Reunion kind
Rod brings respect and reverence for elders, which are a prerequisite for human development. Aimed at building relationships and energy spent force pays off. But in the daily bustle, many people have forgotten about the existence of a kind and are not fluent in their pedigrees. They do not know important details of life, even the previous generation, not to mention the deeper roots. Where they were born your parents, how their childhood, how they met and how to build their lives, what their interests were, as their relationship evolved, what challenges they dealt with - all these and many other things you need to know in order to understand the his life, to understand the causes of what is happening with us. Only then we will be able to solve much in his life. If we are as deeply studying the life of the grandparents, the more advance in solving today's problems.
Where they were born your parents, how their childhood, how they met and how to build their lives, what their interests were, as their relationship evolved, what challenges they dealt with - all these and many other things you need to know in order to understand the his life, to understand the causes of what is happening with us. Some have concentrated power in the search of their roots in previous generations, trying to look as deeply as possible and find famous relatives in the past. It is important not the number of open knee type and the presence of celebrities and money, that is, the depth of understanding of the life of previous generations. Everyone has the opportunity to recharge energies kind and give him his energy. Thus there is a constant exchange of energies, resulting in evolving race and people. Imagine a tree, one of the branches of which is the people. She reaches for the light, the sun gets its energy, converts and transmits the race. And the trunk is a counter flow of life energy from the roots of the kind ...
Restoration of tribal relations

Most people do not know all his relatives. Not only communicate with them, but never seen, and are often unaware of their existence. Well, sort of reunion, the first step to this - the creation of generic books, encyclopedias kind, which will feature all of its members still alive and at least two or three preceding generations. Desirable to find those relatives, learn about them, how and where they live, to contact them, build a relationship at least at the level of Christmas cards and birthday greetings ... So there is a restoration of generic links, formation of tribal community, creating an image of family tree. It is important not just to find relatives, but deeply, to the extent possible, to understand their lives, to identify the causes of their successes and problems, add to your experience and based on this purchase wisdom. Kind of experience is given to us on it and learn not to repeat mistakes made by the ancestors and relatives. There is a pattern: if a person did not realize the error of his relatives, he'll have to live them again, often in a more complex version.
In no case can not condemn their roots! Indeed, in this case, people cut down the branch on which sit. In collaboration with the genus is very important wisdom. To build relationships so as not to cause resentment, envy and aggression. These negative traits are most characteristic of relationships with relatives. And the main reason most often the material issues. Here are most needed to show wisdom, or complex problems will increase. Often from relatives, directly or indirectly, can be heard: "What am I your word? Help financially. " Here, too, need wisdom. You can not rush headlong with the money. Try to understand what is really needed by relatives.
Development of genus
This step requires serious preliminary preparation and effort. Larger or smaller than the first step - it's hard to say because all individually. Someone does not make much effort to explore their ancestry, someone will be easier to do the second step, but someone seems the most difficult third. So, the second step to his family is helping him in the development, creation of conditions for the growth of family tree. And for that person must grow! We must start with yourself. For many, this task is most difficult ... Many generations now degraded. They overlap the way children are leaving early in the life of members of the genus, there are many genetic diseases and other problems, broken ties with relatives ... And when you look at the image of a family tree, it is not often you see a tree and tree stump ...
Many problems arise in order to start the process of increasing family tree. And this is due to many reasons. Many generations now degraded. They overlap the way children are leaving early in the life of members of the genus, there are many genetic diseases and other problems, broken ties with relatives ... And when you look at the image of a family tree, it is not often you see a tree but a stump ... And this "stump" need to revitalize, energize and open the road race. The task of awakening and development of nature and man comes into this race! Not only for the physical body, but also to help the family come to life, to family tree has taken a worthy place in the garden of a human! Just let them rise up from the stump, only one twig - for many genera, and this will be a huge undertaking.
Distancing from the genus
Made two important steps to a sort of - you know him closely, smoothed the rough edges, built a good relationship with most of the relatives began to listen to your parents. But at a certain stage of building relationships with the genus to raise the question of distancing oneself from it. It is very important to feel this moment. Otherwise, any such strong ties that break out of them will be very difficult. At a certain stage of building relationships with the genus to raise the question of distancing oneself from it. It is very important to feel this moment. When there is a premature separation from family, it becomes all bad. Quite common to see people who have come off early in the race and on their own paving the way for life. Many believe this advantage. And indeed, the man formerly mentally born and matures. But there are also disadvantages. Man is limited in the use of generic energy it harder to implement their ideas. It does not solve the problem of awakening and development of nature. And sooner or later affect his fate or the fate of future generations.
Distance themselves from the kind - it does not mean to break off relations with his family and forget about them. Communicate with them, but get rid of the bindings and responsibilities of the members of the genus. Distance themselves from the kind - it does not mean to break off relations with his family and forget about them. Communicate with them, but get rid of the bindings and responsibilities of the members of the genus. Your area of responsibility is already spreading throughout the country and the planet. From these positions and should be looking at race. Recommend using the following formula: "The relatives - as passers-by. Passers-by - as a family. " Or even further: "My mother - as a passer. Passer - as a mother. "
Think about those words in them ... the principle of harmonious relations with all people on earth: from near and far, with blood and spiritual family. In this case, the person becomes aware of itself part of the whole human race, and everyone perceives as a family. Geneticists confirm that we are all descended from one foremothers ... This is the state of a mature man. In the new era everyone should strive to achieve maturity. This is the way to a life without crisis. Good generic relationships smooth all irregularities of life.