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The first secret of success 
This is the first and the main secret of success. 
What do you mean internal intention? 
Intention - is the willingness to have and to act decisively. Internal means that your wish will come from the soul, not from reason. Soul manages emotions, mind, logic. If between emotion and logic, there is a conflict, always and in all circumstances to win the emotions. They are simply an order of magnitude stronger than in our universe. Our universe is a huge bundle of energy. And our emotions contained small part of this energy. It is your emotions control your life. They are like a magnet. attract to you the events that you experience. More detail on the law of attraction.

Why do I say it is the intention, not desire. Desire - is a tool of reason. He wants, when it is not ready to receive. The mind wants a soul is immaterial here because not all desires are realized. Desire to become a reality only when it moves into the intention, that is, a person is ready to have what he wants, and then the energy of desire becomes directed actions, which, strictly speaking, makes the law of attraction to pull this material reality in your life.
I used it was difficult to understand how this person wants something to have and does not apply any effort to get it. Now I understand why it happens. DESIRE comes from Mind. If the soul is not in harmony with the desire of the mind, it will not come true. Mental discomfort will alienate you from your desired event. When the mind finds what you like then you are ready you are ready make a lot of effort and energy to implement its goals. Then, you simply ceases to wish for, you begin to realize that this is your, and, when it is realized in your life is just a matter of time. Of nowhere and do not understand why you start to know what is yours, and it is realized in your life.

Understand what you mean success in life. Not sure this is any material things. Everyone wants to have a big beautiful house, great car, but only ones heart desires the same. In others, the soul of people want something completely different. We came into this world completely different. We can not watch that in the general sense means success, and strive for universal success. You must find your own success. You will feel when you really find your niche. This will be accompanied by peace of mind and deep inner joy. These feelings will bring into your life a lot of good and become a constant source of positive life energy. Find your way and follow his - this is the most important secret to success!
Second success secret 
UNCONDITIONAL Zanin, that you will succeed 

Let me tell you a secret that might surprise you. Most likely, your mind does not want to accept it, but you do not discard the idea immediately, and Think about it. SUCCESS is a logical scenario, failure is a deviation from the norm. Now explain why it's really going on and why the success of much less than the failures. On the page the intention, according to the law and explains the path of least resistance. That is, the universe is on the path of least resistance, she realizes something that requires the least amount of energy. Look around you: nature full of plenty, she even wasteful in all, look at the field, sheltered by millions pleasing to the eye colors, the mountains, on the oceans, on the forests. How does it all perfectly! Nature creates all this beauty is not bothering to her fertility - is the norm, the ordinary course of events. Look at how everything in nature is harmoniously arranged. Amazing, is not it? Why do people have the opposite. Affects all this poverty! The answer lies in the presence of a human mind. The life of man controls his mind. All events must be developed on a predetermined scenario it. And if something goes wrong, it is perceived as bad and unpleasant confluence of events. A person begins to experience negative emotions about this. But in fact, another scenario does not mean "worst" scenario. The fact that caterpillars - death, for a butterfly - the birth. Perceiving events as negative, we begin to shy away and keep away from the line of abundance and success. Our lives took control of the mind. He pushed the soul into the background. And because most people know failure. Life is unpredictable, and the mind tries to determine everything in advance and to predict scenarios. But this is impossible! That's why people move to the negative life line that was disappointed in the fact that everything goes as he wants. But he admits in this one huge mistake. He thinks that the emergency scenario is worse than foreseen. Let the mind does not interfere in the process of achieving the goal, and you get what you want. Release the grip of control. Then you will unconditionally knowing that you're on the road to success, and nothing can stop you, because the universe is wasteful to wealth and abundance.
3rd the secret of success 
Hard work 

You must take responsibility for their purpose and begin to work tirelessly. In the secret of the success of all successful people. Think of Thomas Edison, 10,000 failed attempts led to his miraculous discovery, Henry Ford, who created the car, and other famous people. None of them has achieved success while lying on the couch. The secret of success lies precisely in the paper. Work and only a laborious and hard work led them to the target. On the way they overcame many obstacles, which helped them to create more and more openly. And none of them are not afraid to rework. Follow for successful people, they are much bigger and harder than mediocre people. They rest a lot less, but the truth is more qualitative. The secret to the hard work that it gives strength. Although they work more tired a lot less. Why? Yes, because they see their purpose and live your vision. This gives them the strength to work and work on. Home Vision for the excellent covers this topic. Man was created to work out of laziness he was terribly tired and his soul is stagnant boredom. See all created with one purpose or another. Cars - In order to move quickly. Aircraft - in order to overcome the vast distances in a very short period of time. A man came to this earth, too, with a purpose. And see if the car is put in the garage and forget about it, then in 2-3 years he will no longer fit to carry out its functions. Likewise, aircraft, and any other subject. But man wither from boredom. He must work hard and strive towards their goal. More details about this secret of success on the page success in pursuit of his goal. Just because a person can find happiness.

Work, only count on themselves, on their own strength. Do not rely on luck and other people. Good luck will accompany you when you do not rely on it. Once you wait, she will smile to you, you will be disappointed. Action themselves, manage reasonably others, and luck is with you. " Therefore, I wish you persistently work hard in order to achieve their goals! Want to know more detail? Go to page hard work - the key to success
4th secret of success 
Self-hypnosis is the only key to the world of the subconscious. In self-hypnosis is the secret of successful control of their lives. YOU ALWAYS BEEN autosuggestion, just you may not know about it. Your every word that is addressed to itself, each of your thoughts and attitude to yourself is self-hypnosis. What do you think of yourself? You feel good about yourself? These are your thoughts about yourself are also auto-suggestion. Thoughts, dwells in the mind are transformed into emotions. And the emotions - is the raw material for the subconscious. And the longer these emotions are in your mind, the more they take root there. All thoughts, rooted in the subconscious, the real impact on your reality. The simplest example: if you yourself do not like it - you act unsure, in any situation in doubt. Self-hypnosis - a powerful process (now you know why), but give it to chance, spontaneously and unconsciously moving through life, at least not intelligently. You are able to choose what you think, so think of a couple of minutes about yourself with the best view. You are a unique person, not another such on earth. YOU ARE THE STAR. Think for a moment only on their good qualities. What do you have good result? You have many excellent qualities. Focus on them. How well do you cope with the job, with another .... Think a minute.
Noticed that your mood has changed little in a positive way? And you just think for a minute. And if you think 5 minutes and if you repeat this process 2 times a day, then every day without a break? You see, what happens? You definitely change your attitude towards yourself. You will learn to concentrate on the positive.
You can also use visualization techniques, introducing myself to have goals. Suck at the mind picture of what you have achieved your goal right now (in no case later on).
For more details on auto-suggestion self-suggestion on the page - the only way to influence the subconscious. 
5th secret of success 
Life planning, goal setting 

In this step, and begin to miracles. Not knowing how you're going to achieve their desires, begin to set goals. This is a transitional moment from a loser to a successful man. It is important that you understand the secret of success. All prosperous people did not know how they are achieving its goals. It is important that you have the courage to put these goals. How to plan your life is explained on page plan of life for 10 years. When you set yourself goals and plan to life far in advance, if you setup your subconscious mind for a certain scenario. This is similar to setting up the radio. You first choose which station you want to listen, and then looking for it. If you do not know what you want to hear, then you'll find one station, then quickly switch to another, the third, but most of the time will be only the noise between stations. Similar happens in real life. You must first decide where you want to get into, and then your subconscious will begin to tune into this line of events. Most people do not choose, but just go through life, and because of their life - is a continuous "noise", unfortunately.
6-th secret of success 

The secret of all successful people is good, even very good opinion of himself. No, you do not think they're wrong even more of you. It is very important to have a correct attitude to himself. After all, your attitude to yourself determines how you treat everyone else, and its activities. You just have to love and respect yourself. If you do not love yourself, you can not bring benefit to anybody on this earth. You can not love someone else. Maybe it seems that the children I love, but it is not. Everything starts with yourself. If you do not love yourself, you do not want to work for this man, because you really do not like it. How can I work for him? Poor attitude to yourself leads to the conclusion "I do not deserve." And with such conviction, you have nothing and will never reach. The secret of success number 1 says to get something, you must be willing to have. And you're absolutely not ready for this, and even vice versa is not ready to have what you have now. All think, how would it hold. Your self-image determines your relationship to the world. Attitude toward the world could not be better than the attitude towards him. Everything starts with yourself. Did you know that the negative self-image is easily changed using self-hypnosis. You just try to ignore what you've done well and memorize it, ignoring all the bad things. About this in detail described on the page auto-suggestion. So long as you do not create a good image of yourself, do not try to get something worthwhile. Offer you one sentence, which considerably increases your importance in this world: You are none other than the son of God. Imagine what your potential. And there is nothing impossible for you. For more details on how to improve their self-esteem.
7th secret of success 
Constantly learn 

You have to keep learning on the path to success. Make it a habit to read, read and read again. Be sure to read anything on the topic of self-development. This site is a good start for learning. He will give you a good indication of success, and you will see in what direction you should move on. Read on your profession for a promotion, or on business for its prosperity. Try not to waste time in vain. When the drive to work, listen to educational materials. They are now fully online, also free. Download and listen. If you arrive by car, make her your university success. While you eat, include something instructional. Always carry a player, you suddenly find yourself in a situation when you have to wait for anyone or anything. With the player you protect yourself from wasting time. You have no idea how much time can be saved by the player. And it takes place as a key ring. Do not regret money for their education. People are always interested in where to invest spare money? At the bank, investment funds? Good decision to invest in your business, if any. If not, then invest the money in their education. Your mind is the most expensive asset. He is able to bring you 100% invested in him for money for the month. Where else can you find 100% monthly. Yes, anywhere. Do not like to read? Learn. Do not like to listen to the player? Force yourself. Maybe you do not like because they are viewing or listening to something boring and uninteresting?
Here's all the important secrets of success. Carefully examine them for a more detailed explanation follow links, as shown in sections. Successful application you the secrets of success 

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