Relationships with colleagues
Friends - The thing is scarce. Easy to make friends in childhood and adolescence: classmates, fellow students and even fellow kindergarten or a mug of singers / gymnastics / judo. Where to find friends for an adult? "Of course, in my office!" - Think you are ... wrong. That is not entirely wrong. Friendly relations with colleagues in your best interest. Well, when the team loves you and respects you. Well, when there who go for lunch and with whom to have a smoke on the stairs. It's great if your colleague can "cover up" in front of your boss by any wholly-owned alibi like: "Do not worry, it is delayed only because she had a flat tire. Arrive at any minute. " But there are a number of situations and cases where the friendship (or simply too close relations with colleagues), not only do not go in your favor, but also directly impair your interests. Here are some common examples of friendship that threatens your personal interests.

1.B burst of candor (or stupid) you blabbed to a colleague, how many are getting. And he / she - petrified of that amount - was filled with envy to you, negatives, and as a consequence, the desire to turn out with your cushy job. Morality is simple - to all questions about your income, answer: "Trade secret". Money question arose among many close friends.
2.You with a colleague, a friend to compete. And how would your friendship? Will play in the giveaway, especially trying not too increase their sales to the other was not hurt? Not worth it. At work, you must always remain a high-level professionals and work in full force. And may the best man win.
3.Vashego another increase in the post. And you quietly envious and wonder what he was better than you. At this office the friendship ends.
4.You in a fit of anger or resentment office complaining to someone on the head, using a lot of unprintable swear words and curses. A colleague of yours at the right time passes them to the head behind you. You also can only guess: why I was fined / demoted / removed from this project / fired?
Friendly relationships with colleagues at work - it's wonderful. But beware. Do not let the intra-warmer relations ruin your career and infringe upon your interests!
Do I need to "knock" on the Board of the
History has known a time when scammers thrived. Before the "knock" on the familiar was profitable. And now? Will the denunciation of a colleague to defend their interests? Of course, many large corporations are now live on the harsh law of the jungle: the strongest wins (see also: cunning, mean, bold). A lot of promotions took place after fellow competitors were "laid by" the boss. A striking example - my friend Nina. Once it was simply a sales representative, but after a "happy event" could podsidet his boss, and he was fired.
To take a cushy chair, Nina went to the owner of the company and was told someone of her colleagues - sales representatives took public money and who is rude to customers. So Nina got promoted. But the new place she stayed briefly. Becoming the boss of those whom she had passed, Nina managed to set himself against the entire department. In the end, sore subordinates joined forces and survived it from the firm. Morality is as old as world: evil always comes back as well ...
If you are told by someone, be sure - sooner or later donesut and you. Another situation where you have access to certain information, which really need the boss. For example, your slave crawled into the public money, you get that and decided to cover it before the big bosses. Think carefully before doing so. In this case, you assume a huge responsibility. And if any facts come out, suspicion will fall on you, what is more, you can make the guilty. And then other people's problems become yours.
In short, each case deserves special consideration. All carefully weigh before making a decision. If you are abhorrent act as an informer, who behind snitch on their colleagues, can play in the open. For example, honestly tell your colleague that you got some bad information about him and want to pass the boss. You can even apologize in advance. But to sacrifice its interests to cover up someone's fault, not worth it.