Relaxation techniques sexual corruption
Living things have different means of protection: fangs, claws, protective coloration, the ability to develop high speed, extremely acute hearing and eyesight. Using these abilities, the animal can escape the attack. Most people no one has taught how to protect themselves through the magic of mental and emotional attacks in the form of curses, envy, or a permanent human evil eye to sexual health and happiness, sexual beauty, and family happiness. How to protect themselves by magic, how to work with the higher powers in order to preserve the harmony of life? How to erect a shield in the way of any negative effects: mental or physical? Witches know it. I want each of you knew that the "devil is not so bad as he is painted." And if there was impotence in the normal way of life, nothing terrible will need time to take off someone else's energy influence.
There are several methods of neutralizing the harmful effects of another person. The most common method of removing the sexual corruption :
Suppose you know, or envious of a man who speaks ill of you. Imagine his mind, imagine him clearly, as in reality, then imagine yourself in that person draws a large white "X". Repeat this process until some scenes will not disappear under the paint. At this point you will be completely separated from the man and neutralized by the negative influence.
Oberezhnoe protective ring conspiracy. It is used to neutralize the power of people, or intending to cause overt harm, or undermine your reputation, or expose you to other hazards. For the preparation of a protective ring oberezhnogo plot you will need:
- One teaspoon of incense.
- One teaspoon of salt, preferably sea.
- One teaspoon of juniper needles.
And you should be ladannitsa, similar to those which the priests use in churches, swinging on a chain when they pass along the rows of the congregation. Such a capacity can tailor any of the copper sheet, you can use a regular baking foil. Need to put it in several layers bend in the manner of baskets, sprinkle a mixture of ingredients in it and attaching a thick woolen thread or light cord, stand in the center of his room and spinning around a lighted ladannitsu, say the following:
Example plot
I neutralize the power of a certain enemy,
that he (she) could not (could not)
cause me any harm.
I'm sending her power (his power)
to his master,
and suppose that this force is negative
closes in on the heart, radiating it.
It shall be holy, so be it pure.
You say aloud a conspiracy until the smoke continues to flow from ladannitsy. Once the smoke has ceased to flow, a ritual to purify and protect themselves against unfavorable influences over. Ashes after this ritual, it is best to dig into untrodden ground.
You can perform this ritual every time you feel yourself on an alien influence, using a new batch of ingredients and re-folding a basket of foil.
In any situation, one must be able to defend itself from any psychoenergetical danger. For this approach even a simple protective conspiracy:
Mother, gave birth to the gods,
I cut my shield
protective cover-blood.
It should say at least nine times. Took a deep breath on a long long time to exhale, you should say nine times out loud. I'm always surrounded by such a shield himself, his car and apartment, his relatives, when parting with them and leaving on a business trip. Shield serves several functions. First, it represents a very real obstacle to energy hazard, and secondly, on the other hand, you realize that you live within a protective shell, shows great vigilance in regard to the probable danger. Are not always symptoms of damage are really spoiled. Unemployment, sickness, loneliness, problems in relationships with others are perceived by many citizens as a consequence of psychic attack or a curse haunting the family since ancient times.
Dishonest parapsychologists may even encourage this fear, saying its customers that someone has cursed and of themselves and their families. Over breathtaking fee parapsychologist light a candle in a temple or pilgrimage to the monastery, or hold a magic ritual, which will remove, say, a curse. But only the bare minimum of people know what a real psychic attack. Whatever shot Hollywood filmmakers nor incredibly popular authors wrote horror stories, most of us are psychic attack is not threatened. As a rule, people harm their own stupid ideas, rather than curse the enemies, viciously stabbing pin dolls.
Curse spells and evil sorcery really exist, but mostly negative charms people impose on themselves. The ancient Slavs is a personal curse, which is called Ozev said. This happens when people underestimate themselves, constantly adjusts itself that the life he is bad and so on. Harm comes from the man himself in his own destiny. Blame someone else for their problems and errors are always easier than to become masters of their own destiny. In some cases, when you are the source of their own problems, to return life to normal, you may need professional help. Such people I invite to the annual winter and summer rituals that are conducted in Old temples.
Protective broth
This concoction will help men and women to save energy intimate health, to protect themselves from the evil eye, cleansed of evil energy, get rid of the damage, if any, already hovering over your sexual function. To prepare the broth will need the following ingredients:
- Three cups of spring water. For lack thereof, can be used melt water, frozen in the freezer for at least nine days.
- Tablespoon of iron filings. Even better - copper filings.
- One tablespoon of vervain.
- One tablespoon of mistletoe.
- Two tablespoons of sea salt.
- Four pea incense.
- A pinch of wolf fur with a lint-free living wolf.
All mix, bring to a boil, but do not give a broth to boil. Cool and stand in a dark place in tightly closed container in a period of forty days. Strain broth is not necessary. To achieve the protective effect sufficiently steeped in broth with a cotton swab to wipe the genital area. You will avoid
from spoilage, and she later you will not terrible.