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Sex as an expression of love

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Sex as an expression of love
There is much to speculate about how much sex is important in a relationship, is there love without sex, can begin a serious relationship with a bed, or they must necessarily precede the period of platonic feelings? Which would be the conclusion we came, but the facts speak for themselves - love is inextricably linked with the desire to possess not only showers favorite person, but his body, and therefore, love is inextricably linked with sex. All other relations between men and women have, all sorts of names, but not love. It's friendship, sympathy, perhaps affection.

Sex is not love, but is there love without sex?

We will not consider cases where people love each other at a distance and do not have the opportunity to meet - this is love, which proved to be a prisoner of circumstances, and despite the fact that sex between two lovers do not, they yearn for each other. If a man and woman have for one another tender feelings, and it even seems that they are in love, but there is no attraction - a manifestation of feelings can hardly be called love. Is sex a manifestation of our love? Absolutely! We love the man, not only for his fine character, intelligence and sense of humor, he is dear to us all - from the tips of the hair to the tips of my toes. And having sex with someone you love, we show how we love and accept it entirely. We show that it does not separate the spiritual qualities of the physical environment.

I think you have many times encountered the phenomenon when a man really like it a business, a smart, decent, sixth sense, you understand that this is the man, which is to raise a family but .... You totally attracted to him physically, sometimes it happens that a man sexually repellent, so can not be, when you love.

When you love everything is exactly the opposite - no one pays attention to your cellulite, and a few extra pounds after delivery appeared to him you're still a goddess, is as beautiful as the day of your acquaintance. Maybe sex with her beloved does not deliver transcendent climax and everything is not exactly as you would like, but you're happy that you touch to a loved one, caressing you, gives your warmth and tenderness and you're in his eyes is the best woman in the world .
Unfortunately, when the sex of the pair becomes only the execution of conjugal duty, when one partner or both are trying to avoid it, because I do not feel it needs - that means love in this pair has ceased to exist in its place came affection and friendship . Everyone decides for himself whether enough for him just such a relationship. Sometimes we unconsciously do everything in order to quench the fire of passion. Fortunately sexual attraction can be preserved for many years and it takes quite a bit.

There are contraindications. Consult with your doctor.
Love and Sexuality

To always be desirable to monitor their appearance. Do not forget about beautiful lingerie, while try to choose something that accentuate your figure. Choosing lingerie smaller, remember that you will not be from this leaner, but on all sides will bulge your Teles and look it'll be quite sexy. One sexual underwear, of course, is not enough. Probably unshaven armpits will look to put it mildly, not erotic, combined with gentle lace, so do not forget about hair removal of those places that require this.

Try to always pay attention to your man on your appearance, wearing regular clothes, be sure to ask about how you look at this and do not forget to take a seductive pose. If you make a comment about the too short skirt - do not worry, take note and reassure beloved, that you will wear it only for him .. Ah did not do for love.

Do not forget to compliment her man while on duty remember phrases like "you are going" or "this tie is coming to your eyes." Each time, making a compliment, hint at sexuality men "in this suit, you look very stylish and manly," but this shirt is very sexy, she emphasizes your inflated torso. A man must feel that you are in it still see the object of his passion, he leads you and excites. For women, a compliment is important emphasis on their beauty for men - in their masculinity and sexuality.

Never tell a man that you do not want sex, because you're in trouble at work, otherwise it will start to think that the work for you is more important than your relationship with him. In this case it is better to say that today you have had a difficult day, a continuous hassle and stress, you are exhausted and the wonderful sex does not work, and pretend that everything is fine you do not want - you love your man and trust him. Suggest to postpone this action until tomorrow.

In life, anything may happen, women generally being vulnerable and sensitive, so the emotional state plays a huge role in the relationship. If a child is ill or suffered some sort of trouble with someone from the family, we can not think of anything except this, and sex seems to us inappropriate in this situation. Men are arranged somewhat differently, they just still think that sex can soothe a loved one to help him relax, escape from bad thoughts. Therefore it is not the offer to have sex when you have some trouble, as a manifestation of selfishness on the part of her husband. He wants to make you something good, to bring joy and pleasure, and sex in this case is quite pertinent.

Refusing sex most importantly, not to offend the man, because one can deny differently. You can throw a tantrum and called her husband's troubled, to say that he only thinks about it, crying and declare him a boycott of the week. And you can hug and kiss her and explain that you are not sure that now can relax and indulge in amorous pleasures, and this happens not because you do not want or do not love your man, but because you can not cope with their emotions, to Unfortunately, they're stronger than you. In any case, failure is not to sound rude, but you do not deny - you simply move your event to then ...

Sexual fantasies

It often happens that the partners hold back about his fantasies. Should not be ashamed of their desires, in bed, no restrictions and some of the rules if it is like both, why not? To realize a fantasy about her need not be silent, sometimes we are afraid to look ridiculous in the eyes of a partner, but that loved one, even if he does not like your idea, you at least will know that tried. I often hear from her friends that they do not accept this or that, that the idea of such a form of sex brings, almost, not ad nauseam.

I would advise all the same to try and experiment, we often configure themselves to the fact that it is "Foo", though not even tried. Who knows, suddenly we are deeply mistaken? In any case, if the partner loves you, he would never insist that you dislike, you will find another way to give each other pleasure and bring to life another fantasy. Diversify sex with a loved one can in many ways - this erotic lingerie, and scenes with changing clothes and handcuffs, and most importantly - your desire!
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