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"Like everyone, I was forced to ask for your help, big trouble. My daughter, she was 35yo, for several years now suffers from mental illness. But my heart feels that there is something associated with devilry. She herself neurologist by profession, has a degree since the mc. But does not want to be treated, behave inappropriately, she understands and remembers all of it happening. At night, her nightmares, including evil.

She herself was baptized, so many went with her to the holy places. Were in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra several times otchitke. She jumped on the throne (or something in another name of this place), chewed and spat their candles into the crowd, were several times otchitke a monastery in Sviatogorsk in Diveyevo, bathed in many sacred springs. Matrona were in the temple a few times in Moscow, the Taganka. Many more to list everything.

In one monastery clairvoyant monk said that her crown of celibacy. But she married a German from Germany. On the eve of her marriage to him she became very aggressive, angry, envious, did not want to fly to Germany for his wedding. After a year still left to her husband, but now there began "speech." We thought that her mental illness is somehow connected with the absence of the family. But now, beside a husband, but problems remained. Work it can not, because all patients in the face of curses and swears swearing. For God's sake, help me ... "


"We have a son, he was 16 years. In 1998 he was given the first group of disability. He does not write or read. The apartment where we live, found a broken needle, and rag. In a black rag tied three knots, was yellow sand, three broken needles and hair. All this made his wife and burned. In 2005godu my son was three epilepsy. He loses consciousness only in the apartment. Every summer, he lives with his wife's parents in the village, and once we bring it into town and go into the apartment, her son becomes a bad cramps. And now they will go home, but I do not know what to do. I can not see where it falls as soon as comes into the apartment.

Who just not treated, nothing changes. Doctors themselves asked us whether we were looking for folk healers, and healers. I am a wife and a son baptized, go to church on Sundays. I hope to God that he will provide an opportunity to see you and decide how to act and what to do next. "


"We do not know what to do, what to do. Just desperate. I 24goda. Once we had the ideal family. Of course, not without a small domestic quarrels and problems, but nonetheless, it can be called ideal. My parents' marriage based on love and understanding, and we are raised exclusively for love. Even in the twenty-fourth year of life when left behind many years of married life, passed through the poor, and many other domestic issues, they recognized one another in love that the people around them caused surprise, disbelief and, of course, envy. This year marks 25 years since the birth of our family, but last year we've been through so much grief that I did not even know how to write all in brief. Two years ago my father went up the ladder. And all he has achieved, on its own, with his intelligence. And then all black and hopped off like crows on the blood. There were moments when we began to realize that he has changed - there were notes of arrogance and sometimes even aggression. It is clear that these moments can not be avoided - the psychological aspects of professional activity have their head.
But after a while, we learned that he has another woman. And not just there. Not just a woman. And, as he claimed, love and more than a year. When we listened to his confession, I was the first time in this time looked intently into his eyes and realized that they were drugged. I believe the mother is not much wanted, but I was convinced he was right. I was sure that his father bewitch. How can I not see if the eyes that pierced my whole life generosity, nobility and kindness, have now become muddy, aggressive or somewhere in the depths of something funky. We do not know what to do. Mom was in despair, she just could not imagine life without him, and so are we. I persuaded her to go to a healer. My guesses were confirmed. It's not even a love spell, and prisushka, which can lead to death. Mistress gave to drink his father for a year some muck, and it was all done a professional magician. And the mistress was engaged in this is not the first time. And he was not the first nor the last victim. I was shocked. Prisushku derive much harder. Charmed water healer after some time early lead of his father in himself. It became evident.

Our mistake was that we told him everything. First, he believed us. But then wanted to see around himself and began to travel to different "clairvoyant", none of whom he did not say the same thing. He again began to travel to his mistress, all returned. He became aggressive, we did not want to listen.

On the nervous mom very thin, her health is undermined. In the hospital it could not persuade to go - said that until it's over, it's pointless. Twice my father went away, but after a few days back. Like everything falls into place, but in a week it started again. He does not hear us, our prayers, entreaties. Believes only his mistress, even speaks of her sentences (the mother with her repeatedly talked over the phone). Said that a normal family, we never had, and love them with my mother was not, and now he loves. Lost his head as a boy of fifteen. And now all terrible. He lies at every turn, goes to her for the weekend, and though it says that we, children, love, but our home is not seeking.

My mother started mental illness - she began to lose its memory. The last time left the house while everyone was at work. The father called me and told me to going home - my mother that something is happening. It was not at home, and when there was, I was horrified. Her eyes, wild and weary, looking at me. She repeated the same words, and constantly crying. I do not know what to do and how to calm her down. My mom said I can not remember anything like left home as riding the bus. Woke up at the other end of the city - said that about my brother remembered and returned. As it turned out, that it is not the first time. And he sees this and is absolutely irrelevant.

The house is cracking from the constant extraneous sounds, knocks, the door go to shake, my mother under the feet of someone is confused, said the black cat. Brother of someone choking, I, too, but less frequently. I do not know what to do. The first time the parents went to church, fasting, mom always reads the prayer. But now his father to go to church does not make sure he does not trust us absolutely. All this goes on for about a year.

What can you advise? I beg you, help us. I am afraid of losing their parents. The mother said that my father does not live. A father can not live without us - it will ruin ".


"We recently bought a house, and we have an unusual neighbor: the woman, whom everyone - neighbors, husband, mother in law, etc. - is called a witch. Recently, my mother tore the grass in the garden and found the edge of a plastic bag. Dug up and saw that the inside - fresh white big piece of bacon. It is noteworthy that the package has been buried under the grid at the border between us and these neighbors (still undermining our territory). We put bacon at the gate to throw away, but soon ran into a dog and dragged it with avidity.

What does this mean? Alarming is that since the house was bought, his father became strangely ill: it just breaks, twists, numb fingers, very sore waist, he said that it was some hell. Nothing like this happened to him. Severely deteriorated relations with his mother, constantly cursing, the impression that there is something unclean.

No less surprising is that with the purchase of the house his father a hard time coming into contact with people showed instinctively drawn to this most neighbors. He liked these people, much like with friends, drink and relax together! And this despite the fact that her husband, former witches con: together with his brother, they raped, killed, cut into pieces and buried the girl, but now they, along with his wife drink a lot.

If you know what it all might mean, tell me and advise what to do! We are very concerned. Although fat eaten by animals, we understand that the neighbor could do something else. It is not excluded that in our same location - the father allows them to go. "


"I 23goda, with 17 years I started working in a successful company, and everything in everyday life - both good and bad. In the 20 years I have met her lover, with whom I have an adorable and warm relations. The only negative - he was married. His situation, he once described - 10 years lived with a woman who unexpectedly became pregnant, and he could not marry her, they soundly made friends and built a business, had a family, but he never did not love her.

I accept this point, because he understood that he loves me strong and hard. We started living together 2,5 years ago. His wife found out, and from this moment, terrible things that at first I did not understand, because I do not know, but when I read a lot of literature, I understood everything.

I woke up choking and fear paralyzed me for several minutes. Immediately began to crumble and business relationships with people, now all earnings and earning money. It is the same.

Health were terrible problems - a woman, with the stomach. Houses began to find a needle in his shoes and coats some threads, cloth. He announced that he goes to his family - his eyes insane, he does not understand what he wants, tears in her eyes. My family is very faithful - from the Old Believers. I was taught to pray morning and night, fasting, so I started to ask God that he shot this stuff with us. Prayers, notes about his health through the day in church. He returned three weeks later. We discussed with him the possibility of black omens. It seemed to me that he understood.

His wife found out all the information about me, who I am, where I work, and took our photos of me and my belongings. What she really do with them, I do not know. Year after that he suffered - had behaved strangely and terribly nervous. We were going to work together to earn the money together - we had excellent relations opportunities. He said that working with me does not want to live too.

All this time came, went and said that he loves her and the family can not stop. I continued to pray. Prayers, Matronushka. Temporarily been relieved - for two weeks. Then start all over again.

I have all the symptoms continue, add to that completely destroyed the business, a cyst on the ovary, the problems with my father in my family, a complete lack of money and a lot more (dreams with crosses, choking, insomnia). In addition, his wife calls me every day - plagues.

Through friends (checked a woman - an old woman from Lviv) and we poured wax - out terrible things, grave accident, snakes and more. I gave up our things, monks in Ukraine - they have otmalivali and then heated things.

Six months ago, it is enlightenment, and we had even started to ride on the holy sources - in Diveyevo (lived there for a week) and other places. We had many plans, it is defined by its decisions. With his wife operate and maintain cordial relations, he loves his son. I have started to establish business.

And I felt that his wife is going to do something bad. Started all over again, what is more - it all went to his mother. She is also the case collapsed, very bad things and health.

I had a serious nervous breakdown - although I have a very strong person. He tossed two weeks - lost weight, did not want me to see and hear, again lost money. And ten days ago, returned to the family, without saying a word to me. Only later wrote that he loved me, asked for my understanding and forgiveness, but in a different way do not be.

Apparently, he told someone that she does and to me, and his mother, and even his son - because everyone is sick and he decided to go back.

I have a break-up of the body, the reluctance to pray, insomnia, choking at night, someone jumping on the bed unseen, my mother is sick, my grandmother, too, I'm not talking about health problems. Again began to unravel the case. I took all his strength in his hands - the post 30 days, began to merge us with wax (learned) - Casting terrible. Start to go to communion, confession. I feel that I'm losing an incredible force in the church is bad. His wife is the strongest in Ukraine, it constantly goes back and, apparently, with someone talking.

I understand that it is a corruption of the old-love spell, apparently, with youth, she is continually adding new, but at the same time and makes me all sorts of nastiness. I do not want to lose your loved one because of the magic and dark forces.

I wanted to ask you for help and advice on how it all off and put the defense. In Moscow, I do not want no one to turn (here, you know, cheating).

I'll be very grateful for any help or advice from your side. "

"I downloaded from the Internet photos of spirits. Then came a strange phenomenon - a knock on the windows, the apartment was restless. Watched the spirits of 2,5 meter in the camera phone. It was a month ago and to this day all the unrest. Apartment sprinkled with holy water, perfumed with incense, but to no avail. Help please!

PS observed the spirit of my friend's apartment. He was as tall as 1metr 48santimetrov. With his hand bad actions were not observed. Who could it be? "

The Bible says: "Bloodthirsty and deceitful men will not live out half their days." Many people do not believe in the validity of this statement. A pity. Without even realizing they are preparing miserable fate for their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. After all those atrocities that they have done to people hit on their ancestral lines. The people did not knowingly say that on another mountain of his own happiness can not be built. "Cursed is he who secretly kills his neighbor!"

Many doctors in private conversations with me say that, sometimes, comes to accept the patient and immediately see that the medicine he can not help you. To form prescribed procedures and medications. And they themselves think they sick to look for his grandmother. If the doctor is to say out loud, then he will have trouble.
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