Relationship crisis
For any communication, which lasts an adequate period of time, there are differences. Can not be that the relationship proceeded without quarrels and conflicts. You have two distinct personality, and if at all you always coincide, then after a while you'd all got bored. The main thing to understand - if you quarrel, it does not mean that you are completely different and the time for you to leave. Just a relationship crisis that needs to survive! How to gently and carefully, whatever people may feel about each other and how hard they try not to clash with his second half, yet the appearance of discord and strife is inevitable, because their communication can not always take place peacefully and smoothly. This is especially true for family life, men and women. On the appearance of conflict does not affect whether the marriage is registered, or just civilians.
People meet, meet, at first they are full of energy and optimism and believe that such a state of love, cloudless and bright, be with them always, and no argument will not be able to disrupt their composure and good relationships. But from day to day family life shows spouses all its charms. And no matter how we tried, conflicts will still arise. Quarrels arise independently of our desires and will, as they suggest that young family is developing, is lapping each other. But if the nature of disagreement more often than not depends on the people themselves, how peacefully they can get out of these conflicts and what lessons they will draw from this situation and how it will affect further their life together, completely depends on them.

Conflict is always considered a negative and unworthy, and treat him with prejudice. Of course, nothing pleasant in it, especially for those who take in a conflict situation directly involved. But nevertheless the quarrel bears also positive aspects. The whole essence lies in the nature of the conflict, since it can not be due to anything from scratch. Always can be identified:
-Conditions that lead to a buildup of conflict situations
Men and women who are directly involved in a quarrel,
-Ways of its prevention and resolution.
Hence we can say that the conflict - is the most valuable experience and lesson. During the conflict, a man and a woman is best to know and understand the habits and predilections of its second half. They get a rare opportunity to trace the development of their relationship and mutual understanding, and all this thanks to the emergence of quarrels between them. Spouses learn the scheme of the conflict situation, the reasons for that are the catalyst of a quarrel, and they also have the opportunity to understand what stage extends to their conflict. But after the resolution of the conflict lovers can examine ways to prevent quarrels, which will be most effective specifically for their relationships and everyday lifestyle.
However, keep in mind that how much you will be able to realize and accept these lessons depends on you. We only want to convince you that the conflict, small or large, should be subjected to scrutiny on your part to avoid similar situations in your future, because we all know saying: "come on the same rake." So, we should not repeat the same argument to the same problems - you just need to prevent them and find out once and for all. Knowledge - is power, so learn to identify the nature of conflict, which will be your first step towards the creation of his own happiness without conflicts and quarrels over trifles.
Learn why differences
You quarrel and each blames each other? But why the conflict occurred? Unlikely because someone forgot to buy bread, or because of late for the meeting. Maybe you just age relationship crisis ? Determine the reasons why you're halfway to the peace and harmony in the relationship. Most often, conflicts arise between man and woman, because of certain problems that a person is experiencing and which are the basis of his personal feelings and emotions. And age plays a significant role, because it represents one of the major characteristics of human personality.
With age, people are beginning to compare the achievements and desired and does not favor the progress. And it is this imbalance in the emotional state during periods of age-related changes is often a cause of quarrels in the family. Therefore, in these moments to show attention and sensitivity to each other to relieve emotional stress and prevent buildup quarrel. It is worth noting that the age crises are not strictly tied to the time frame, ie the fact that yesterday you mentioned her next birthday, which led you to the next milestone, does not mean that tomorrow you will interfere with her lover. At the same time and how long it will take place this or that crisis, too, depends entirely on the individual qualities.
Another cause of dispute, escalating into a conflict, can become and the delineation of spheres of activity partners. Currently, no one is surprised that everyone lives like a cat on their own. Namely such a situation, according to psychologists, certainly lead to the rupture of relations. Your future together may face and what you have with your partner completely different plans for the future of this most, which completely ignored the desire of its second half. Work, children, hobbies - do not put all of this as your top priority, do not trump your relationship to the background. The exit is always: do not just dive headlong into its sphere of interests. Make a list of things that are most important to you in life, and put your relationship with a man in the first place. Be sure to allot the days to just sit with your beloved in a cafe, or go on nature, or simply stroll the city at night.
You are an idealist and believe that all is well? You transcend yourself through in your relationship and try to ignore it? In vain! If there is something you do not like - say. Maybe his thoughts about your responsibilities do not coincide with yours and the cause of conflict lies in that! Costs a bit to understand that men and women want to get out of life. Realizing this, it will be possible to conclude that the weak and strong floor will inevitably have different priorities and desires. But the art to overcome conflicts and is to unite and understand each other's interests.
93% of modern women define themselves vital to the financial independence, 62% want to gain power in politics, in other words, do not want to be dependent on men. About privacy online in the first place put only a modest 1% of women versus 45%, put your trust, and 22%, who pointed out the respect, while for many men, sex is a priority. Only 22% of women find their sex life is excellent, and 63% believe her lover is not enough good. Thus, motherhood is in first place among all the things that a woman delivering the greatest satisfaction. Many people believe that making money on clothes, food and education for their children - a task more noble and rewarding than their education. However, women are much more pleasure from birth and child rearing than men, and, regrettably, most men do not appreciate this before Ever since then, until they become grandparents.