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Saturn in a home solar horoscope

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Saturn in a home solar horoscope

Person feels forced to limit their actions that they may be perceived as bad luck, the collapse of plans and unlucky set of circumstances, many obstacles. Usually, this year is remembered as one of the "bad" in life. Characteristic of the state of depression, discomfort, deterioration of general condition, not associated with a specific disease. But in conjunction with the Ascendant may indicate the occurrence of the disease according to the nature of the sign of the zodiac. Often, the requirements for a person this year far exceed its capacity, because of what it perceived as not fulfill its promise. The need for solitude, reflection steps. In this regard, committing a number of rash actions. Figuratively speaking, this year all the troubles a person is guilty only by himself. Usually preceded by a year a major turning point in his life, a person establishes the position achieved in the previous year, a crucial year. In the latter case, people like tightens the rear. Intense struggle for success. Disadvantage, flaw in the affairs of the house Radix, which hit Saturn. In the negative aspectation person may suffer damage, damage in the area, said the natal house which fell Saturn. Injury, isolation from society (voluntary, involuntary or forced), and other troubles, depending on perspective.

Saturn in the 2 home solar horoscope
Consolidate the material base of savings, out of many things, purchases. May indicate that a significant portion of the cost of human will take on an old man, chief or father. Can act sometimes as Jupiter in 8 th house of inheritance, if there is other evidence. Care and concern because of the level of material security, delays in the receipt of cash income, salary. Year is unfavorable for the implementation of financial projects. Lack of creative energy, the decline in work due to apathy, insecurity, physical discomfort. Negative aspects of Saturn entail property and financial losses, unfavorable real estate sales or lost profits from the lease. Heavy, expensive solution to the issue of housing. Depression.

Saturn in the 3 home solar horoscope
End of correspondence or the end connection of any kind, rupture of relations. Consolidation, continuation circle of friends, acquired during the year, a number of years. Difficulties in contacts. Problems in communicating, expressing their thoughts and ideas. There may be difficulties in learning. But more often with positive aspectation this position secures rights to a certain cycle of training, gives strength and perseverance in mastering knowledge. Uncomfortable contact with the elderly and people senior in rank and position. Receiving from the business market. Need to exercise caution when traveling, moving. When negative aspectation danger or failure for the brothers and sisters rights. Unpleasant situations on the road, forced to delay barriers, the risk of an accident, if there is other evidence. Break the business relationship, contract, failure to reach agreement. Delays in paperwork. The position of disadvantage for journalistic, literary and intellectual activity.

Saturn in the 4 home solar horoscope
Full or partial rupture of relations with family, parents. the beginning of life separately. Conflicts and unpleasant events in the family. Upon confirmation of other indicators in the death of a senior relative or a parent. Heavy family responsibilities, the burden of household chores. Delays in the decision of housing and property problems, issues residence permits, citizenship, leasing, buying or selling a home. Real estate transactions do not bring profit. Delays in the payment calculation. All this is arranged in the end not as hoped people. Repair or construction of housing and other facilities. Economic problems. When negative aspectation assassination attack, the possibility of an accident. Loss of crops on their farmland. The calculation of the inheritance in vain. All the unpleasant events usually happen at the end of individual years. Position is not conducive to political or public figure, a great leader. Perhaps the overthrow or removal of posts.

Saturn 5 building solar horoscope
Promotes a love affair, an intimate relationship, overcoming the related constraints. Agreed to continue the relationship. But even with good aspects of dissatisfaction with this link. Reduced sexual needs, a person feels the reluctance of physical intimacy. Acquisition and consolidation of certain status in society (with an average life just in the company). A person seeking recognition and respect. Difficult, with obstacles occur and creative processes. Limitations in the art, can not easily advance. Children bring trouble communicating with them is difficult, educational measures do not apply. Tough year for adult children, perhaps during their formation, the struggle for independence, achieve success in life. For women, heavy pregnancy, prolonged labor, prolongation. Internal and often external solitude, bringing suffering. When connecting to Mars or the Sun the man himself perform actions that can destroy a love relationship. These and other negative aspects also give serious trouble with their children, their failure, leaving home. For women, inability to conceive or pregnancy termination. Bad situation for financial operations, risky activities, gambling, speculation due to the high probability of loss.

Saturn in 6 home solar horoscope
This year, the person is inclined or obliged to comply with prudence, even fast, indulge in pleasures. Heavy-duty in the service, dissatisfaction, dissatisfaction with employees and subordinates, desire for cessation of activity or to move to another job position. Promotion, rank, career advancement this year is almost impossible, and if possible with an absolutely positive aspectation Saturn is with great difficulties, delays and complications. But the position is favorable for the medical career, trading enterprises, service providers. Deteriorating health of affected organs and systems, which indicates the zodiac sign of Saturn. Disease may become chronic. In the last third of the home can also indicate to those or other trouble with a pet on his illness and so many worries and obligations, which are also imprinted on the state of health. A recovery will require large costs and hassle. Negative aspects of Saturn aggravate these troubles, generally do a very difficult year, but fresh, elusive.

Saturn in 7 home solar horoscope
Rupture of relations of any kind, is very significant for a man, a painful, haunting. Sometimes, when the positive aspects can mean strengthening some relationship to, say, married, but it still needs confirmation. The crisis in the marriage. Could be the year beginning the process of divorce. If this year's planned wedding, it will be delayed or will have to overcome several difficulties. Year is too heavy for communication with their spouse. Rift in relations with business partners, strife, division of joint property. Professional affairs, especially those related to public or social activities, performances, coaching, challenging. Conflicts, disagreements, unpopular man. Year unfavorable for a political career. Distancing from a wide range of communication. It is limited only by the closest people, for example, a spouse, a partner. Man tries to imagine anyone not to approach. Sometimes the isolation from the community may be forced (an expression of distrust, etc.). When negative aspectation Saturn planned wedding did not take place. A person can become bogged down in conflict and separation.

Saturn in 8 home solar horoscope
Serious injury, damage, attack, fall, critical, life-threatening situations, accidents caused by persons referred to houses aspektiruemyh Saturn planets, or the man himself, if Saturn fell into the 1 st natal home. Generally the year is remembered as one of the most unpleasant, tragic. Termination of the sexual relationship. In certain situations, it may indicate a deprivation of virginity and sexual initiation. Deteriorating health. Possibly death in the family or the environment. Important events for one of the parents, a lot of stress, breaking the usual lifestyle. Points to the undesirability of financial activity, failure to determine all matters relating to the material values. Delay, obstruction, dissatisfaction with the results of loss. Debt, anxiety, harassment. Decline in revenues. Problems with the auditors and financial institutions, as well as law enforcement agencies. Possible arrest. Vain expectation of inheritance. Negative aspects in general threaten human life and enhance all of the trouble.

Saturn in 9 home solar horoscope
If you are absolutely positive aspectation strengthening of ties abroad, relations with overseas business partners. Year is favorable, but difficult for the intellectual activity of any kind of academic, advocacy, literature and publishing, scientific as well as for continuing education and training. You can expect to gain a foothold in another country or city. Check out one of their parents abroad. Interest in the cultural life of other peoples, to philosophy and religion conjugate in internal strivings and torments. Often there is a lack of literature. But the deepening and the crystallization of philosophical concepts of man, his views on life. In the case of mixed aspectation man reads a little, almost did not acquire new knowledge and learning associated with difficulties and delays. The above intellectual activities also involve obstacles and unfortunate coincidence. Delays in travel and trouble to them. Lack of future prospects or neglect. When negative aspectation may indicate a year of deprivation of a diploma, disqualification. Education is difficult to conclude that denial of confirmation of knowledge, perhaps, the difficulties in the exams (if negative due to the 3 rd house). Unfavorable year for lawyers, politicians, legislators, agitators and teachers. Obstacles in charity, in patronage, sponsorship, etc. or inability to use these services. Abroad, you can expect unpleasant events. In fact, this position is a ban on travel, travel, communication with foreigners, and capital investment abroad. Litigation. Possible damage caused by a spouse's brother or sister, as well as trouble for them.

Saturn in 10 home solar horoscope
Obstacles in the implementation of purpose in life or routine tasks, which indicate the elements of the 10 th house and the projection of the solar Saturn in the natal chart. In general, the difficulty of achieving something else. Sometimes a position also means that people this year does not pursue certain goals, living by the will of the circumstances. But to achieve at least something, he needs to go through some tests. Year is not good for career advancement, professional growth, employment, high social status. Year is very unfavorable for politicians, public figures, large heads. In the case of a negative aspectation they could ever lose a post, cause mistrust and impeachment. When positive aspectation in position of a man there is some stability, steadfastness. Gives the resistance in advancing the goal, slowly but surely. Problems in the family, in romantic relationships. Perhaps an important event in the life of a parent, rather, a father or as a superior, but for a woman and her husband. Year fraught with errors and professional turmoil, damage to health. other troubles according to the dimensions and position of Saturn.

Saturn in 11 home solar horoscope
Significant changes and disturbances in the plans regarding the scope of human life, described by the natal house in which Saturn is projected, as well as its aspects and with regard to personalities aspektiruemyh planets. But with positive aspectation resistant implementation of their plans and projects, which is still fraught with difficulties and delays. Deprivation of friendly sympathy, the fans. It is difficult to get a reward, the praise for their work or their actions. The loss of associates. Parting with friends or unstable in contact with them. Limitation in communication, voluntary or involuntary seclusion loneliness rather an internal nature, solitude. Craving for those senior in age or situation as a possible defense. Difficulties in implementing its ideological platform, nametok and ideas. A man stands at a crossroads, often do not know who he is and what he is and what he should do. It is difficult to develop approaches to implement his plans to find a decent means. Year is not favorable for the advertising campaign, gaining popularity. In the case of a negative aspectation this position is generally perceived as a permanent bad luck. In addition, an indication of some, almost innocent debauchery, the pursuit of pleasure, the bohemian life. Propensity to change that. Sometimes indicates a forced betrayal by coincidence.

Saturn in 12 home solar horoscope
Heavy, long-term tests and the difficulties associated with the problems of the natal home, which is projected onto Saturn. Numerous concerns and responsibilities. Inner solitude, misunderstood. Activation, persistence of secret enemies. To strengthen their positions. Possible blackmail, harassment, stalking. When positive aspectation victory over them. Significant impairment of health, tortured ailments can not be cured. But the desire, great will to recovery, increased attention to methods of treatment. Disease, received this year's yield dire consequences. Heightened state of conflict, frustration and all around him. In the case of damaging aspect to the sun serious difficulties, loss. Possible imprisonment or forcible confinement in any place. In general, clouds are gathering over the human fatality, hopelessness. The projection of Saturn in the natal house indicates the domain of life, which is particularly unpleasant to be feared.

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