Secret makeup
The sequence of actions is as important as the right choice tone. Performing daily make-up, apply to the skin only a neutral tone and not too thickly. Sometimes it happens that turns blush too bright. In this case, the cheeks can brush away with a brush or lightly powdered. You can go on a trick. If the first tint the lips and then apply blush, it would be possible to immediately determine how bright should be flush. The skin under the eyes should be applied foundation, which is lighter than the main tone. Masking the shadows under the eyes, it is better to apply concealer. After graduating from the processing of facial skin, moisturize your skin a specially cosmetic sponge or cotton swab dipped in mineral water or herbal infusion. The sponge should be applied to the face precise movements so as not to disrupt the layer of tone. This procedure will return skin moisture absorbed by cosmetics and your makeup will look natural and will continue for much longer.
When the foundation and blush applied, should face powder to remove shine. The powder should be slightly lighter than the foundation. Compact powder applied to a special brush, and crumbly - puff, after shaking off her excess powder. Instead of puffs, you can use a clean cotton wool. Prepare icing desired hue can be yourself, if you mix the powder several shades, but always by the same company and series. Even very young girl with delicate skin can be powder. It's even useful. The powder protects the skin from pollution, the wind of changes in temperature and sunshine. In no event should not be powder, without imposing a cream powder, as powder clogs the pores and dry skin. Imposed under the icing cream creates a barrier between the powder and skin. Powder every day can be for women only c normal to oily skin. Dry skin requires a limited use of powder. And it should be applied only on the average, more fat part of the face (forehead, chin). Powdered, will certainly remove the powder from the eyebrows, eyelashes and hair roots on the forehead. Try not to puff sweating, dirty skin.

Eye Makeup
Eye makeup consists of applying eyeliner, shadow and mascara. Must first delineate the contour of the eye. To do this, use liquid eyeliner or a cosmetic pencil. Contour as close as possible to the lash line, use different colors - from brown to dark green and gray. Dark band, which takes place on the edges of the century, under the lash, enhance eyes and allows us to give your eyes a slightly different visual form. The choice of eyeliner is largely dependent on skin color. Thus, light skin suit eyeliner blue, light brown, navy blue, dark skin for the best black or reddish-brown eyeliner, olive-green color will complement the eyeliner dark brown, dark blue or green. Color selection circuit also depends on the color of your eyes. For green eyes are good eyeliner emerald and marsh colors for the blue and gray - the colors of the sea waves, to brown, hazel - plum color.
Shadow and mascara
Further applied the shadows. It is possible to combine the shadow of one tone or very close shades and tones can be combined, using even contrasting shades. Darker shades of shadows superimposed close to lash line as well as the distance from the edge of the century causing a lighter shade. Under the eyebrows and the inner corner of eye always applied the lightest tone. In addition, eye makeup depends on their color. For example, blue glazabudut look more impressive if the make-up use shades of pink. For brown eyes fit beige, brick, slightly reddish. If you have a greenish-gray eyes, your color - purple, if your eyes have a complex gray-bluish-green, the green shadows make your eyes more blue, and blue, in contrast, emphasized by a gray-green hue.
Mascara lengthens lashes and makes them visually more dense, so the eyes become more expressive. You can use ink to increase lash for lengthening, waterproof mascara, the good that now there are plenty to choose from. You can give an extra sparkle eyelashes, inflicting on their tips colored ink. Remember, the mascara is recommended to change every three months. According to doctors, in a tube can stay harmful bacteria that cause such unpleasant eye diseases like conjunctivitis or "barley". Makeup finish, try to put light, barely noticeable "glare" white shadows under the eyebrows towards the temples. This will make your eyes more fresh and bright. Ending with eye makeup, you can not ignore the eyebrows. Now no one hurts themselves plucking the eyebrows into a thin thread, it is enough that eyebrows were neat and not too thick and wide. If you have dark eyebrows correct form (in the form of an arc), then tint them not worth it, because they are too dark brows of old and reduce eye. Dark eyebrows look perfectly only on the faces of brunettes and a very dark brown-haired women. For women with reddish brown hair and brown suits.
Lip Makeup
Currently, ink stick, domestic and imported, due to changes in quality adds the dyes became available and purchased most incredible shades (brown, purple, pearl, etc.). But we should not forget that almost all the lipstick from his lips into the stomach, that the relative harmlessness of ribbon lipstick can hardly be considered useful. For the correct execution of lips is not enough lipstick. First, the lips should outline the specific outline in pencil darker than the lipstick, giving them the desired shape, and then touch up lipstick matching color.
To make lipstick "do not eat", "freeze" the paint on your lips with a piece of ice. Initially, of course, nakraste lips, then gently pat them with paper towel. Now, take the ice and they spend a little on the lips. Moisture blot. If the lipstick has faded and half "eaten", do not wash it enough to powder the lips. After some time go over the lips thick, dry brush. Lips will become a beautiful matte finish lipstick on them will be on the lighter shade. Shape of the lips should not clash with the shape of the face. If you prefer, you can adjust the shape of the lips, but this should be done very accurately, the deviations from the natural contour should not exceed 1 mm. For blondes recommended light colors of lipstick, and for brunettes - brighter, more saturated. Lips should not begin to tint from his childhood. Young girls, young enough to monitor the skin of lips, keeping their natural color. With lipstick young ladies often look vulgar.
The main secret of makeup is that it imposes, to demonstrate your health! Also, with the help of make-up women are often quite cleverly mimic their affiliation to a particular social class or group. There are cases when such a "social" makeup contradicts the natural or appropriate, and if a woman gets an easy task to find a balance between what is appropriate and what is recognized benchmark in its social group. Major role in choosing makeup to take the inner sense of beauty, its own vision of himself and his image. Each woman should decide for themselves, for it is most important - find their own individuality, or to follow the tastes of a particular group or trends. You must remember that fashion comes and goes, especially the fashion for all sorts of extravagant things, but natural, "appropriate", which is close to the natural colors of makeup, was, is and always will be. Not for nothing the same pastel colors and are the basis of an elegant makeup.