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Recipes removing damage from the Witch Doctor

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Recipes removing damage from the Witch Doctor

• If your house is either run or crickets, bedbugs, housing must fumigate dry root of Elecampane.

• Often, when dealing with a swirl on the road people are starting to hurt. To protect themselves from evil forces, we should rename ourselves, while reading "Our Father."

• In order to exorcise evil spirits from their homes svyachenym fat, you need to put crosses on the windows and doors, and door handles spread this fat.

• Fumigation grass thistle gives comfort to those who strongly weeping for the dead.

• When a man shouted Toad, you need to drink in the morning on an empty stomach svyachenoy water break hot bread and put on the heart.

• If a person is already inside, or snake, it is necessary in the morning on an empty stomach to drink 50ml of vinegar. Do so within 5-7days.

• If a person is inside the snake, it would need to intoxicate mead. When a person begins to beat a hangover, you need to put his head on his knees and turn to the side. Once the snake appears out of a man, you need to grab her head, pre-wrapped his hand with a handkerchief.
• Do you have inside the frog croak? Need to breathe over the steam of grass birthwort lomonosovidnogo. Also napar this herb should be taken inside. A teaspoon of herbs in the evening to put in a thermos and pour a glass of warm water. In the morning strain and drink.

• If the person is inside the snake, you need a pint of vinegar to pour into an enamel pan and add a tablespoon of chopped fruit of cumin and a teaspoon of crushed hot pepper. A pot to put on a slow fire and bring to a boil. Let simmer on low heat for 5 10minut. Remove from heat, strain through a 2-3sloya gauze. Drink in the morning on an empty stomach to 50 ml for 5-7days.

• If a person ruin lizard, you need a pint of vinegar to pour into an enamel pan and add chopped 2stolovye white spruce resin. A pot to put on a slow fire and boil until until the resin is dissolved in vinegar. Remove from heat, strain through a 2-3sloya cheesecloth while hot. Taken in the morning on an empty stomach to 50 ml for 5-7days.

• If the damage brought upon the person eating it in the morning on an empty stomach you need to drink 30-40ml of vinegar.

• If a person is a snake, you need a large handful of the nest of ants to put in an enamel pan, add three quarts of water and let simmer on low heat for at least 3-4 hours. Then remove from heat, drain. Take a glass in the morning on an empty stomach.

• To the witch did not come from the tomb, one plank in the coffin is made of aspen.

• If the deceased witch comes from the tomb, it must be in her grave to drive an aspen stake of 25-30cm.

• If you caught a witch in the form of a cat or dog, then on her head ripped or cut off beam hair, thereby depriving her of witchcraft.

• When the night by the way witch is rolling in a wheel, it must be inside of the wheel insert a stick, preferably aspen.

• You have a head pulled a few hairs to restore damage. In this case you need to hit the nose of the person who did it. If he goes the blood, then a spell on you not will induce.

• On you put a spell, you have fallen sharply weight. For this 3stolovye tablespoons of roots and herbs kipreya angustifolia in the evening to put in a thermos and pour boiling water 3stakanami. In the morning strain, divided into 3priema and drink for 30 minutes before meals.

• If you have messed up any animal, you need to drink a decoction of herbs kipreya angustifolia.

• In order to drive out of your body of worms, worms, frogs or snakes, it is necessary in an enamel pot to pour a pint of vinegar and add 5stolovyh tablespoons herb nettle. Put on low heat and simmer for 15 minutes under the lid closed. Remove from heat, strain, take the morning on an empty stomach to 50 ml, preferably at the new moon.

• In order not to spoil your cow, you need to drill a small hole horn and pour back svyachenogo poppy.

• If your cow spoiled or evil eye, the animal must fumigate dry twigs and leaves of aspen.

• When was the first time since the winter you'll kick the cow, you need to sprinkle it svyachenoy water, give the animal to drink this water and move through the braid, which is put in front of the gate. This way you cow protection from witchcraft.

• To not spoil the cow, it must be tied to Aspen Cola, which hammered into the ground. Also, to protect cows from witchcraft at her hang a hoop, made of twigs of aspen.

• To find out who spoils your cow, you need the evening before Ivan Kupala (6iyulya) put in small saucepan aspen sticks and gauze, through which tsedili milk. Put the pan into the fire. At that time must necessarily come to a witch for you to have anything to ask. Give anything. When she would leave after svyachenoy to throw a handful of salt, or to strike ashen stick on any wooden objects, but it is preferable to be hit by another stick aspen.

• To find out who spoils your cow, you need to milk a cow with a glass of milk, wipe dirt from the yard and this milk to pour garbage. Witch will certainly come running to the spot.

• Cosa, the situation in the threshold of the house, protecting it from witchcraft.

• Two needle criss-cross the spikes down, worn against the heart, protect people from witchcraft.

• Verba put after svyacheniya in the church for an image to protect the house from evil spirits.

• To protect animals from damage by willow branch svyachenoy George (6 May) kicked the cattle in the field.

• Svyachenye Palm earrings put in porridge, that man had been healthy the whole year.

• With svyachenoy willow after church evade his farm to the cattle are not sick.

• Earrings with svyachenyh willow branches are put into the first hole at planting to protect the garden from deterioration and to harvest.

• On the night of Holy Thursday to burn fires, this fire is cleared everyone in the neighborhood.

• Aspen cross, worn on the body, protects against vampires.

• Thistle gives comfort to those who strongly weeping for the dead.

• mugwort herb expels from the house of unclean spirits, and cures of sleepwalking.

• When is a house of frogs, snakes, and snakes its fumigate dry grass avens city or river.

• Dry grass Oregano fumigate the house to exorcise evil spirits.

• If the house does not live in the house to invite the priest, and consecrate the house 3 times.

• The smell of birch leaves is useful to victims of witchcraft.

• Decoction of herb-drug letters helpful to those who have done damage to the head.

• The herb vervain drug, the situation in the house, he puts them out of evil spirits.

• The root of the angelica drug in the neck in children protects against spoilage.

• spoiled, skinny and weak children bathe in the decoction of this herb Galium or tenacious.

• bath in the decoction of leaves of fern male help with all kinds of witchcraft.

• Foot bath in the decoction herb Plantago major help to the patient in cases where damage to suggest to his feet.

• thistle herb, expansions in the house, he puts them out of all evil spirits and the dead who come at night.

• Cedar, date palm, cypress, juniper, birch, oak, hawthorn, aspen, olive, myrtle, laurel tree - the trees, which help in all kinds of damage.

• For the exorcism of the house on Maundy Thursday fumigate the house with branches of juniper, wild rosemary and verbena drug.

• Viola tricolor, or besoprogonnaya grass, well spoiled helps patients with fumigation of dry grass. Decoction of the herb taken inside.

• For all types of damage helps reception inside broth herbs violet tricolor.

• Evil power disappears from the places where the growing peony angustifolia.

• If the house is not svyachenoy salt and water, then baptize all products with a knife.

• People exposed to the evil eye, before leaving the house to wash the face of a full bucket.

• An effective weapon against the possession is fumigating with dry grass wormwood.

• The deterioration in dementia and paralysis should be taken inside a decoction of grass flat-feverweed.

• To protect the house from witches and devils helps red clover.

• Good protection against evil forces is the use of rosemary.
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