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Self evaluation of the child

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Self-evaluation of the child

What it is like raising children? All the well-known Japanese dwarf tree in a pot - bonsai. This elegant tree with perfect shapes and proportions, although his height is measured inches. And we are all familiar with the other giant Californian wood - sequoia. Redwoods can reach a height of 83 feet, girth - 24 meters. " If you cut down a tree, you can get enough wood to build 35 five-room houses. Now, think about it, please. After all, there was a time when bonsai dwarf and giant sequoia have the same size! I'm talking about their seeds, weighing about 1 / 100 of a gram. But how different in size at maturity!

Such a huge difference in size comes from the lessons that these trees give life. After all, almost bonsai tree crown stuck out of the land, the gardener pulled it from the pot and cut off the taproot and some lateral feeding roots, thereby deliberately stopping their growth. The result is clear. Elegant, beautiful, but a dwarf! Now we trace the history of another tree. The seed of a future giant sequoia fell into the rich California soil, water it rain and the sun's rays warmed. The result - a giant tree. Neither the dwarf bonsai, or the giant sequoias was not possible to choose their own destiny. And you, parents, fortunately, there is a possibility to influence self-esteem of the child. Your child may be so great or so small as you wish. That child's self-esteem generated by you, will determine who he grew up.

So do not be lazy, as often as possible at the earliest have this opportunity to praise the child. Praise parents strengthens the child's trust in the fact that he's the most amazing, unique, beautiful, talented and strong. Take my word, all your words, good or bad, will forever remain in the child's soul and will be either warm or poison her throughout life. Therefore cultivate the confidence of the child in yourself, keep her praises.

Well done! You have great work! Try again!

Clever! I'm proud of you!

I believe in you! You're my best baby!

My joy! I love you!

My sun! You still can!
O my soul! You do kindness and courage!

You are free to come up with something that suits your child to lift the spirit. It is important to always have a stock of words of praise that will be useful when a child accomplish something good and courageous, or vzgrustnet about their failures. And even if you give her daughter all the doll world, and his son - all super-duper transformers planet, but with all of this will not praise the child will not love him and will not be repeated in his address positive affirmations, then take my word He will feel the most miserable little man on the planet, and self-esteem of the child will be low. That's what it means to love their parents!

Believe in your children

How is sharing with us, Donald Trump: "My unwavering confidence - this is the result of faith in my father's strength. Even in the early 1990's, when I was in a very desperate situation because of the billions of dollars of debt due to a sharp drop in the real estate market, when Ivan the [former wife] and her lawyers, as well as some banks have seriously threatened the ruin of me, my father insisted that I will scramble and my business will prosper. "Otherwise, it can not be - he said - you're a terrific guy, you - the king".

You all probably remember how in 1985 the world was struck by the touching story of a little Japanese girl, dying from the effects of atomic bomb explosion. She believed that if he could make thousands of paper cranes, you will be healthy. And all the kids from all over the world sent her paper cranes. Unfortunately, the history of this little girl has not ended a happy ending, but I think that strength of spirit, a belief in a bright little sick girl will not leave indifferent one soul.

Confidence in myself and in the future - that's the main component of the future great man. Georgy Zhukov, Alexander of Macedon, Napoleon, Joan of Arc, King Arthur, Julius Caesar, William Wallace - here's a list of the great generals, whose confidence could lead thousands of troops into the most terrible war and defeat the enemy. Have you noticed how in historical movies great captains before each battle, necessarily, as a kind of ritual, I give tons of setup men. They are very strong and brave, they'll win the battle!

Certainly, a small Timudzhin, the future great and fearless Khan, inherited the courage and unwavering confidence of his father. But remember, as in Timudzhina believed his mother! And praised his son as a brilliant mother of Alexander of Macedon, the great commander, at age 25, has won half of the world! Indeed, in addition to genetic predisposition an important role in the fate of human factor plays his wise and proper education. If you do not constantly train in their child's confidence, it is likely to grow less than would have to genetics. It looks like a regular workout muscle mass of athletes. Only through sustained training grow Olympic champions, great dancers, famous figure skaters.

That's because the coach was able to see in his student potential future champion and develop these qualities in the right way, grow champions. So you, dear parents, the most important people in the world for their children. If you can nurture your love confidence in your child, you will discover in him the future of rich and successful person. Train your child's confidence, emotional generosity and love for yourself now. Suppose your son got a triple in the control group, did not score the ball into the opponent's goal, painfully blushed and could not speak at the board before class - do not stop cheering children.

God forbid, do not call him a loser. Because your words he will carry with them throughout life. If you currently teach him, even in the most difficult situations do not panic, love yourself, to praise and cheer yourself, and in adult life he will be lighter and easier to survive the difficult moments - the temporary unemployment, bankruptcy, fall, betrayal of friends. He is to nurture and retain in itself the most important and beloved friend in the world - yourself. And no external factors will not be able to crush him in power, confidence and charisma. It will be hard to know what all the strength and power are within himself.
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