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Seducer - always a man who is very good to women. Successful ladies' man loves a woman. Likes to communicate with them and gets real pleasure of communicating with them. Normal man meets a woman. This is a common strategy. But, you know, putting on one direction in the business, it is difficult to count on the stability and income! This is the foundation of any training in business! Bet on one horse in the life of disadvantage.

Especially when you're almost sure that it you are not married, this horse. So do not worry, bet on several fronts. This is the first axiom of efficiency. As in personal life and in business and in communicating with women, when you have not opted for the only girl in my life. Met with several women simultaneously in order to choose which occur on and continue the relationship. One of my friends asked me:
Leslie, as well as your girlfriend on this?

-She did not ask about it!

The second rule is already in planning. Date "today" appointed yesterday! Always plan a week in late Sunday, if you do not want to spend this week alone. It is also important for the seducer. Plan your meeting! Never do anything alone. Buy my gear with a woman. It will suit you according to your taste and then not be able to not fall in love. Just make no mistake with a woman and her taste. Go to the movies with women who sleep with women. Do it so that women were always there. That they fed you with energy and loved you. Women - is the key to success for any guy! All of my students, after training on seduction grand grow in life. Because they hover around the woman and people are starting to reach for it themselves. Success and asks in his pocket. Happy man everyone loves.

In the usual beginner's seducer few dates a week with different girls, who usually end up either a continuation of visits at home or the next meeting. In any case the purpose is obvious: go to the next stage of relations - to seduce the girl. Sex should happen, that's it! "Is it morally: to have sex with different girls?" - Usually ask me. I do not cheat them? And why is that? I have to marry them until going. And then we'll see. Seducer has sex for three reasons. The first - an accident. Second - for fun. And the third - to have fun. Yet there is such a reason, as "friendship organisms", says my friend. Also very strong!

The most important thing, man! You should understand that women need to fuck! They NEED SEX! How many cats I had, who argued that they needed love, relationship! You see, when she says this, she means: "Love, relationship to you I need you, because you just fuck me, not you!" She wants to tell you: "I want you to respect me as a woman who treated me decently well and, of course, fucked! How did without it! "When a woman feels about you ease, she tunes in a laid-back easy communication. It is easy to tempt the most cool and beautiful. Do not confuse only - not above them to breathe and run around with colors and entice them to bring themselves and their pleasure, in short, to have sex!

A woman will tell you: "Do not listen, do as I say, I know what I need." DO NOT BELIEVE HER! She knows what she wants! The woman is a creature: when thou shalt hear what she says, and delve into the meaning of those words, the poor you're mine, I sincerely pity you! The woman says one thing and meant another. If a woman sees that men like to hear it, so it is a male, in her opinion, she can build! What is it then a male? She must feel that you are more confident it. Therefore the action as it sees fit. Do not make excuses, do not apologize for their actions. Done - it means so right! She asks: "Why?" Your answer, remember it: That's right! I have decided so.

Remember! Society has no right to condemn you for anything. It should not oppose what you really want you. If you even think at all glue cool CIMS - it is your right. Beginners shy, they say, would think the people around. Do not care! You their opinion should not give a damn! But these social fears, we still need to work. You surely come up and do what you want with the girl. You have the right to tell her what you want it at all, right on the street. Do it! Want to debauchery - go ahead! Only you define your style of living. Want to fuck? - Yes please!

In addition to the rules of "anything goes, there are others.

Privacy Policy. Do not talk about their relationship. Can you tell us how you seduce the girl, but no one should guess who this girl. You should not compromise it. Because these rumors and then will work against you.

Rule of contraception. Always use a condom! (And meramistinom!) Because your health with this way of life that you started or just started to conduct the most important.

Rule "I owed nothing to anybody." Many men mistakenly believe that they should look after women who run them. This is a mistake! You can do so that women themselves will run after you. Think not about how to please her and take care of it, and how to make it so that it would like you to look after you and make you nice! Then you begin to think correctly and effectively!

Rule "A beautiful girl is the same as everyone else." A girl who feels the increased attention to men, bigotry, or a strong love, it quickly pall. The man, whom she already owns, it is uninteresting. Dealing with such a girl to like and a girl, to which you are indifferent. All the same, your eyes will do the right job, she would guess that like you!

A woman wants her commanding, a woman wants to feel that she - a woman. Very strong woman dreams of finding a boyfriend, with whom she may feel weak. That's why you have to be a very confident woman! Another important rule: I am training for everyone who comes their way. The girl on the bus, people on the street, the waitress, etc. Do everything in the course of life. It's the right thing. Remember this!
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