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Self knowledge

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Self knowledge

To learn about the world and people should be familiar with the instrument of knowledge - of his own persona. People - a social being, so he held a constantly evaluate themselves and compare with others. And this comparison begins with early childhood, when her mother says the kid who raskapriznichalsya: "Look at you all look the same. How can you cry so? Here is a boy smaller than you, and not capricious. " And often it goes on continuously until until the child goes to school. And there begins a new round of comparisons - otmetochny. And most relevant to the student and his associates did not score higher than otmetochnoy strips, which he earned for diligence. And even at school has a tradition to take with someone, or be an example for a positive hero. It turns out that we were taught since childhood to see themselves in terms of others.
We try, try on someone else's role, but rather do it out of obedience or because they see no other way to see your "I" except as a mirror of another's consciousness. But such a mirror is crooked, and suppresses our will and independence. But you can have a look at in another way. And see what I have - there. This is the true reality. And if there is a single human being, then each of us - it is an individual manifestation of it. Individual - means no one else like it. Therefore, our task - to create your life, do not look like anyone's another that she was bright, intense emotional experiences and impressions. Let life be your teacher, a mirror of your victories and setbacks, ups and downs.

Modern psychology offers many methods of self-knowledge, which is necessary if we are using their intellect and emotions know loved ones and those we meet in life. But before this, you should determine for themselves the targets of such knowledge. As we, of course, in the process of learning of others, especially loved ones, do it primarily for their own good (or so it seems to us), let the reader does not seem trivial, some rules to be learned so that our intervention was beneficial, and would not cause rejection or resentment of those who are dear to us.

We - the particles of the same human nature, and should not create indivisible contrary to the law of all things: I, Truth, Love, Perfection, Life. Problems of human relationships is akin to disease. We all live in a material world, a world of things and make ourselves more dependent on them. We surround ourselves with things, keep it clean the space, which are constantly trying to reach a state of inner peace. Yes, of course you can achieve harmony emotional inner state and the physical environment and gain enormous satisfaction. That's what we're doing repairs, periodically rearrange the furniture in the apartment, arrange weekly cleaning and shopping. And it is very important to us. But for harmony, unity of your inner world with the world around you a beauty of things is not enough. To do this we first need to configure the harmony around them.

Tell the truth as often as possible, since it frees, and lies, in contrast, binds, binds your mind. Lie only weak men and cowards, strong - do not lie. So be as strong and make strong the world around you!

Love and Be only love, so as soon as it is the foundation of all life. And if your love life is not the basis, then you are simply wasting time.

Do not give love, hoping to get dividends over time, using this man to achieve his goal. Be generous, give. Any hoarding lead to impotence. To operate the energy necessary to create a chain, such as corn - soil - crop (seed multiplication). If you want to get something, give it away and it will come back to you. For example, want to have friendship, give friendship, want to have money - give money, want to love - give love.

Be grateful. Thanks also increases your inner energy. In order for the internal energy increased and accumulated, to abandon: resentment, hatred, doubt, mindless belief in the correctness and trying to prove, greed, jealousy, vanity, accusations, distrust of the people. In fact we have already reached the point that we understand how difficult it is to use these tips to life. Start with a family where every person you care. Learn to forgive. Forgiveness ennobles you, exalt, increase internal energy. Learn to live and enjoy life now. Our lives can be regarded as an infinite set of moments. In this case, every moment is unique and beautiful, just have to learn to feel it.

And if we can it?

Recognition and understanding of others and self - are interrelated things. Each sees himself as smart, not angry and wish good to others. Nobody is talking about himself: "I am a bad person." And so it is. But as far as our opinion of ourselves coincides with the opinion of others? And does it matter? Of course it does. The mirror in which we look at home, shows how we look. But neither the first nor the second is usually not true. The truth is somewhere in between. And then, one assumes the various roles, that is, he wants to in different locations to be treated differently. These roles can we work out differently. But believe me, there are things you should know about those who wish to know with whom he lives.

This is a very old simple truth:

Each considers himself a good man.

Everyone thinks he can give advice.

Everyone knows the best.

No one likes pressure.

You are not always right.

Decision-making difficult.

Easier to criticize.

Nothing can be forced to give.

Cheat - bad and troublesome.

Read them again. Do you think the rest are unknown?

Now the main question - so where are conflicts within the family, if all its members are not strangers, not at war, and almost understand that argument interfere live?

The answer is simple - because I can not understand each other, do not see the signals and have a different opinion about solutions to problems.

Why is this happening? First, it demands that we make to relatives, often either do not understand them, or unenforceable, or not an agreement and reach a common point of view. Hence, what prevents understanding - a lack of understanding or unwillingness to understand each other, the rejection of someone else's point of view, excessive authoritarianism and indifference and inability to speak. The most common cause of misunderstanding is that it is difficult to take into account the psychological characteristics of a loved one, it is difficult to understand that the innate qualities of the nervous system of another person may not be such as ours.

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