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Russian divination "Wheel of Fortune"

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Russian divination "Wheel of Fortune"

ZTE card also produce themselves. And you know, it's very interesting - will soon get a whole collection of personally made cards!

Take 15 equally sized kartonok and write them a number from 1 st to 15 th. Do not forget to mark the direct and inverted position. Shuffle the cards and place them face down in three rows of five each. The bottom row tells about what awaits you in the near future (within months), middle row - that is waiting in the distant future (within 3-6 months), the top number tells of what will be in the more distant future (within years). Then in the bottom row of any card, which reaches into his eyes, the same thing - in the 2 nd and 3 rd ranks. Read the description of them. Take away those cards to the side, they are no longer needed. The remaining 12 shuffle, and select one at random one of any card. It tells of the sudden secret circumstances, which may occur at any time - in the near or more distant future.

1. In the upright position: keep modesty and dignity, do not try to be ahead of others, and then you notice the powerful man who will offer you a profitable and promising money-spinner. Do not give up on his offer, as such a partner can achieve in the future prosperity and respect.

In the inverted position: Avoid stupid and useless people in your community - they can become a burden for you and bring your progress to zero.

2. In the upright position: you meet the person who will feed you to the grave feeling. He was punctual, industrious and hospitable. Marriage to him would be a calm, comfortable and long.

In the upside: you suddenly discover his friend for a fact that had not previously noticed, because they were captivated by his constant attention and declarations of love. But the case will provide an opportunity to see all of his true nature - nasty quality and immense hypocrisy.

3. In the upright position: you will be a business trip with a man who, as you seem to be able to be of great help, but in reality everything will turn an empty vanity - none of the identified cases you will not be implemented, finding themselves with nothing, in extreme anger and frustration.

In the inverted position: Stay away from this man, as it is for you - a heavy burden, which may cause irreparable harm and frustrate all of your business.

4. In the upright position: you expect a period of difficulties and hardships, when despair is completely cover you. If you do not have chickened out and seriously change your attitude to life, overcome all that, it seems impossible to overcome. Moreover, by themselves, without someone's help.

In the inverted position: Avoid those whom are in doubt and who do not trust - you have a weak power: you are susceptible to the evil eye.

5. In the upright position: you have to go through a lot of unexpected events. You will absorb the care need to work hard for the money. With the help of a wise man with a developed intuition, you will significantly increase their capital. Beware suffer for trifles, as during this period, every detail will be important: either help to avoid trouble, or will bring trouble.

In the inverted position: look at the people around you, you will find the lies and false virtue. Your family may be destroyed because of infidelity, because of the appearance of serious (th) rival (ka).

6. In the upright position: you expect a serious matter, which resulted in you will gain unprecedented strength and confidence. Despite the slow progress of the case started, it will gradually move forward. Map also says that his friend you will find a person even though the old-fashioned attitudes and practices, but a loyal and devoted family. He - the man who in difficult times will always help.

In the inverted position: do not succumb to suspiciousness and impressionable - they will bring great harm to commence business.

7. In the upright position: you will marry an honest, honorable man, with him you will connect love and passion, but - not for long. Your happiness will be broken one of your envious, who would resort to the evil duplicity under a charming disguise. Confused, you turn to the powerful and influential person, who quickly understand the reason for your failures, and suggest how to find a way out of this situation, how to keep family and home.

In the upside: you come up with petty, dishonorable man who hinder the implementation of the previously identified your plans. Map also warns of a possible rupture of family relationships.

8. In the upright position: you will learn very dishonest, but endowed with a bright appearance singular (male or female), a meeting which, except misery, bring you nothing. Seduce you, she will fit in your case, which should bring a lot of money, and frustrate him, giving the person on which the receipt of money, something that can not give it you. Not reassured by this, she will enchant your friend (friend), upsetting your love relationship, and possibly the upcoming marriage. After playing with him (her), this person will throw his (her) as an unnecessary thing, disappearing with the money.

In the inverted position: if necessary, some envious person pobrezguet not be used against your evil. Be careful and cautious.

9. In the upright position: you expect the test. You to discover the true faces of your friends and the reasons for their own failures. Your hitherto reliable companions for unknown reasons, suddenly change their attitude towards you - and it will turn back to you the loss of existing contracts, disrupt our plans. If you act quickly and calmly in this situation, you can avoid not only conflict but also monetary damages, as well as successfully implement our plans earlier.

In the inverted position: do not be slow and overly trusting. The faster to put in place your envious, the greater and faster will win.

10. In the upright position: soon you will easily recognize the evil intentions of those around you, so they will open their true faces. You will be able to protect themselves from this evil, if you did listen to your inner voice. Do not be too honest, keep their secrets, none of them are not dedicated. Then succeed much faster than expected.

In the inverted position: your jealous tricky way to learn your secrets and use this information to prevent you achieve the goal to which you aspire.

11. In the upright position: you will not easily take root in a society where you will be - will have to rely only on themselves. But in any difficult situation will help you the ability to clairvoyance, which is dormant in you until a certain point and suddenly manifest in you insight. This card also suggests creating a happy marriage and a strong, harmonious relationships with your loved one.

In the upside: you face disappointment in love, discord in the family, big trouble and lack of money. But do not despair: your situation will change for the better, though not soon.

12. In the upright position: you will be able to do business which you like and that will bring good profits. Get down to it, without fear of possible failures, as they will not. But be wary of conflicts that at least from you, and do not depend on, but, having arisen, will bring you a lot of damage. Avoid problems will help you a well-developed intuition and wisdom.

In the upside: you will be to an important job in which you lie in wait for the various setbacks and obstacles. If you do not spasuete the face of difficulties, your case will end more than satisfactory.

13. In the upright position: you expect a period of unpredictable events, during which much be addressed and the trivia of his Majesty the case. You will be surrounded by people with mysterious and strange destiny, they zateyut against you intrigue. To counter them, you will be required skill and cunning. You have to be flexible and to learn to react quickly to changing circumstances, not to fall into their trap.

In the inverted position: beware of falling under the influence of cunning, deceitful and dishonest persons. Communicate with them face to you many troubles, including the spiritual degradation.

14. In the upright position: in your environment will be singular, with which you will carry out urgent and difficult work. You will amaze her desire to take the hardest part of the deal. Acquainted with her better, you tell her about his love troubles, but she, having the ability to transmit thoughts at a distance and considerable flair, understands that the cause of discord lies in the deterioration. She finds the means to reconcile you with your loved one. In gratitude for the assistance it would not take anything. You expect a long friendship with this person.

In the upside: you finish a long and painstaking work, which do little one. But when it comes to making money, one of your few assistants (assistants) will turn the whole thing so very (very) hard earned money to get. Be extremely careful not to get less than what you owe. And then did not get anything.

15. In the upright position: you will be restored affair which left unfinished is not on their own. To succeed, you will have to come to know the unknown, to master the arcane knowledge and understanding in mysterious circumstances. You are waiting for considerable testing. Map also says that you will return to your old friend, a love affair which will result in engagement.

In the inverted position: a friend who will return to you will have the intention to fraudulently obtain your hands and hearts and make this all the effort. Do not believe this deceitful man - he will never love and respect you. One should also not plan any important matter, because the intention is not fulfilled. The situation will improve in the more distant future.

You noticed, perhaps, that language is a bit old-fashioned cards and heavyweight. This is from their venerable age. But in our current events, these fortune-telling is a good thing to react, it is only necessary to interpret them.

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