Rituals as a means to combat violence
Every teacher will agree that violence in schools is not necessarily caused by the tacit "disassembly" of opposing groups. Often as agents of violence are the lone stand out for their aggressive and violent temper. Among them are many children from disadvantaged families who suffer from injuries at home and in need of abreaction resulting frustration, boys and girls who resort to violence to rid them from the oppressive nightmare. Demonstrated by their violence is in fact a cry for help.
However, in the context of group psychology of this can be seen from another point of view. Will this difficult, unstable, or felt the adverse impact of the environment for children to impose their perspective group, or it will be able to neutralize their addiction? It depends on the ratio of members of other groups in the classroom from the current constellation of psychological atmosphere, ideal for performances and other groups.
If there is a children's group is weakly first internal structure of its immunity and resistance is smaller and the probability that disadvantaged children will set the tone and more. Conversely, if the kids together find the strength sufficient to withstand the pressure of these destructive tendencies, their chances to protect themselves from possible excesses of brutal violence are sufficiently large. Positive forces of nullifying the effect of aggressive children.
To one of the positive phenomena, owe their emergence groups include rituals. Under the ritual is understood pattern of behavior to which recourse as a means of resolving conflict. Rituals - a collective action, serving to maintain control during the crisis, when in danger, and transient conditions, such as marriage, birth and death. Rituals are also needed to ensure security and to crude, baser instincts could not take precedence over human nature. Rituals are always associated with the group.
Ethnology gives many examples of ritual forms of address violence. Different tribes and peoples of these rituals are very razlichayutsya.Prirodny landscape of Papua New Guinea, the island nation of Indonesia, is mountainous and wooded. Irregularity of the landscape has led to diversity is: tribes, separated by mountains, do not understand each other. Many of them are in a state of permanent war with each other. Military confrontation is often lasts for months, taking much time and energy. In this case, attention is drawn to a clear discrepancy between the scale of military operations and the loss in manpower. Dressed in battle armor, causing war paint and filling the neighborhood warlike cries, the tribe invades enemy territory, in effect, without causing any damage to the enemy - the raid did not leave behind any damage or deaths.
All these military activities are conducted within a specific scenario. Initially, one tribe attacks another, trying to make as much noise. Another group retreats, and then wakes up and cries spurring themselves, in turn, tends to the enemy. Between the stock side bombarded each other with spears. The cries of the warring consist of boastful praise their own merit and wealth. Quality and degree of consistency opponent ridiculed in the most offensive form. Both sides are trying to outdo each other in boasting and mutual reproach.
Often, in order to prove their own wealth, demonstrate reduced to a cow. For the same reason it defiantly clog. Another tribe, willy-nilly give one or two cows to show that they were not born yesterday. This form of ritual of military confrontation - unfortunately, today is played in Papua New Guinea rarely - has long been a bone in the throat of Australian educators, nullifying all their efforts to raise agricultural Papua New Guinea. All cows, a gift of these tribes to develop their livestock, after some time were killed.
It is interesting that similar rituals can also be found in schoolchildren. Under favorable conditions, there are patterns of behavior that serve children way to lose, or abreaction, their aggressive impulses. The fire of aggression, giving him a break for a moment, do not give a flare. Thus, in one school 4-graders began to beat any of the classmates every Friday. Every time this morning disclosed the name of the victim. For example: in the afternoon to prepare Bärbel. This meant that the beating should be held in the late afternoon of the last lesson. Accordingly, all day tension grew, seething passion. Pupils enthusiastically anticipating the expected event, rooting for the victim fear for his own skin, or joined to the aggressors. To date, however beat usually does not reach. Victims, preventing early in the morning, had time to prepare in advance. After the last lesson, the boy grabbed his knapsack, with all legs straight raced home ahead of his pursuers. Watch for the victim and to realize our plans, usually without success. In this class, the violence was ritualized. We consider in this case
rituals as a means against nasillya.
The rituals developed by the participants of groups united by a sense of solidarity - the only effective means of suppressing aggressive tendencies. A kind of grafting small injections of violence suspends its further spread. Such rituals can not be imposed from outside the group. Hope ultimately to eliminate the aggressive tendencies in the world of children through adults - to entertain illusions. Achieve this is impossible, but we are talking about finding the social forms that serve as a barrier disruptive early and uncontrolled violence. Aggressive tendencies, apparently laid in human nature itself. To restrict their willful decision - is futile and indicates a misunderstanding of the essence of the phenomenon: any taboos or being driven aggression in the underground, or even lead to its escalation. Immunity against violence should be developed within the group itself at the expense of existing in it healthy, positive trends - the rituals are just the one form of developing such an immunity.