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Satanic Days

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Satanic Days
In the life of each there are days when everything goes wrong when nothing happens, what would you choose, when you suddenly fray curses and curses. These days are marked in the lunar calendar, as satanic. This is the 9 th, 15 th, 19 th, 29 th lunar days. These days we are most vulnerable, negative to us can turn to us sickness, trouble, quarrel with family, etc. In the days of Satan, according to religious people who roam the devils, demons, evil spirits and other evil spirits.
Esoterica fear these days, because in those days a man is open to the evil eye, curses, slander. Any insults thrown in their hearts, may, on a day to be the beginning of the disease or unsuccessful period of life. In these days of important meetings are broken, the failure of electronics, by some weird accident important messages do not reach the recipients, etc. People experience anxiety about their loved ones for their future, for relationships with loved ones. In a satanic day may worsen chronic diseases.

Who should not communicate

On such days must be careful not to communicate with people who you dislike, envy you. Very often it is a satanic day witches and wizards are trying to lose their illness or negative energy to any innocent people. Especially in these days should be wary of the Roma. Of course, they and any other day should bypass the tenth expensive, but in a satanic day, they said any negative words in your address, portends for you a serious curse.

Roma practiced on the subject damage. This is a hex on some sort of your thing, regardless of whether a penny or a lock of your hair or all the money from your wallet. Through your personal belongings Gypsy may have on you is very strong impact, it can take on someone from their native disease or damage and send it to you. Therefore, under no circumstances did not let the Gypsies. Blight made on things is so strong that it can only remove a very good magician.

If to you on the street harass Roma, lowered his eyes and not talking to them, go to go. In no case do not stop, and certainly not join the fray with them. If you hear in your address curse, like "drat", "that you vanished," "will you feel bad," etc. do not panic and do not panic. First, her answer to herself, "you is yours, and I mine," and secondly, try to lean against an oak, if there is one nearby.

The fact that oak is the most powerful energy found among the trees in our area. Ask oak forces, ask to clear your energy, take away all negativity. In addition to oak, very good tool for removing negativity - a shower, stand under the shower stream and present, as the water washes away all the bad information you got from Gypsy.

If there is a nearby church, go there and place for the health of the Roma candle, ask God to forgive her and wholeheartedly wish her health and longevity. Such a powerful message of positive energy not only to discourage negative, sent to you, but also protect you on this day, you'll own energy dome, which will not allow bad energy get to you.

Most vulnerable to curses, evil eye and spoilage of people with weak bio-energy. And it undermines our negative thoughts that have plagued the treacherous way in Satanic days. That is why we become easy prey for bad people in this period. Throw away the bad thoughts away. Do not let the anger and frustration drive you. What integrity will be your aura. The less likely will have detractors.

Gypsy whammy

I once had itself become a victim of a gypsy evil eye, it was 10 years ago on the eve of my wedding. On this day, I met with my buddy in the park, the morning I started with the fact that I'm going out of their homes, caught on sweaters for pocket door handle and tore it safely. Chertyhnuvshis myself, I changed clothes and rushed to the meeting. It was summer, and is known at this time in the parks full of Gypsies, who molested the young men and young women to predict their future to them.

My girlfriend, "oddly enough" late, I sat comfortably on a bench, closed his eyes and face to the gentle sun. Barely a minute later, I covered the shadow, opening his eyes, I saw two skinny Roma, who stood in front of me. With the words "Give fortune Beauty, one of Roma unceremoniously grabbed my hand. I stood up wildly and angrily blurted out "I myself can you tell fortunes." Abruptly turned around, I hurried away, forgetting that I'm waiting for friend, I want to quickly get out of this park as I suddenly broke out in a cold sweat - Gypsy quite loudly shouted to me in track "Will not you happiness!"

Frankly to hear that on the eve of the wedding, to say the least, unpleasant. But the interesting thing started after I wanted to move away from this place as far as possible, but I still had to wait for her friend. So I decided to stand near the kiosk, which was at the entrance to the park, from there it was perfectly clear all the benches, so I can calmly wait for his friend. Not having time to go to the kiosk, and I fell from all the fluff, in the plain, stesav his knees and hands in the blood. Swore to myself, I hurried home. Then I did not know either of church candles, nor about the magical properties of oak, but the first thing I did when he got home - climbed into the shower. I washed the dirt from her knees and hands, and long standing under running water. Word gypsy is firmly entrenched in my head, but, whether prenuptial turmoil, or so affected me running water, which washed away all the negative - on the very next day I had not thought about this unfortunate incident.

My friend did not come to the meeting, as it turned out, she got a call just before the exit, and asked to urgently come to work, there occurred some confusion with documents, by the way, it is only a few days ago, went on vacation. Subsequently, carried away by the esoteric, I remembered that day and decided to look in the lunar calendar, as it turned out it was the 9 th lunar day, which was satanic ... ..

How to protect yourself from harm

The most important thing in any of Satan's days as not to disrupt the crudeness, did not want someone evil, no swearing, etc. If you have debts - to give, if someone calls in a day for help - help. Not worth venturing large-scale projects or to sign some papers, there is a risk of failure. Usually satanic days an increasing number of thefts and violent crimes, accidents, accidents. So be careful, avoid dark and deserted places. On such days is useful to do repairs, general cleaning, you not only get rid of dirt, trash and dust, but also of negative energy.

If you think that such a day you are "caught" someone's negative, light sticks in the room with the scent of lavender, sandalwood and cedar. Take a walk in the park or the mall, and touch the ash or oak, these trees will relieve you from the negative effects and restore your energy. Try to minimize contact with people who you dislike, do not get fooled by provocation.

In a satanic day it is advisable not sit up late and go to bed before midnight. Carry your charms and amulets that will protect you from damage. Such action has any natural stone green - jade, malachite and emerald. Before going to bed hold the stone under running water to wash it all negativity recruited them for the day.

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