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Spells for Fertility Reuniting Lover and Money

Articles Contents

You can cast these love spells if you have these questions in your mind:

1.      I want my lost love to return back to me.

2.      I want my love to come back to me who is with some one else.

3.      I want my lover to love me more.

4.      I need to attract my lost love.

5.      I need my soulmate to be with me forever.

6.      I need to reunite with my lost love.

7.      I need to attract my ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend.

8.      I need to retrieve my lost love.

9.      I feel that my lover is loosing his or her interest in me.

10.  I need reunite my lover spell.

11.  I am looking for love, sex spell.

12.  I need to fix a broken relationship.

13.  I need to bind my love together.

14.  I need to make him or her fall deeply in love with me.

15.  I need to stop separation or divorce spell.

16.  I need to keep my love faithful spell.

17.  I need a spell to get rid or destroy other men or women in life.

18.  I need a true love or soul mate spell.

19.  I need my love commitment spell.

20.  Couple love spell.

21.  I need a proper love bond relation between lovers.

22.  Save my marriage now spell.

These are some of the questions that you may have in your mind while looking for a love spell.

So looking for love spells. E-mail me your Date of Birth and Full name. I will cast a powerful love spells for you,


Fertility spells:

It is known by many names such as spells for fertility, fertility spells wicca, spells for pregnancy etc

Every woman is having fertility or pregnancy problems have several questions in her mind. Will I get pregnant? Or will I ever conceive or I want fertile or pregnancy spell for a healthy baby. Magic spells do have the answers to all such questions.

Witchcraft spells:  These spells are used for love relation, money problems and also to destroy curse, black magic spell etc. So if you are looking for powerful and easy witchcraft spell you are at the right place. I will cast white witchcraft spell on behalf of you if you are having any type of problems.

If you have any queries or looking for or in need of spells. E-mail me your Name, Date of Birth and Nationality with all your questions or requirements. I will get back to you. I will see that by casting spells, your problems are solved. I will cast powerful spells for you.


Money spells:

Proper money spell is said to bring money and solve all the financial problems or to make easy money. Money spells are based on the concept of white magic and so it is also called as white magic money spells.

If you have many questions in mind like:

·        I want money spell to be rich or for business.

·        I want looking for money spells financial gains or spell to have wealth or even money spells for banishing debt.

·        I need money spells to win lottery etc then you may try powerful money spells.


Money spells can be done for a number of reasons such as:

·        To end your financial problems.

·        For lotto and gambling.

·        For banishing debt or getting job spells.

·        If your business is not giving you success and money is running away from you.

·        For business and to get customers.

·        To force others to give you money.

·        Money or money making spells.

So if you are having money or financial problems, email me your Name, Birth Date, and Nationality so that I will be able to go through your stars and will be able to guide you and advise you in a better way.

Free Money spell

Hello,  i wanted to share this spell with everyone:


Place 3 candles surrounded by sugar on a plate at the highest point in your home. Light the candles and ask for 3 wishes to the 3 guardian angels Rafael, Michael and Gabriel

Ask a wish 1 wish for business, 1 wish for love and 1 impossible wish.
publish this spell on the 3rd day after you requested your 3 wishes and see what happens on the 4th day. "



Easy love spell


Love spells are very tricky business, wiccans hold to the tenet to do any magic against the will of another person in unethical. So I strongly suggest giving careful thought to any spell you do to compel another against their will.

Take a lock of hair from you lover and tie a pink ribbon around it. Light three pink candles and then place the hair in a hollowed out apple along with a pinch of ground cinnamon, 7 rose petals and a lock of your own hair tied with a white ribbon, pass the apple through the flame of each candle while visualizing yourself and your lover. Wrap the apple in a piece of white cloth, then bury it under the window where you sleep. This will help strengthen the existing bond between you.

Other methods include:

  • Sprinkle licorice herb over your lovers footprints to make sure he returns.
  • Place a handful or marigolds or rosemary under the bed where your lover sleeps.
  • Add garlic to the food you both consume.


If you have any questions then you may email me all your questions with you Name, Birth date and Nationality.


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