1. Direction, as if it is not counted in, in whatever way it occurs, implies that only those factors and events, an opportunity which is expressed in Radix.
If you have a Radix trine of Jupiter and the Sun, which denotes a constant climb, the opposition of these two planets in the solarium, the progressive or the horoscope in the primary direction will not cause disgrace or failure, it will cause a transient difficulties professional order or, more often, family troubles. 2. Referrals may feel only man capable of feeling it. Direction, indicating a marriage can not, of course, to be felt in this regard, the child 12 years of age, its effect in this case should be interpreted differently, it could be or first communion, or a first love affair.
3. Action direction gives a feeling sometimes before, sometimes after a period at which the exact angle. Astrology has directions on a certain date in the events take place before or after that date for various reasons:
a) Astrology is a true science, but it is not an exact science. If she were an exact science, free will at all would not exist.
b) In order to give the epoch of directions, the astrologer often takes only one factor in his calculations. He looks for the moment when the exact dimension, but also come into play other phenomena, there are other areas, other planetary transits, and other aspects tranzitiruyuschie on the next era of all this forms a mass that swirls that inhibit or activate the fact bubbling event.
c) Finally, and I think most importantly, the effect of the direction in particular a man feels when its vibrational state, his physical or moral predisposition in tune with the direction. Poor direction, for example, to health, will be speeded up if some time before this bad direction affect the mental sphere, it is, for example, to health, will be speeded up if some time before this bad direction affect the mental sphere, it would instead aderzhano if the mental attitude happy and need a large mass of poor areas that people felt the impact of its maximum point, which is why often squaring does not entail any significant factors, while polukvadratura similar planets or similar effect, which takes place immediately after this brings serious upheavals. You can compare these effects with the quadrature delayed manifestation poluvadratury with a drop of water, overflowing vessel.
4. The intensity of the kind of direction changes with age, in which it occurs. Whatever kind of direction, which is used by transit, progressive, etc., we must first examine what is the importance of directed planets in relation to the age at which it occurs. Importance of direction, its intensity, if you will, depends on the person's age and directed the planet.
As actions are guided by the planet?.
a) According to the field and sign which they occupy in the Radix, b) on its domination in Radix;
according to the field and mark where they go in the direction;
according to the planet on which direction is carried out:
a) according to its own nature and values of the planet, the host aspect;
b) under its domination, the sign and the field it occupies;
Favorable direction is better than the directed planet is stronger in Radix; harmful direction of the more dangerous, than directed by the planet is weaker or more painful. This rule is easy to understand, the difficulty was in determining the numerical expression in each direction, depending on the planets involved in the aspect of their heavenly and earthly situation map neba.V direction is guided planet sets the tone for the planet that receives aspect.
In the direction of Jupiter to Saturn is Saturn is read by vibrations of Jupiter. In the direction of Jupiter, Saturn vice versa.
In the secondary areas or transit faster planet first, set the tone, then after the connection sets the tone for the slower planet. However, the strong waste.
The same point or one and the same planet receives both positive and negative directions, some do not destroy others. Each of them maintains his characteristic tone. For example, some areas may be good for love, others bad for business.
When the secondary directions or transits form the aspect of two retrograde planets, the impact direction is shown unusual.
When the primary direction of the heavy planets (Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune) took the corner of the field Radix, a man reaches a climax of its existence in a bad or good according to the position of the planets to the aspects they form with the provisions of Radix.
Passage of the planet at the place it occupies in the Radix, enhances the overall value of the planet in relation to Radix for travel time. A good aspect of the planets in the sky itself in Radix improves the overall value of the planet in relation to Radix during the passage of this aspect. Harmful aspects of planets in the sky itself in Radix increases its harmful effects, or reduces a beneficial effect with respect to its value to Radix for the passage of this aspect.