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Sage from the evil eye damage

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Sage from the evil eye, damage

The people called Bogorodskaya thyme herb. It is used in cases where damage is induced by alcoholism and heavy drinking, from spoiling sorcerers, as well as from the home, when he bore down on the night sleeper.

• Dry grass fumigate the cattle from damaging or evil eye.

• The disease female breast thyme floating in the milk and take.

• Thyme is contraindicated in liver disease and kidney failure, pregnancy, patients with atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels, koronaroskleroze.

• Dry thyme fumigate women who have chest pain. Decoction of this herb is taken orally.

• grass powder with honey clears chest, as well as cures burning sensation in the stomach and intestines.

• Broth thyme blows fetus in pregnant women.

• grass powder with honey enhances sexual potency.

• If in the kidneys and the bladder has gore, it will dissolve, and bring it. Cleanses the skin from a small rash.

• Thyme expels the dead fetus from the womb of a woman. His substitute is lemon balm.

• If the decoction of thyme oil, or head to wash it, it will help the loss of memory.

• The throbbing pain in my head drink a decoction of thyme with juniper berries.

• Broth Thyme helps with cold tumors in the liver, dissolves stones in the bladder.

• If you cook with vinegar and rub his head, it will help with headache and dizziness of the mind.

• If you drink wine, it will help with hiccups and indigestion.

• Poultice help with bee stings, resolves warts.
• The bite of hornets in the bite make a bandage from svezheizmelchennoy grass.

• Decoction of herb drink when relaxing the nerves, but with oatmeal and the wine apply for sciatica.

• A strong decoction of herbs with honey or sugar helps the pain that arises under the cartilage of false edges.

• Taking herbs in the form of tea is effective vision.

• Thyme clears the chest, along with honey impedes hemoptysis.

• Syrup of grass removes indigestion and lack of appetite.

• Broth grass driving urine, causing periods, removes worms and worms.

• Grass kills lice, as well as useful against internal tumors, loss of memory and madness.

• Napara broth or take on water as well as in milk.

• Broth are used for poultices for boils, mouthwash for ulcers of the mucosa and tooth pain. Used for lotions and eye wash for inflammation of the eyelids.

• Decoction of root used for baths for eczema.

• tincture of thyme on vodka is used for rubbing it in paralysis and radiculitis.
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