Search for Women
Search for woman the man is constantly and most often on the itinerary: apartment, work, shop and apartment, with rare exceptions bar billiards. As a result, the likelihood of his meeting with a woman (even more so, with the good) is small. It should look the same, where the density of the women's unit of the Earth's surface maximum, and the man will be able to not only choose but also to speak. Places to find more than enough: cafes, dance floors, beaches, parks, hotels, dorms, parties, weddings, anniversaries, sports grounds and halls, playgrounds for children's gardens and houses, libraries, museums, concerts, cinemas, trains, trains and buses.
Perfect for dating a woman - the personal transport. Taking your services, the woman psychologically becomes your debtor, in addition, a proud sense of ownership makes even the most timid of men remarkably bold and even a little impudent. The main thing with this search - the activity and persistence, because "his legs feed the wolf", and "on the catcher and the beast runs. Woman accurately defines these hunters and their behavior shows what game it is for them or not.
Gathering information about the woman can last from several seconds to several years, this period depends on education, marital status, sexual concerns, your powers of observation and other factors. Following the discovery of a woman you like you need to watch it and determine its readiness for contact at all with you in particular. Explicit, unmasking signs such readiness are:
- Her eyes in active or latent search
- Defiantly, provocative actions,
- Significant changes in behavior after the discovery of your interest to her,
- Restlessness,
- Excessive efficiency,
- Stressing the indifference
- Demonstrative interest in anything
relating to you,
- Fear of looking into your eyes,
- Laughter or loud conversation.
If a woman has chosen you, ready for contact, it is necessary to determine its vulnerabilities and try to classify:
- Her social group,
- Sexual orientation,
- The level of culture,
- Range of interests,
- The type of nervous system
- Emotional stability or instability,
- State of mind and attitude to yourself.
- Color, quality clothing, jewelry will tell you about her social and marital status, outline its nature, aesthetics and tastes.
- Movement and we will talk about her character, scholarship and education, as well as confidence.
- If you vote against the exterior, trust vote.
- The more a woman pays attention to her appearance than her better the "battle paint", the more she wants to please men and more pleasant for her man's attention.
If you determine that a woman in your abilities, offered her a glance, which must be overt interest in it, determine its response to your signals, decides in favor of dating. Not too scared of the strict form of neglect or opinion - is not ready for such an important event as the meeting or acquaintance with a man, and even the most common female whim. If you have any information about the woman who brought your friends, especially, always use them.
In the East they say: "How about halva not think in your mouth will not become sweeter, and in our case, the mere observation of the woman will not give you any moral satisfaction, or sexual pleasure. Only personal contact with her will find her true feelings for you and get closer to the target. One often hears complaints about the difficulties of dating men with women, that they are not available, and men do not even want to talk - this is a mistake, these women do not happen. There is only a cowardly, uneducated, diffident man, perhaps, lazy men who prefer the action of searching for the reasons of failure. Any man who has just a little courage, character and knowledge of female psychology, can easily become acquainted with the chosen "victim", most importantly - decide to contact and impress before or during dating.
The very first thing you should do - to surprise and interest. If to you not interested, it does not work out for you and impressions. Need to do something to stand out from the surrounding "landscape". Of course, it would be good to hit it with his "male beauty", but ... if you do not "handsome as a picture ..." anyway you have plenty of chances for success. Woman easily attract anything else. There are many ways to attract attention, but I assure you it is not an exhaustive list and a reasonable approach you will succeed.
1. Remember the world of animals. Why do males always brighter than the females? Because the males in the animal world is difficult to meet. That's your "tail" to be fashionable or stylish, for you should be shiny objects, possibly gold chains, charms, suitable for originality, even the mustache or beard. If none of these things, then use a good cologne that has an attractive smell.
2. Social and financial status. Of course, immediately took out his purse and show it to the woman - a hint that she is a prostitute, but the social and financial situation is also from the appearance of men, including his obliging-gallant behavior.
3. Demonstrative attention to her person, admiring glances deeds, compliments. The basis of this behavior is your recognition of its exclusivity.
4. Compliments. The most effective compliment to the exterior of a woman, her form and body proportions, the beauty of her movements graceful. If you have something to learn about it from mutual friends, you can throw a compliment about the qualities of her soul, kindness, generosity, patience, mind, knowledge, efficiency, politeness, tact.
5. You can hit a woman indifferent attitude toward her beauty for a general interest in the rest of her men. If it's in your company is considered "elite female", be emphasized restrained in dealing with it, behave differently from other men who are trying in every way for her uhlestyvat.
6. You can impress the woman of unusual demeanor: gallantry, courage, modesty and efficiency, helplessness.
7. Emotional state: Engage your thoughtfulness, sensitivity, cheerfulness, irritability, singing or playing musical instruments, dancing, and empathy with her. Women love it when they are invited to dance in the movie at the last series, romantic look after them.
Of course, tactics when meeting depends on many factors. Your experience also can not be discounted. To start acquainted with women, talking to whom you're not too worried, and at least something to think, talking to them. Learn more closely a few women are simpler, and you have lost the fear of exploring the inaccessible Madonna. Cut trees on their own and build their skills gradually. If you are inexperienced, and love your sense of great influence on your determination and ingenuity, to drive you into a state of stupor, then ask someone to introduce you to a femme fatale. This person should be forewarned her about your condition so that it treat you more leniently, better yet, when such knowledge will be a merry company. But I would recommend dating without other assistants, it makes the greatest impression on women.
A particularly strong impression on a woman produces an acquaintance when the man shows a woman full force of their interest and passion for her, all determination, courage and desire to possess her. Such knowledge, in depth experience and exerted psychological pressure on women like a frontal attack fighters. If you flinch, embarrassed, smeared on his impression of a man, you will not have achieved the goal dating, lost time and, possibly, material resources, hence, should be ready for a long and exhausting routine of courtship, staging a siege of her heart all the rules of nerds. Acquainted with a woman can be anywhere, you need only use the proposed situation and have at least a general idea of the order of their actions.