Sex of a child can learn to Plan
Question: Dear Ludmila! I already have two daughters. My husband and I are eager to son and is now planning a third child. Help advice. In some of these days you can try to conceive a little son? Yours, Elena.
A: Helen! There are two ways to plan the sex of the child, who can offer you the astrology. And you can use simultaneously to achieve greater success.
Method 1
There is a very simple rule - the sex of the child depends on in what zodiac sign (male or female, or - even or odd) is the moon at the moment of conception. For example, in one day The moon in Cancer, which can be seen in any astrological calendar. Cancer - even, women's zodiac sign, means a child conceived on this day, are more likely to be born a girl.
But there is an important nuance - fertilization may not happen immediately after the close. It is unknown how long it takes sperm to get through the fallopian tube to fertilize an egg. They can be a time to be in the fallopian tube, waiting for release of the egg from the ovary. According to medical data, the sperm in a supportive environment for them can live for 48 hours. And during this time the moon is a sign of the Zodiac (approximately 2 - 2.5 days). The moon may have time to change the sign of the zodiac.
Thus, if the next time you deliberately timed to the moment when the moon is in the very early signs, then you'll have a much greater chance to influence the sex of a child, and to son, the moon at the moment of conception should be in one of signs - Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius. And what would "get" the girl conception should occur when the moon is the sign of Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces, Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo.
Method 2
In this case, planning the sex of the child is not directly related to lunar rhythms. However, there exist other natural patterns, recorded by experts and repeatedly confirmed, although still not well studied. These patterns confirm once again that nature is not, and nothing can be random. What we seem random, it is not yet known pattern. The birth of a child of either sex is also not a coincidence - it depends on the particular kind of natural rhythm.
Here is what law experts found: if a woman even number of complete years, in even-numbered months (February, April, June, August, October and December), she can conceive a girl, and in odd-numbered months (January, March, May, July , September, November), she can conceive a boy, and if a woman is an odd number of complete years, then she can conceive a girl in one of the odd months of the year, and a boy - in even-numbered months of the year. Thus, the sex of a child depends on the woman's age and the atomic number of the month in which conception occurred. The nature of this relationship is not entirely clear, but it works.
But the thing to remember is that the child should be wanted and loved, regardless of sex, he should be happy anyway!