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Rituals of love and marriage

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Rituals of love and marriage

His call Vera woke me up at three o'clock in the morning: "Get. You hear me? Panties red to me really helped! Dima proposed marriage to me!" Not fully awake, and therefore could not understand, I jumped out of bed and shook her head: "What else Dima?" What wedding? " Vera laughed and began to tell how they met, as meet, as she gradually moved towards him, and how today he offered her his hand and heart .... Now, when Vera and Dima growing daughter, and they also love each other when ritual with shorts and slippers, has helped to find a soul mate many of my friends and acquaintances, I decided to write this article. However, first things first.

What is ritual?

Magic and religion, dreams and reality, dreams and reality - with the rituals we encounter almost every day, but just do not give it meaning. So, a morning trip to the bathroom, along with cleaning your teeth - this is also a ritual that is aimed at promoting the health and beauty. In general, the rituals have arisen in ancient times. Then there were many signs and religious ceremonies. Into something we believe something does not attach importance to, well, something to bestow magical powers. And in the rituals of love and marriage - choose the one that you like and do it with the intention to get married to be happy and find love ...

Faith and desire to fill your every action force, and you will find happiness. Thus, it turns out that the ritual - it is an action (or, conversely, no action), aimed at a certain result. The same marriage ceremony - a ritual that prepares young people for a new family life. You will probably be interested to know that the psychology against the rituals has nothing. Psychologists even believe that ritual helps the subconscious tune in the desired implementation, and hence each of its desire to reinforce some magical acts. How? This is what we'll talk further.
Rituals of Feng Shui

Chinese scientists for several centuries, and therefore doubt the effectiveness of its recommendations we will not have to. Let's see what says feng shui to attract love and marriage. The causes and sources of loneliness of Feng Shui classifies all large unmatched items that are in your bedroom. This can be an armchair, floor lamp or a chair, standing alone in the corner. These items symbolize the loneliness, and therefore they should not be in your room. Audits in their bedroom and make room for another man. Make sure that the bed was not anything extra. Instead of toys and small pillows to put it better than another big pillow - for her beloved.

If the bed can be approached only from one side (it is against the wall), immediately rearrange it - and it will also be a kind of ritual. Disassemble the things in your wardrobe and be sure to select one or two shelves for things of the future spouse. Even if you do not plan to live with him in this apartment, it needs to be done.

Pay attention to your thoughts. If you're constantly thinking about work, family happiness does not come to you is still very, very long time. Work - is work and it has no place in your home. Remove from your bedroom anything that reminds you of work. Have a ritual to get rid of bad thoughts. Select to him some time and be happy being kicked out of my head all the unnecessary. Bedtime, for example, is perfect for getting rid of extraneous thoughts. Instead of thinking about problems, dreaming about my future happiness, and fall asleep with a smile on his face.

If you have recently parted ways with the man and do not plan to return to it, allow yourself to forget about it. Use Feng Shui to draw into my life a new relationship. Throw away without regret all the things that remind you of past love. If you feel sorry for photos or gifts, then you are not yet ready for a new feeling. If, however, wholeheartedly want to meet your soul mate, and dispose of anything not regret. If possible, change even the bed. Get rid of the old with pleasure and anticipation of the new, happy life. Get a new good habit: every day, get rid of one unnecessary things or thoughts, which does not give you peace of mind. Rename your dark thoughts in cockroaches and send them away from your home. Draw or write statements that interfere with you and throw them in the trash. Forget about the past. Feng Shui specialists say: the past is forgotten, the future is closed, there is only the here and now. Be here and now and in your life will he ... more about the here and now "see below.

Here and Now

Esoterica believe that if you live as if you are already a desirable thing, it means that very soon the world will adapt to you and it will bring. That is, if you know the price of petrol, interest in new gadgets for cars, look for a place in the parking lot and all in the same vein, then very soon you will have a new car. In the same way as men. Buy another toothbrush, one more cookbook (the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, here and learn new recipes), another chair or armchair.

Do not forget about hobbies and his future men. So, if you want it to be a guitar player - buy a guitar. Although not expensive. Not meet the guitarist - will be an occasion to learn. And he, you, too. Twang guitar and imagine how it would play on it, what songs to sing and how to kiss your hand.

Would you like football? Go to the stadium, buy a scarf with a football paraphernalia, or just look at any match. By the way, football has helped to marry someone I knew. Her childhood loved football, but young people get some kind of unsportsmanlike. I advised her to buy a scarf and go to the football. After the match, she met Dennis, he went to work, I saw her wearing a scarf and asked "how we played." Now for the matches they go along with his year old son and did not regret that the team scarf which helped them to learn, a year ago was relegated from the Premier League.

Think of his ideal man (not just a man, "that is not drunk, never smoked, gave flowers, and one that will fit you perfectly), just think not about looks, and how it will relate to you than will do and how business will be impressed. Depending on what man you want and buy things. Want a well-read and intelligent - pay a visit to the nearest bookstore. Dreaming of a tender romance - buy candles and aromatic oils. In general, live as if you already have a husband. Just now he can not be with you. In the trip he was abroad, and that's not with you. But soon will come, and everything will be fine. To gain the same items purchased recommend perform the ritual with slippers. Helps everyone. Importantly, to hold it in a good mood.

Tapochkovy ritual

Use it to find a new favorite. The essence of ritual is that you need to choose some nice day and go shopping - look for shoes for her future lover. Be generous and do not buy the first available, because it would be sneakers, which will go to your love. Size and style slippers choose to your taste, because the most important thing that they liked you.

Choose, buy it? Now suppose that could stand in the corridor. At least three days. Let get used to the new place of residence and tune in to new relationships. On the third day at midnight to put his slippers on his hands so that the socks they looked inside the house, then open the door and not too loud so as not to wake the neighbors and the home three times to stamp slippers and say: "My dear, you are!" At this point you need to think about what you expect from a future of love and what it could imagine.

To fix the effect of slippers you can "reduce" to work with him, on a visit to the theater and cinema. Just put them in a bag and wait. Want a rich husband - go with the slippers in the bank. Craving intelligent - you can visit any exhibition or even read the sneaker some clever article. Take this ritual with fun, play with life and then love will not keep you waiting long. Especially as the shoes she already bought ...

Love-carrot or the magical use of vegetables

Love-carrot. This expression is known to all. Just not all for some reason put into practice. Dreaming of love? Then run to the store. For carrots. In the morning make yourself fresh carrot juice. For lunch, soup or salad with the addition of carrots. At dinner, grated carrots or some delicious carrot dish. Have long known that food is becoming part of our body. So use it for their own benefit. The third carrot - imagine our love, dream about how to spend time together, which will go, what to do. Drink carrot juice - give yourself installation to meet the man of her dreams after a drink 5 (10, 20) liters of beverage per month. Will be in your life a lot of carrots, will be a lot of love. At the same time, and improve eyesight.

Love has passed - wilted tomatoes. Too familiar result. Want to get rid of annoying relations - buy the tomatoes and let them deteriorate. As soon wither - throw away somewhere away from home and take a dream of a new love. If, conversely, want to resume relations with the former favorite - plant a tomato seedling (quite a few seeds in a regular flower pot), as soon grow a little, stop watering it and then take to revive. Make fertilizer, water, good shower, talk to her on the souls. Is not it a ritual of love?

Order of Prince

In order to document your dreams about love, you can use an ordinary pen and paper. Write a humorous statement that the filing in the search - looking for love. List the desirable traits of character men, whom you want to meet and put a piece into his bag. Wear the leaf with them, but do not dwell on the search. Release the order to execute her prince, and themselves go on about their business, ie becomes a princess ...

You can not just order a prince, but to give an announcement. For example, which read: "Looking for love. 27 years old, blond hair, the voice of the divine, and enjoys fishing and sports. Everyone who met him, please convey that I'm looking forward to meeting with him." Here is a listing can be given in a newspaper (if brave enough) or simply hang on the bulletin board without their contact information. Actions here are not so important, most important to convey to the universe what you want from it.

Those same red shorts

Well, now at the end of the article talk about those shorts, which helped to marry my girlfriend. Red is generally considered the color of love. Recall the same adage zavyadshih tomatoes or contact Feng Shui: one answer. Red - the color of love and passion. In Russia all the good and the beloved is always assigned the red color - red girl, red square, etc. And the word is associated by many with beauty. It turns out that when using the red all the rituals reinforce their power and efficiency. And why pants? Yes, if only because that lingerie has always been a symbol of sexuality and passion. Well, either because the chakra Muladhara (coccygeal chakra) corresponds exactly does the color red.

If you do not have red underwear - by all means buy. Can simply wear it or do as do all never-married enchantress. Purchased pants wash, wring well, and with intent to let down the chandelier. If you did not throw the first time, do not worry - think about your future, your favorite and once again throw. If such surveys you do not like wearing panties in her purse or pocket.

These are the rituals here. These can be added many others. Each country has its national rituals, its methods of divination and to attract love. The essence of all these actions is one - to make his dream an act, and clearly put in front of goal affair. Experiment and enjoy. Rituals to help you.

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