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School Integration

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School Integration

Unfortunately, the role and importance of schools in the public mind are often in sharp contradiction to what they see meaning in their work educators. Few of them pays attention to the degree of involvement of schools in the surrounding psychological field. As the teacher does not directly depend on people living in this area, and children forced to attend his classes on duty, he has every opportunity to lock in the four walls. However, teachers' attitudes to ourselves as a day laborer who is serving a watch for a fee, deprives them of opportunities to influence the world around us as a corporate power and promote the image of the school in the eyes of others. Psychological needs of children, parents and many teachers in the filling of the concept of school real content finds no response.

Schools are not only educational and outreach institutions. They have every chance to see themselves as agents of educational doctrine that serves as a guide for teachers, children and the environment. Only in the case after demanding teacher, Herbert, to achieve results and trying to make a contribution to the formulation of general pedagogical principles, the school also will cease to recognize themselves as lacking integrity, loose formation, we can not lose hope for her future compliance functions conferred her social consciousness. School is an educational institution, requires a proper functioning of intensive collaboration and cooperation of teachers.

"Certain Regard" for the role of the teacher, the difficulties arising in the process of teaching and experiences learned from communicating with parents - concerned not only personally specific teacher, and the whole school as a whole. Consideration of issues arising in the course of teaching or decompensation, should not be limited collated purely personal situation or treatment, consult an expert - these problems to be solved to all teaching staff.

Improving school integration can give children a school in which they will be dealing with something more than pichkane knowledge, discipline and great self-interest. School can become a corner of their homeland. This is especially important with respect to urban or peri-urban built-up with a large percentage of emigrants. school integration can go hand in hand with preventative measures to tackle drug addiction, homelessness, and aggression.
The real picture of the state of many schools do not have anything to do with this: no one thinks about the moral character of school as a whole in the school schedule to participate in public work featured in last place, no one wants to get involved in anything, and teacher conferences are regarded as a tedious overhead. Surprisingly, now teachers can freely skimp on participation in training courses organized by a group of activists in the school or the Ministry of Education.

Teacher is enough to refer to the fact that "in his class there is no problem," which he prefers to give it time visiting computer courses or must look after the place for a cool camping. Such a course of action, clearly showing that the word "integration of school for a teacher - just an empty phrase. The school building too often not perceived as places of work, requiring a long presence, in addition to hours allocated directly to the lessons - stay in school is measured by the filled cells in the schedule. In shaping the school, visit the corridors and playgrounds, socializing with colleagues and leisure activities directly after school are a matter of minutes. In an extreme case, a tribute to the social stress reduces to the sandwiches and coffee in the teachers with complete disregard for the expectations of others and goes on during recess.

Integration of life-giving

What significance should be attached to estimates? What are our methods of integration of children of immigrants? Provisions are to be understood by both children and adults outside the school. These rules should serve the children and their parents guidance, able to induce in them a sense of protest, or, conversely, the desire to follow them. These provisions or abstract should not be limited to official expressions of the document, which can then be easily put "shelved" or reduced to dry items of school rules (the house), did not speak to the mind and heart of a child. They should contain principles, expressing itself credo teacher attitude and allow children and parents constantly refer to them. school integration is unthinkable without some relevance to the nature of conflict resolution. How are the school disputes?

Is there an open discussion between teachers, or preference backstairs? Questions arise concerning the load of teachers in public because of their affiliation to rally a team of associates (ideally). How is the mentoring (who and how to help newcomers "fit" in the community, to become a full member)? Should we allow the teacher, who came to the school directly from high school and had not yet freed from the illusions of Education, for a start "to fill his bumps and make sure their own experience that real relationships with the children have nothing to do with prekrasnodushnymi arguments are far from the life of university professors, or teaching staff should be from the moment she arrived at school and to its relative development of the skills of real work to take over her patronage?

Integration implies the attention of teachers to subcultures, rooted in the school. Most children no one knows the ratio of teachers to their manner of communication and modes adopted in their age group. How teachers would react to the exercises in Asian martial arts in the school playground? Is it possible to bring to school a stiletto? Knowledge of school-wide positions on these issues helps children find the strength to rein in questionable habits and find another place to meet them. If the exchange of rude insults of a sexual nature has become a norm of communication students, requires an expression of sharp condemnation of this phenomenon with a school-wide positions. Children need explicit disclosure of the position of teachers to find their own moral position, which might serve as a counterweight to the pressure of difficult and disturbed adolescents.

It is difficult to say whether enough in our schools forces to their own, without help achieve integration into the corporate whole. Schools is difficult to come to a common denominator is most often because of too many differences personalities of teachers and their approaches to learning. Therefore, rapid and dynamic development of teamwork skills is unthinkable without a leader, taking on external contacts and responsibility for the situation inside the school. Such leaders are endowed with special powers, is able to consistently pursue a policy to achieve school integration and to be for the Committees on Education ally in implementing school reform. Following favorable conditions create a positive school model could be the number of pupils in school. According to available data, develop a common concept of teaching is much easier to give a relatively small schools than the vast and boundless educational institutions.
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