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Saints healing springs Diveevo Monastery

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Saints healing springs Diveevo Monastery

Village Diveyevo Nizhny Novgorod region.

Diveyevo - a real jewel of Russia. Here lived many Russian saints, and one of them - St. Seraphim of Sarov, miracle worker. In Diveevskiy monastery there are many holy springs, and it is not surprising: after all, is the fourth Diveyevo earthly destiny of the Mother of God.

The most famous healing spring in Diveyevo consecrated in honor of the Mother of God "Kazan". The women here receive healing from many women's diseases, and, primarily, from infertility.

Prayer to Our Lady of Kazan to read
O Holy Lady Theotokos Mother of God! Fear, faith and love pripadayusche before the icon of Thy truth, we pray thee: turn not away thy face from resorting to Thee. Pray, Mercy Mother, your Son and our God, the Lord Jesus Christ, but retain our peaceful country, the Church of His holy immutable so will keep on unbelief, heresy and schism. No more imams inyya assistance, not imams inyya hope, Thee, Most Holy Virgin, Thou art all-powerful Christian assistant and intercessor. Deliver all, with faith you worshipers of the falls sinful, wicked people from libel, against all temptations, sorrows, troubles and from naprasnyya death. Give us the spirit of contrition, humility of heart, purity of thoughts correction grehovnyya life and the abandonment of sin, yes, all ye thankful to sing praise to Your glory, was granted to the heavenly kingdom, and customs with all the saints praise the righteous and majestic name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.
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