representatives of the Western breeds. These limitations are primarily the desire for freedom and independence in a relationship that is expressed in early reluctance to legally marry. Yes, if you want to own a pet rock west, be prepared to ensure that you have a very long time to live in cohabiting relationships. But you will agree, in that there is a plus: you get a chance to learn more about their chosen one. Besides, if I have to leave Russia to its country of residence, date of marriage registration can be accelerated, since most likely you will go to him as an official bride.

Representatives from the Western male species is problematic to wait for an unheard-of generosity. Firstly, as a rule, the spirit of saving them, as they say in their blood. To this you need to pay attention! Excessive extravagance may shy away from you. Therefore, if it be reasonable in spending. And secondly, they believe that paying for all necessary equally, whether it's dinner at a restaurant or a bill for an apartment. They have great respect for women's independence and equality - this had a hand in the western representative of the fair sex. They are something quite satisfied with this situation, it must arrange and you if you are firmly set out to become the mistress of the western two-legged "pet".

Benefits of men of rare breeds

Thus, the eastern edge of rocks - generosity. Indeed, these representatives of the male species do not feel sorry for their beloved. Undoubtedly, and there are also tight-fisted individual, but the desire to make gifts to the fair sex is not just a character trait, but also a tribute to the tradition (so this custom is not to destroy!), So the probability of running into clinical hunks sharply reduced, and this is very encouraging . Want to note the remarkably developed instinct not only counsel but also miners. Rest assured, the representative of the eastern species provide for his family in full, with him you will not need anything.

By the obvious advantages of the eastern species is constantly striving to surround his mistress romance, telling her compliments and make pleasant surprises. Convince you that you - the best, unique and altogether remarkable, but it will agree, can not but rejoice. In this sense, you will plunge into the not the words of oriental atmosphere. So, what is the strategy of behavior should be selected, if you decide to acquire a pet eastern breed? You probably know what it means now fashionable word "positioning" - a representation of something in a certain light. In our case, you will position itself as a rather modest woman and a good housekeeper in the household terms - this is very much appreciated by representatives of Oriental breeds.

Most important is the appearance: it is necessary to dress and apply makeup modestly, but not pale, because these two-legged "pets" - children of the rich colors of southern nature, and therefore love bright colors and a certain elegance, even in everyday clothes. Do not be surprised, I did not put before you an impossible task. Just your clothes should not be too low-necked, short, tight, transparent, in general, frank. A makeup and manicure, respectively, did not have to look stridently and provocatively.

The advantage of men of Western rock that if you are covered by gusts of ambitious and aspire to a career, you are lucky, because the representatives they respect and share similar aspirations of women, and it can be seen as a significant plus. What else can be attributed to the advantages of Western men? Of course, such a practice as a marriage contract in which both two-legged "pet", and his mistress can discuss everything of interest to them moments. We have at home, though, like too practiced but not universally.

As for posterity, the representatives of the Western breeds men tend to start it too late and far fewer than the east and even the Russian breed. However, if the eastern men in most cases, blaming a responsible task, as the child's upbringing, on fragile female shoulders, then the western two-legged pets are involved in this process, with pleasure, and on an equal footing, which can not but rejoice. So now you know what to expect from the representatives of the rare breeds of men, how they do and what they attract. And finally I want to say that Russian lady is very attracted to them, so do not lose, and you will succeed!
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