Right to make mistakes
Perfect people do not happen. Even the most perfect employee, even the most brilliant professional probably at least once in his career was wrong. And what if this happened to you? If you make a miscalculation or a serious error, the first thing you should do - to forgive yourself. Laceration over the deed, not only useless but also harmful. Need to forgive yourself. You are not perfect. And who is perfect? It could happen to anyone. Draw conclusions from the situation and try to perceive the event as a lesson. Once you do, beware. Now you'll probably have to defend their interests.
Why? Yes, because, having made some mistake at work, you have given to their colleagues and superiors you the opportunity to move and infringe upon your rights. It is professional punctures often provoke all sorts of fines, pay cut, even dismissal. For example, my girlfriend Veronica, a student theatrical institution, such as the work leading to the pathos corporate party. In the midst of the event she accidentally mixed up the pieces of the script and incorrectly presented one of the VIP guests, calling it a producer, while he was a composer. It would seem that the error was not so terrible, but the VIP guest did not think so. He threw a real tantrum. Behind the scenes, began the scandal. Veronica, instead of to the evening as if nothing had happened, went to listen to criticisms and threats of producer and director of the event.
As a result of her spirits had been irrevocably damaged, and the rest of the party she held a crumpled and nervousness. After the event she had not received a penny for the work.
-Rejoice, you that we have not been fined - told her - be glad that we did to you in this city, oxygen is not blocked. Yes, if we want to, you do anywhere else will not work. So tell us much.
Veronica said "thanks" and walked away with nothing. Why did it happen? Does the error Veronica was such a really terrible and unforgivable? Of course not. Just in time organizers have noticed that the girl feels guilty and scared, and decided on this play, in order to save. Should not be so punished himself. The right to make a mistake everyone has. Be confident. One mistake can negate all your past achievements. So do not hesitate to sit at the negotiating table. And discuss with his superiors what had happened. You can take the full responsibility to mitigate the consequences of your piercing. But do not let deprive themselves of the money that you earned. In the end, you've done your job. Due to the fact that something did not work, you do not have to lose everything.