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Selling love

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Selling love

Several years ago, when between a man and a woman appeared certain "commodity-money relations" (restaurants, flowers, gifts, etc.), all subsequent alignment of forces was very simple. Like, if a man has a woman, not cheap signs of attention is spent on it, some considered it only as a claim in favor of subsequent intimate friend. And the lady taking the gifts of her partner, is uniquely regarded as almost a "corrupt". And no one wondered why she does not renounce luxury of gifts? All were convinced that such a covert way the lady agrees to intimacy, and nothing more. However, the man who did not pay for a woman in a restaurant (or even in a seedy diner), aroused indignation of the fair sex, a miser called names, and often expelled from the heart forever ...

If a man had to receive gifts from the woman and allow her to spend money on it, it was considered either Alfonso, or wanting in all respects. The relations were characterized as selling love . Of course, like Nemudrenye "rules." But in reality things are different. In particular, when a man spends on a woman, it is led by several other motives. "Look, I have money." He has already put on a massive gold chain around his neck, prestigious watches - on the arm adapted expensive car for the fifth spot. And now shows 4 that beautiful bouquet of flowers casual companion for him, really, a trifle ... (Unconscious motives: "I can, I have a potency ...")
Sometimes expensive gifts to a woman - an ordinary flirtation by a man who has a tight budget. He is easier to overspend than interest lady self. But more often it is the direct application to the woman: "You - my property. I'll buy." And this applies not only and not on intimate relationships: a man thus tends to suppress the woman as an individual, make it your next purchase. In this regard, you should not call "miser" partner, who is in no hurry to spend money on a lady. It is likely that he simply respected her, gives her the right to itself to make some decisions and do not want to buy it. And also certain that he alone will be able to attract partner, not sorya money. And maybe he is really not a lot of money. For example, he was a student. And he has little money and lots of girls ...

And accordingly, the man makes a lady rare, but fairly expensive gifts, give her the money - because it is waiting for her response of financial operations. Especially if he is not rich. And the woman which should take from the man we launched and banknotes, is also not always be regarded as calculating or sale. Most often, behind this other: "I am ready to be your property; woman deliberately given the power of patron-sponsor, not only in sex! So he basically took responsibility for her life and well-being, because most often afraid to dispose of their own destiny. She just needs a strong defender and protector, she is ready to obey him and take from him all that he may offer ...

"I give him, though he gives me." In terms of actual lover, which is from an intimate relationship with his patron does not receive any pleasure. The logic is simple: I work with you in bed - pay! "I - his dear." Point of view of a woman who deliberately squeezed out of the men we launched expensive to tie him to her. "He spent so much on me, can after this throw?" The most interesting thing is that often these women suffer serious disappointment: the presents were valuable only for her, and for the rich pal - so trifles ... And sverhdemonstrativnye ladies, who thought much is expected of them wants a generous gentleman: they take the gifts, because "all the girls are now dying of envy!". The consequences of excessive zadarivaniya they do not care.

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