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Accelerate the process of inner liberation closed toddler help simple psychological training and assignments. Be sensitive and attentive to your child, be patient, performing them, and after a while you make sure your child is able to overcome isolation and to experience a tremendous sense of joy of communicating with different people and especially with you. Determine the emotional and psychological mood of the child will Rorschach test (named after the Swiss scientist), who recommended with children preschool age 5-6 years. It is this: the child is offered in each of the 10 symmetrically arranged on a sheet of paper ink blot to see any figure. While decoding the test is quite complicated and should be done only specialists, parents still able to conduct such tests. Do not limit your child's time, that he looks at spots as much as he needed.

When interpreting the test focuses on the following:

- If your child is at least a few spots I saw people, it means he does not experience difficulties in relationships with others;

- If no one spot is not even remotely reminded him of a man, then he is experiencing considerable difficulty in communicating with people;

- If each blot child saw some shape or object, he developed imagination, creativity and spatial imagination, the child was well developed and easy to use intelligence in everyday life;

- The inability of the child seen in spots at least something familiar speaks poorly developed imagination, yet low development. Such a child would be difficult to communicate with their peers.
If tests show that your child is lagging behind in development, do not panic. Very often it is associated in this age of psychological features of the warehouse of the child, especially if he suffers from a lack of communication. In this age, children are greatly influenced by, and it is possible that your toddler, hitting a properly selected group, pretty soon "catch up" peers. But to be certain for sure, do not let the child's development to chance, go to them as soon as possible, and your efforts will not be in vain. After full development of intellectual, mental and physical abilities of the child - the basis of its full existence, harmonious relationship with people and yourself.

Almost all children love to fantasize. Particularly pronounced their imagination in drawing, sculpting, inventing unusual stories. Drawings and crafts are not only tell you about the overall development and abilities of children (accuracy and negligence, developed or undeveloped imagination). Creative class will have a positive impact on the development of communicative abilities of the child. Children are happy to respond to the offer to paint or sculpt from clay animal that does not exist in the world. Pay attention to what colors to use baby:

- If the child refused to color images - it means he feels a sense of anxiety;

- The predominance of red indicates that the child is ready to communicate with the outside world expects from him something special about this child has an open and trusting nature, prone to vivid manifestation of the emotions;

- If the figure dominates black - your child aspires to leadership in any group;

- The predominance of green and brown color indicates the peaceful nature of your baby. He probably does not experience difficulties in communicating with new and old friends;

- Blue color predominates in the drawings of children sad, unsure of himself;

- Prevalence of various shades of lilac show fear of the unknown;

- Yellow and orange especially loved children - if they prevail in the figure, it means that your child's relationship with oneself and others is quite harmonious, and they often choose colors cheerful children;

- Large image speaks of confidence, openness, too small - a sign of insecurity and the desire to be inconspicuous;

- Presence in the image of rounded components demonstrates the openness of character, sharp parts (spines, thorns) - the hostility and suspicion;

- Open red mouth and sharp teeth suggest that the child is experiencing discomfort from the constant expectation of danger from the side;

- If an animal has wings (albeit small), this indicates readiness at any moment be out of reach for some enemies to retire to a safe distance;

- Great long legs - a sign of stability status, small feet - a sign of insecurity.

Analyzing the image or fashioned figure, ask the child why he chose the colors and details.

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