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Religious and occult practices

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Religious and occult practices

To date, the most popular is this: to resort to outside help for the manufacture of a magical object. It may be a talisman or charm. It is also very often practiced withdrawal of damage or the evil eye. But all is well within reasonable limits. And the man who can not imagine life without a visit to a fortune teller, has every chance of completely losing touch with reality. The more careful you have to be the choice of "magical affairs specialist" to whom you are, in fact trust their own destiny. Risk of running into layman's great as ever. This is due to the fact that witchcraft is not currently engaged in just lazy. So, referring to the "hereditary healer", the more trust your eyes and senses, rather than an abundance of long and beautiful titles.

 If you feel insincere if from you clearly pulled the money, turn around and go under the pretext. Still no good for you is a "cure" will not bring. But the bad consequences can be. Healers and witch doctors in the best sense of the word - is a warrior spirit, who lead the fight against Evil. Intuitively or consciously, but more often simply because they are designed for this purpose and can not be different. One local healer who cures many diseases simply laying on of hands, by the way, for a nominal fee, told me that she was very ill and feels almost physical pain when forced to happen to make a break for a few days of treatment. And not once convinced of its strength, I want to say that has not noticed that she used some special verbal formula, but on behalf of her patients called, and many times it repeats.

But there are those that specifically examine what use the forces of evil. When a person embarks on this path, he certainly is trying to fight evil, knowing it. But this is a dangerous skill, since such a person can not be sure that he would not himself be tempted by one of the tricks, and these forces do not possess them. And then he begins ostensibly for healing, with a good purpose, to use the attributes of black magic that destroys man's inner world and take root in his mind the idea that man should not strive to understand themselves and the Supreme laws of reason, but with attributes of the lower, shady , strength, evade those tasks that are assigned to a person in his path. And among those engaged in clandestine practices, there are those who simply absorb the energy of people. As a result, people who came for help, can become only worse. Of course, such acts are punishable, and this grief - the specialists usually work for long. But reasonable caution never hurts. As the saying goes, "forewarned is forearmed."
Religious and occult practices have their own pros and cons. Those who are really gifted and helps people prevent: to use their skills to be the case only real influence on your fate the same practices. Enforced as interference in another's destiny does not bring anything good. In addition, the plot - is a verbal formula, which is adapted so that the power of your mind and soul to influence events or people. This means that such a subservient way to change the fate of each, although it requires some training. Wizards - healers use the principles of the influence of words on the subconscious mind and fit to the plot very seriously. There is also a kind of "safety" when using the plots.

To begin with, that not all conspiracies are suitable for independent use. And the names that are used in some of them, in the esoteric sciences represent the forces of evil. Specialist, then this will understand, but the rookie who has read a piece of paper interesting spell that can inflict self-harm and cause the person to whom in their right mind would not want to be the case. There are many nuances, which amateurs are not even aware. For example, if you pray or read the plot, as a pioneer slogans, the good of this pronunciation is a little bit. And besides, the text must often mentioned your name. Only then will you feel real results.

People who do not wish to cause harm to another, it is better not to use the plots to other people. But in a can. Has the right to self-determination, and that is why violence against another's will not bring happiness. Also, be unhappy, not only fascinated, but also the one who bewitch. Because any The Love love turns into its opposite. If you decide to resort to the skill of the sorcerer, it is better to be free from unrequited feelings, try to cope with it. The story that I've known for quite some time, the best evidence of this truth. In one small town girl is really in love with a guy. A guy was absolutely indifferent to it, besides meeting with another girl. Despairing, silly love found nothing better than to apply to the local witch, good choice in the town was great. But what if she went to the sorceress, or just all happened to justice.

Privorot acted, but it became worse. The guy could not sleep, he always dreamed of a person hated, and he disagreed circles, like ripples on the water. Feeling that was happening to him that something was wrong, he told it like it is, my friend. And he thought - he thought, and gave: "So you are bewitch!". And from that moment on the painful visions of the past, and the girl that frustrated boyfriend can not watch. Love turned to hate, and fans love spell there was not the slightest chance to fall in love themselves the object of adoration. Which, incidentally, later married his girlfriend and lives with her in peace and harmony.

So, if your principles allow you to use other people's magic formula, then at least do not lose your mind. The forces of evil are not disinterested and far-insecure. Of course, the man who suffered a misfortune, often ready to deal. But even being on the edge, you should not trust your immortal soul the first that fell dubious assistant. Should look for strength in itself, and, turning for help to the people, keep your eyes and ears open. Simple observation can keep you from danger. For example, too many real objects and use of names of elements and spirits - a sure sign of contact with the lower forces. Conversely, the simpler the ritual, the sooner you come to a truly gifted man.

Some attend church and observe all provisions of the rituals. But even appeal to the church often does not solve the problem. The fact that higher forces can prompt a decision or give a blessing, but only for a good cause. But instantly solve the problem the way you like it, they are unlikely to be. They sure your concept of your goodness and validity of tests sent. Besides turning to God abhors routine. And, getting to church in a hurry, you simply do not have time to focus on. A prayer can be useful only if it is referred to the soul and sense. Coming to the temple with the prophecy, we often forget to ask forgiveness for the perfect, albeit inadvertently, evil. And it must be done. But most importantly, what can and should ask for in a church - it is strength of mind and protection from evil forces. And all that you will succeed without vedovskih tricks that can turn into disaster.
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