What is the initiative , all of us more or less clear. Creativity - the word for us a new and incomprehensible. It came to us from the English zyka. Create means to "create", "create". Creative - «creative", "creative". Creativity requires a creative approach to every case that comes before man. Initiative in conjunction with creativity - a force that can move mountains. Enterprising person to be in our time is much more profitable. Society - an interactive system-te-ma. If a person is not trying to show their best side, no one will notice. If you read fairy tales, you might remember the phrase "for people to see a show." Enterprising people always be able to demonstrate to others their best qualities and skills. Perhaps this behavior can someone seem immodest. But, on the other hand, modesty may cause you'll always stay away from an interesting life. In short, initiative and creativity - it is extremely important sostavlyayuschieuspeha. What are the principles of proactive thinking? Everything is simple - never give up, try to find any way out.
Even at first glance, this decision would seem a bit strange. I think, in the context of our conversation will not prevent recall a historical fact. After the bourgeois revolution in France, many aristocrats, fleeing the wrath of the common people, have fled to Russia. Here they were willing to do anything. Someone Le Mer published in The Marine Gazette announcement that he was giving lessons in French, Polish, Swedish, Turkish, and even ten other languages, teaching of geography, arithmetic, navigation, hydraulics and other sciences, but also "knows the secret of how to manufacture from cheap broken pottery expensive china. This gentleman was, without doubt, a very enterprising man, he thought today would be the envy of even the most resourceful. In fact, the main thing - to make themselves whole world around, to show their talents and abilities. And, perhaps, find it around your proposals very, very interesting.
Initiative in finding work
Job search - it is a complicated process. Often it is not a special pleasure. In fact, being in search of work, we may feel deprived by fate. Relatives and friends may look at us with ill-concealed sympathy. Indeed job search can be significantly delayed. And this inevitably leads to problems with finances. But the long search of work are usually a lazy, lack of initiative of people. They prefer to wait for the right moment, which, of course, can occur. But when it will be, nobody knows. Enterprising people with creative thinking will never wait for the sea weather. As the saying goes, if the mountain will not come to Mohammed, Mohammed goes to the mountain. If the work is in no hurry to find you, you should find it. It may happen that you absolutely do not fit neither of those works that you've found lately. The reasons can be many: you are too smart or, conversely, is not very smart, and you are too young or, conversely, not too young, you do not like the salary, you do not like the job responsibilities, work colleagues, bosses, etc.
In short, the reasons may be very different. Hence, the time has come to include your creative thinking and to make sure that very soon they were all surprised by your rapidly changing social status. For example, yesterday you were just unemployed, and have now become CEO of his own business. What does your enterprise? And it is up to you, because it is a proactive person with creative thinking. You may well choose for themselves (and maybe not only for themselves, because the status of director general assumes that subordinates), the front papers. For example, you can organize your business that repairs, offices and residential premises. Of course, quality is difficult to repair without special skills. But who said that these skills do you personally can not buy? After all, there is a rich literature, the study which simply necessary for each creative thinking person. In addition, you can hire professionals who had previously been involved in this activity. You should take only organizational issues, such as office rent, contracts with customers, etc. If you really are a proactive person, you can ensure that their subordinates profitable orders.
It is not necessary to look very rich customers, because people with average incomes and make repairs. And these clients to find a lot easier. Of course, you as a leader must take responsibility for repairs, which will hold your subordinates. However, it goes without saying. After all, your clients who were satisfied with the repairs, will recommend you to their friends. Of course, the repair - this is not the only opportunity for you to realize their potential. Look around and choose for themselves the scope of their abilities. Often people prefer to settle for a small solely because of their own fears. Many are afraid to take risks, think personally they still will not work.
And do not get because they do not make mistakes who does nothing. Worst of all evils - idleness. Of course, not every enterprising people with creative thinking can decide their own businesses (which we just talked about). Nevertheless, one can easily find another solution. For example, you live in a small provincial town, and quite strongly about this sorry. In your town you just do not find a decent scope. So why do not you leave this wilderness? You have not considered this option? Why? You are burdened with family and five tiny children can not do without a dad or mom? All right. Then you have to find other ways. For example, why not try to turn their godforsaken outback in this "paradise"? How? It's up to you as the owner of creative thinking.