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Schego start looking for a job

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Schego start looking for a job?

So, where to start looking for work? First, you need to get together after finding a job - it's sort of the same work, and from morning to evening, Monday through Friday.

If you do nothing to change their lives for the better, then do not expect that it will change itself. Keep in mind as you begin to act, then immediately realize that you have enough strength and ability, and therefore, you will be able to achieve its goals. Under a still stone, as they say, and no water flow. There is in physics a very interesting law - law of inertia ", and so this phenomenon could not be better illustrated by the situation. This law states: a body at rest tends to stay in this position, but the body is in motion tends to stay in motion. Now imagine that the physical body you yourself are. What does that mean? And the fact that the more you'll be at rest, the less you'll want to do anything. Therefore, in any case not be lazy!

Of course, to assemble, requires effort and a large proportion of self-discipline. If you, like many of the unemployed, in need of additional stimulus, then ask someone from relatives or friends to be your "observer": Discuss with your business strategy, plans, successes and failures, as well as quietly and usefully take criticism, because a person takes part in your destiny in your own request. Think about how many hours per week you would like to work? How much time and money if necessary, willing to spend on training (or to dedicate their studies, if you are studying)? How much income you would like to have? Is it important for you to make your holidays do not fail to come on Saturdays and Sundays? Are you ready for frequent travels or even a change of residence, if the work that will require?
Define your goals and what you could for them to do. Compare your goals with your abilities. Ask for advice from those you truly trust and who unashamedly tells you the whole truth in his eyes. Of its own estimates and opinions of others has actual picture on the basis of which is to choose something for everyone and according to his abilities, not forgetting about education. In addition to a firm decision to find a job, you need to determine exactly how and where to find it. Do not be afraid of a variety of ways and options. Try to build your own plan of action, as if to construct their own "network", which surely will fall "goldfish." Just put in front of a specific task and make a list of all the ways to solve it. And this will inevitably cause you to act.

If the solution to this problem is difficult on the first option, you can go to the second, third, etc. Do not be afraid of possible failure. And anyway, what you mean failure? Bad will, nothing happens? Or at the secondary level? And you are afraid to seem like someone "serednyachki? The fact is that sometimes some people want to perform the task so well that they have to do is just not enough time, and they remain with nothing. The reason for failure in this case is the "ideal representation" of the case, not really. You know, an old Chinese proverb says: "a journey of a 1000 li begins with the first step." And you should have to make that first step. Do not try to see its entire path, it is enough to see just enough to move. Feel free to forward!

The simplest and most realistic way to find the desired job is the periodical press with relevant ads and offers. Now there are many newspapers, which is available exclusively about job openings. They are sold on the streets of the city and released, usually once a week. With these books you can find a decent job. Impose a whole new pile of newspapers with advertisements and telephone number. Spend your morning job search: arm telephone and ring up all those who gave more or less appropriate to your ad. Even those whose ads are not particularly interest you. It often happens that a newspaper ad does not reflect the core essence.

Maybe you really like your schedule or the work itself as a whole. And so it is very important to find out all your points in person. And it is quite likely that you expect good luck in the form of interesting and well-paying jobs. Have you read a newspaper announcement for the post at a prestigious company and about the upcoming interview. If you really need a job, do not be lazy and do not dismiss this possibility as something that you are wrong. Remember, under a still stone gathers no moss. From you at this crucial moment requires the most action. Arm yourself competently written resume and carefully think over all the possible answers to questions prospective employer or manager to work with staff. Would do well to also think about self-promotion. Give to a newspaper ad for work. In this case, information about themselves to express concisely, briefly, concisely. And at the same time, this information should be your mini-advertisement.

By placing such an ad in the newspaper, you will have the opportunity to test demand for your services. Brevity, conciseness and brevity of newspaper ads have their advantages. You are given the opportunity to present itself only what is clearly said in your favor. For example, if you are too young and a novice in this field, or too frequently changed jobs or are unemployed, in a resume or cover letter to hide those unwanted facts would be very difficult. Announcement will also allow you to count on an invitation reputable employers. Typically, the ad stated telephone number. And if you followed this unwritten rule, then call and talk with your employer gives you an extra chance to persuade the latter to the desirability of a personal meeting with you, or an invitation to interview.

In the newspaper ad should be worded goal as specific as possible. A reported in this personal data and the qualities necessary to confirm that you are best suited to your designated duties. Advertise in the newspaper about what you are looking for either primary or secondary job. When you will receive the proposals carefully ask that you suggest that nothing is not wasting time on a trip to the supposed place of work. Be polite, talking on the phone, ask specific questions about work conditions and requirements you specify wages.

You can respond to the ad, given at a big newspaper company, which calls itself and clearly stipulates the requirements for candidates, for example points out the need for foreign language skills, computer, office management, accounting. In such cases, usually stipulate gender and approximate age of the applicants. And if you think that the majority of the entry requirements you come, then begin to act. To get started make a resume - a document that reflects your main data. If you're going to hire a foreign company, it is better to make a summary in English because it is universal. Send your resume by fax and wait. A day or two or three (assuming that you are interested in an employer) you will be contacted by phone.
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