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Royal Posture

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Royal Posture

What are the determinants of health? Of course, this is straightened his shoulders and royal posture , daily exercises, which can be replaced by Latin American, sports, or belly dance, gymnastics and swimming in the pool. This is a healthy diet, excluding semi-sweet, flour, fat, all kinds of chips, cola, and always a smile on his face. Oh, how I wish that at least our grandchildren or great grandchildren have been taught subjects such as "Lesson of Happiness," "Lesson Smile", "Lesson of confidence", "Lesson of positive words! But let's not idealize the world to condemn the present methods of training. Let's replace the SAMI children of teachers of happiness and joy.

How exactly Vladimir Dougan wrote: "Life expectancy in Russia, only sixty-seven years. A third of this period we sleep. Another third pay for meals and entertainment. At our disposal is only a pitiful amount of time for full implementation of the chance given to us by nature, choose us three hundred million possible gene combinations. And it means that we should not passively wait for the goldfish will present you a new cottage or a pike for you to carry buckets of water. Emel need to get off the furnace, which loves to lie, this is our national hero, and most begin to build a healthy body.

I have a house across the dinner table is a refrigerator, which I attached a magnet inscription: "Keep your back straight! Clever! "You would not believe, but I noticed that my kids are no longer stoop while eating. The same inscription hangs over my computer monitor. Frankly, in my childhood I was a pretty girl, stooping, and there is nothing to be surprised. After all, I was deeply notorious. That's why I advise you to hang "spinovypryamlyayuschuyu" label in a conspicuous place. By the way, recently in a class my daughter had a medical examination.

And what do you think - among her classmates already have children suffering from scoliosis. But they are only first graders! Yes and yes again - health and confidence begins with straightened shoulders and straight back. The child must be the royal carriage , if you can teach a child to always keep the king's posture and walking with a straightened his shoulders and head held high, you will reap a golden seed health, confidence, and winning dialogue with people of any nationality and status. After all, a hunched back besides endless physical illnesses immediately signals the immune system, metabolic memory of the child that he was sick.

Fortunately, the opposite is true. As soon as a child, even forcing himself, straightens the spine and smiles, it sends impulses to the Universe healthy and confident person. Fortunately, you can help your child have a healthy and beautiful posture, to avoid complicated operations on the spine. After all, his skeletal system have not yet matured. In the nursery must hang up the horizontal bar and rings for pull-ups. Specialists proved that these miracle-shells, not only straighten your spine, but also allow you to increase the child's growth by as much as 15 centimeters, compared with those who laid it genetically.
Our goal is to educate a child with a new consciousness and boundless desire for self-improvement. This new consciousness is impossible without the daily, persistent and courageous exercise not only the strength of spirit and positive thinking, but also perfumed body health. Knowingly Donald Trump convinced that golf is - it is mind training, and training - is the path to perfection. Train and train again her beautiful body! Let it be your indispensable ally, assistant to communicate with friends, teachers, business partners, etc. God bless you and always keep your back straight!
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