Scientists have discovered a therapeutic properties of sex
Sex can save the marriage - the scientists believe. But only in cases where one spouse - ... neurotic.
In neurotic personalities, as a rule, there are always problems in a marriage. They are irritable, moody, often frustrated and resentful.
New research shows that sex with a spouse can very well improve their condition.
Scientists from the University of Tennessee followed with 72 pairs of newlyweds in the first four years of their marriage. All this time, both spouses are informed - separately and privately - about how satisfied with their marriage and the frequency of sexual encounters every six months.
It turned out that the pair had sex on average once a week during the first six months of marriage, and about three times a month for the fourth year of marriage.
It turns out that sex is a very beneficial effect on the neurotics - the more sex they have, the better feel and higher rated their satisfaction with life in general and marriage in particular.
"Definitely, the results indicated that the frequency with which couples engage in sex with each other, plays a big role in a state of neurotic personalities and influences their satisfaction with the marriage" - summed up the scientists Michelle Russell and James McNulty.
Full results of research published in the journal Social Psychological.