Scheme of family relations
Every woman dreams of the ideal family relationships. Do you agree? Here's what I say: lovely ladies, you will first learn how to build a proper scheme of these relations, and then you reap the deserved fruits in the form of love, loyalty and other things. If someone umishka not enough to understand the subtle psychology of the marriage, let them learn on someone else's experiences and mistakes of others. How much can I spend too much time the same topic? "Oh, my husband a tyrant! I gave him my best years, but he does not appreciate my sacrifices and take all for granted. " And how could he be, if from the very beginning you have built a relationship is wrong. Leaves you marry the tyrant? No, your choice was white and fluffy, gave flowers, caring. Who made it so, do not you guess?
I'm not vain likened the relationship between man and woman with the scheme: you and he - two circles with their interests and habits. So, you let the male fully capture the range of your women. The more you give, the more it grows the circle, and your decreases. You like to dissolve in it and soon run the risk of becoming a small point. This smacks of vampirism. Sometimes it happens the other way: Women's circle as if taking in the siege of the male and turns round in a circle. Man turns into a dumb calf "momma's boy" and he was so comfortable, because you are saddled with responsibility for solving all major issues, and with them the responsibility for solving them. You - a mother in the womb is nestled fruit. Usually only the fruit develops, but here the reverse is true - "voluntary regress." By the way, not without your participation.

The first scheme for the marriage country, but it works in cases where the husband and wife do not want an active family life, and are content with the illusion of the family. If you're not a creative person, you do not fit this pattern: male and female circle barely relate to the edges, there are close but do not intersect. Such spouses sleep in separate bedrooms, and virtually no interest in the affairs of each other. By the way, to construct such a scheme from an initially normal relations is very simple: stop the news from her husband intimate conversations, the evening did not sit up beside him, while on the phone, chatting with a friend and "friendly" neighborhood there by itself. The husband soon realize all the benefits of such a scheme, and will not resist.
The second scheme at first glance, productive and valid, it is complete opposite of the previous one. Male and female range overlap. Interests and habits are the same, they are all in the family. Wife together go to the guests, together solve family issues. He refuses to hiking a football with friends, it is my favorite work-related trips. Think that such a marriage will last long? And you could endlessly go in circles? Imagine that your hands are chained to the hands of her husband, but you will not survive an hour. That such a scheme "chained" and picks out of naivete, most women.
And now the most ideal scheme: masculine and feminine terms partially overlap, but each has their own space. Basically, all the same - a single field, this is something that binds the spouses. However, no hobbies husband or wife attachments are not included here - they are beyond the scope of a unified and controlled by nobody. The fact that the general, not chains, and binds the spouses family ties. Of course, a scheme of the ideal family is difficult, because you very much, ladies, love to keep everything under control, all penetrate. But then you risk destroying the right scheme and will certainly return to the other - a circle in a circle.
So choose a scheme of family relationships that you liking: to be at the mercy of a vampire become a "womb" or chained. Or is trying to create an ideal family. By the way, not in vain in all the pictures depict wedding rings is as follows: the main part - the total, but each has a private space. Now I have you convinced? So - lo, the lovely young ladies ... "