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Reverend Sampson a priest and healer

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Reverend Sampson, a priest and healer, strannopriimtsu

Oh, predstatelyu our LORD and warm molitvenniche, reverend Father Sampson! Seest from heaven, for they perish in the hardships and skorbeh: supplied more among us to otstupstvu distrust and division, oskudevaet Luba, multiplied by the same transgressions and temptations, sickness and sorrow set homeless, orphaned and Gladney. From this, Father, Take Power, but resist the temptation to arrange peace in the hearts of our love and faith in Christ and hope of the Orthodox and will make the care of the sick and poor, If ye do not you zastupishi us your predstatelstvom warm, asking for help from God to us in our nemoscheh? Save UBO Pray blagomoschie Hristolyubivago our people, the strength of the country's Russian, peace and serene the holy Church, all the same fence and keep us steadfast in the midst of the infidels, denouncing our faith detractors shield them from temptations, stirred up the heart of the propertied to Milovanov beggars sogreyaniyu hladny, napitaniyu hungry and homeless charity, satisfying the multiplication of sorrows and diseases, famines and other disasters Ny bite, give weak suffering infants, send down from the Lord strengthen, comfort and consolation to the women, in the throes of childbirth suschym, and all of hard work in hospitals, prisons and prison weary let ye all praise to the Trinity slavimago God the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
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