Meditation has been practised by many eastern countries for thousands of years, priests and monks include meditation in their daily routine to bring about balance and clarity mentally, emotionally and physically. Many Gurus in India practice meditation to develope their spiritual awareness and wisdom.

Meditation is a relaxation exercise, the techniques used are rhythmic breathing, stilling the ego mind which create a balance and focus mentally, it also promotes total relaxation physically.
It can practiced daily will create for you a more relaxed attitude towards life as you will become more clear as to what is important in life, but it is recommended that there be a routine such as early morning or night sessions. You will stay calm in stressful situations, feel more enliven and balanced physically and truly become the master of your own destiny..
The ego mind is our conscious mind, the one that worry’s about anything that is materialistic, it’s concerns are based on fears and expectations. The ego mind blocks your awareness of who you really are, it draws your attention to your fears and wants.

The sub-conscious mind is your inner-self, when drawn forward through meditation, it will give you a sense of who you really are, it will guide you in what you really need.
For example, your wordily concerns may be focused on obtaining a car, so you work overtime, to achieve this goal, allowing yourself no free time.
The inner-self knows that it requires time out because the mental, emotional and physical stress placed on the body is excessive, so it will create a illness so that it will have to rest.
If this is the case, the ego mind will have a total reaction of fear for it had created a want of obtaining a car, and becoming ill has hindered this desire.
Meditation will bring about a balance between the ego-mind and the inner-self , it will help you gain more insight into your needs and wants..