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Science of Sleep

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Science of Sleep

For finding out the night of dreams, I went to a sleep center for a sleep doctor Michael Poluektova ( It's funny, but I'm full of force journalist to rush to an interview with a hearty, in the room periodically sleepy. I am alternately blushing, turning pale, barely restrained so as not to yawn. And this is not out of boredom. If sleepy vibes there, I would say that they have permeated the entire cabinet of the scientist.

"That is why we are sleeping or not sleeping, is determined by two processes - the doctor explained to me. - The first reason - is banal weariness. All day in the blood builds up a special enzyme, "gipnotoksin", and when it becomes too much, we begin to "nod". During sleep, this substance is split, and the need for sleep is lost. "

The second process - is the work of our "biological clock". Them "tick" controls the ebb and flow of energy.

According to another version, the reason for all the third eye of man. He is not in the middle of his forehead, and hidden deep in the brain. He reacts to changing light and produces melatonin, a substance of darkness. " The darker the room, the more we sleep.

Scientists identify two major phases of sleep - slow and fast. During slow or deep, sleep, no dream we can not see. The body is resting and recovering after a busy day - the cells actively divide, energy is stored, released growth hormone.

The most mysterious phase - this is paradoxical, or rapid, sleep (a name he got because of the rapid and unceasing eye movements under the eyelids).

Every day it is in this phase of everything the world's population dreams. And not one but five or six pieces. Dream - a short film of no more than 15-20 minutes. The main problem that we do not always remember it.

Most scientists believe the dream creatures brain noise. Already scared? At night, the balls are driven neurons received information the day the whole head, making the process a meaningful form. Dream - a fairy tale, which the brain tells himself not to go crazy.

It is interesting that at this time we are actually paralyzed - not to repeat those movements which are to us in dreams.

Not so long ago, a sleep proved that in the first half of the night we basically slept soundly, and in the morning (starting at 4 am) visions become more frequent. Interestingly, in times of stress and depression do not necessarily have nightmares, just dreams becomes longer.

Later it turned out, the stage of sleep (slow + fast) all night long repeat. From a deep sleep, we "swam" in a dream, and then "fallthrough" at the bottom of the unconscious. And so every half hour. The average per night is 4-6 cycles. Such predictability is no more at one of the nervous system. Each time after the completion of another cycle of people change positions. Particularly fidgety do so with renewed intensity. Thus, the body protects itself from the stagnation of blood circulation.

It is easiest to "pull out" a person from sleep at a time when the dream is almost exhausted itself.Harder given the awakening of the slow phase, in which case you can all day to feel overwhelmed, even slept the right amount of time. This is called a syndrome, a sleepy drunk.

Explain what actually happens to a man in a dream, still can not no scholar. "Why do we have dreams?" - This question is the same date, like a hundred years ago.

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