Read people's thoughts by their gestures
If a child will develop the habit of keeping a close watch for gestures of any interlocutor - a classmate, friend, parents, teachers - that before it will reveal the secrets hidden intentions of others towards him and he will know exactly how cute or antipathy Daniel Vovk. Neverbalika lets you choose the right course of action, feel confident and at ease in any situation, take the most correct decisions and not allow him to manipulate. And I did not exaggerate. So it is, believe me.
Almost all people have the discrepancy of words and the true intentions manifested externally, whether they like it or not. You've heard the expression "to read anyone like a book? Yes, it's about the same. Please remember, the golden truth. What we say, 10% passed the words, 30% - intonation, and as much as 60% - non-verbally, that is, wordlessly. Is not accidental, many politicians before elections are paying huge amounts of money of an entire team image-makers. After all, they teach him how to win the confidence of his army of thousands of voters a convincing performance, accompanied by a well-posed body language and correct intonation.
For example, imagine a policy of trying to convince the audience that he will solve the problems of young people or retirees. But while his arms tightly folded across his chest (defensive) and chin omitted (criticality and hostility). What do you think, whether he can convince the audience of his sincerity? I believe the answer is obvious. Another example. He who speaks of love, warmth and care, accompanied by his statement sharp chop his fist on the table. What does that as well?
And who has ever seen the great concerts and admired clips burning Colombian Shakira, there is no need to convince that an exhilarating erotic dancing body singer is the main component of its phenomenal success. Sigmund Freud once remarked that the patient, assured him of absolute well-being of family life, nervously twisting a finger a wedding ring. Freud immediately interpreted the significance of this unconscious gesture and was not surprised that in the course of psychoanalysis to the surface floated a very serious family problems.
People can control their speech, but it is impossible to control all their nonverbal behavior. When I talk about neverbalike involuntarily recall enhanced gestures Valdis Pelsh. After all, if he is, so to speak, linking arms, it seems to me that he could not speak. Or imagine this scene. Poker players are sitting imposingly at the table, smoking cigars, but they frantically shaking legs. I suggest you carefully examine the language of gestures. Read people's thoughts by their gestures!
Symptoms of apathy and duplicity
Negative head shaking
Yes, swinging his head from side to side often means denying, that is "no." This gesture, a child learns in its infancy. Have you noticed when the infant is satiated, he starts shaking his head from side to side, pushing the mother's breast?
So, even if the person you're talking eloquently states: "God, how I sympathize with you!", But shakes his head negatively ... I hope you have correctly interpreted his real intentions. That's it!
Tapping a hand or foot
If you notice how your partner begins to nervously tap his foot or drumming your fingers on the table, it is said that he expresses his impatience. This man barely tolerate waiting, but when you have finished talking. If you notice a similar gesture, it must immediately end the call or transfer it to another topic.
Coming loose from the interlocutor
When the other person turns away from you, it signals an antipathy and falsity in relation to you.
Borrowing "starting position"
Have you noticed how some people during the interview sitting on the edge of a chair? Know that this person is not going to spend your precious time and is already preparing to leave.
Frown, the corners of the lips are omitted
Well, here comments are not necessary. I think everything is clear.
"Closed posture." Crossed arms and legs, tightness
Psychologists in one voice say that, when closed body and mind is closed. Or the other way. When a closed mind, the body acts according to his instructions. But let a few disagree with that. Some people just sit comfortably in the closed position. Are you surprised? Yes, yes - this is true, if the person is sitting in a relaxed position. Another thing, when all it has shrunk, folded his arms and legs ... Nonverbal it says that it is emotionally removed from the conversation. While your partner is in this posture, it makes no sense to convince him of anything. In a business setting, you can ensure that people who "closed posture", give their opinion briefly divert more suggestions, and even fewer remember the details of the meeting than those who were in the open position.
Rubbing his fingers century, eyebrows
Remember the character of the three wise monkeys, one of them, clamping his eyes, said: "I can not see." Note that when a child does not want for something to watch, he closes his eyes with one or both palms. And when an adult does not want to see something unpleasant, it begins to rub his eyelids. This gesture indicates an attempt to block the brain lies, doubt, or an unpleasant sight. Rubbing his brow, ear lobe, and scratching his neck, most likely are manifestations of insecurity. For example, if your friend says: "Yes, I understand how you feel, but scratched his neck, then he does not want to know what you are now.
Full or partial prikryvanie the mouth with his hand, fingers
If a child of five decided to deceive parents, eating candy and denying what he did, he would almost certainly soon will cover his mouth with one or both hands. As if he wants to stuff back then that he had just said.
Teens often lightly rubbed corners of your mouth with your fingers. Well, when cheating adult aunt, an impression that her brain orders the hand covering his mouth, but at the last minute hand as it stops halfway and instead of a mouth As the nose.
Forced smiles, his teeth
Again you surprised? Yes, of course, from childhood, we know that smile and laugh - it signals a happy man. But the smiles are different. For example, chimpanzees show the teeth, the corners of the mouth and eyes are raised. In this case, the monkey makes sounds that resemble human laughs. It demonstrates the subordination and submissiveness. Human smile is not much different from a smile primates. She also tells people they are talking about the fact that the person poses no threat. That's how he explains it is a family Pease: "No smile explains why many dominant personalities such as James Cagney, Clint Eastwood, Margaret Thatcher and Charles Bronson, always look dark and aggressive. They rarely smile, not to seem at least to some degree of submission and subjection. "
Stretched smile and a clenched lips say that a person has a secret he does not want to share with you my point of view or any of the information.
Pulling, as amended by the collar
Yes, lie detectors are always telling the truth. Their work is based on the fixation of the physiological changes occurring in the body of a liar. After all, when a man cheats, it leads to an increase in blood pressure, heart palpitations and sweating. Especially when the liar is afraid that it will bite. Therefore, speaking the truth, some people retracted or corrected collar. Men are beginning to loosen his tie, as if trying to blow off steam from under the collar, cool slightly.