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Relationship with the world

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Relationship with the world

Relationships between people form a wide spectrum - from family relations to relations between states. Science, manufacturing, finance, politics and all other spheres of life depend on the relationships between people. And if at first glance it seems that it is not, then achieve a better understanding, we come to realize the importance of the relationship. Crime, terrorism come from the crisis of relations between people in the family and society, between social and religious groups and between peoples of different countries. Political and military crises - is a consequence of crises in relations between people within a country or other countries. But even this wide range of human relations is only part of man's relationship with the world . Let us consider some other forms of relationships.

Relationship with God

For example, man's relationship with God. On them depends a great part of the life of civilization. In history there are examples of the most profound impact on the lives of people of different faiths. Let us recall the proselytizing, the Inquisition, the Crusades, religious wars ... relationship with God can change from full submission, the state of "servant of God" to a complete denial. And in between these extremes is found a huge number of different options beliefs. And all these people are in the same space, often very close, in the same family that causes many problems - from intra-to inter-state conflicts. Paradox! Faith, which should bring people together, separates them and gives rise to multiple crises in the relationship. This theme of spiritual crisis is very important and is addressed in a separate chapter.
The relationship between man and nature

Let us turn to another example of the global importance of building relationships. In the relationship between man and nature, we are seeing at least a wide range - from the aggressive consumerism and status of "king of nature" to a complete subordination to it, which can still be found in some cultures. One extreme has led to a global ecological crisis, and another - to a halt in the development of entire nations and their extinction (eg, Indians of North America). The question of relations between man and nature is very important for the life of civilization, and in the new era they will occupy a worthy place. It's time to overcome the global crisis of relations with nature.

It must be built on a deep respect and love, but not on command. We must remember that the person - a being of a different order than nature. Yes, he's part of it, but part of a creative, creative, shaping many of the processes of life, including nature itself. Nature and the Earth as a whole are given to man for his happiness. All the world is for it! Earth and the nature given to man to control for the disclosure of his creative abilities. In the Bible, and says that the creator gave to Adam to name all the proper names of plants and animals. Give the name means to give life, manage ... And the people of the state of the creator are torn between two extremes - from the submission and the deification of nature to its ruthless use.

As not to disturb the relationship of values

All multi-dimensional planet and everything that we encounter in its space, serve individual and need only one thing - love and respect for themselves. And then we will have no problems, and we forget about concerning the nature of crises. There will be no destructive earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, climatic disasters ... But here we must remind the other side of love for nature. Everything should be approached with wisdom and love of nature is no exception. We have repeatedly met people who deeply love nature, plants, animals ... Stronger than a man! And this is not true in fact and necessarily lead to a crisis.

The relationship of man and animals

On the love of animals should be a special mention. Here, the distortion in values are particularly strong and have to live a very big impact. "Dog lover" and "cat owner" very much and it becomes more and more. That's already come up with the World Day of cats ... of World Day for men there, and cats - is there. Growing number of fans of exotic animals ... Many homes contain birds, fish ... and it is very often a question of relations reaches deep crisis. The difficulties begin when an animal senses become more powerful than a man. In some families, just right to hang up the slogan "Love me at least like a dog!".

The plaque near the front door of a house, I saw a list of tenants, and the first place is the name of the dog, on the second - the hostess - the third owner, and followed by children ... In many families because of excessive love of animals there are tensions and leaves love, divorces happen ... a paradox, but very often the crisis in relations with people generates a love for animals. And the fanatics from the animal world forget about that man - a creature of another level, and it can not be commensurate with the animals. This is the deepest humiliation of God in man! Those who do not understand, let honestly say to himself: "Well, I have not yet risen to the level of his divinity and to understand the essence of man." Perhaps for this reason that the church does not allow dogs in their space?

Man and the creation of his hands - the second nature

Many products and items fill our lives, but we know how to wisely build relationships with all of this? Experience shows that there is. Often things take in people's lives above the place and displace people. As in the case of animals, clothes and money go in the first place, the value of the life of the man down, and people start killing each other because of the wealth. Second nature displaces the first ... consumerism destroys the underlying human values ... Man, the creator, the creator becomes second nature to her appendage. And now second nature kills people. Number of people killed in accidents exceeds the number of deaths from all diseases combined. And how many people are killed in various man-made disasters?

To avoid such crises, should radically alter the relationship with the second nature. First of all, we must invest more love in the creation of human hands. All that makes a person needs to be done with love and only love! Only in this way and not otherwise. It is to this need and strive to prepare food, and to create space ships. If everything to do with love, nothing will harm the person, and people will not die from his own creations.

Man and Space

In another way to build a relationship with the cosmos. Civilization has reached a point where there is need to revise the existing relations. The way in which humanity is going into space, leading to a deadlock. For half a century space projects "ate" immense resources of many countries. In the atmosphere were thrown out millions of tons of combustion products of fuel. Ozone Layer was "perforated" many thousands of times. Near-Earth space littered with huge amount of space debris. And most importantly, killing several hundred support staff and space launch astronauts. And what is achieved? Even trips to the moon remained a problem, and fly to other planets is impossible. These huge amounts of money should be used to create a happy life here on Earth. Relationship with the cosmos is necessary to build, using energy and spiritual possibilities of man. Such actions and expects us to space. He's also a lively and intelligent, and we to him without love ...

On Earth, there are many other invisible civilizations with which to build a harmonious relationship, and this too is a problem of modern man ... It's conjecture, and I support it, what on earth are all available in the space of civilization in the form of plant and animal worlds, in a microcosm in the form of beings of other plans ... The task of man is to build a good, respectful, friendly relationship and loving relationship with all beings and the planet itself alive.
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