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Sex on first date

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Sex on first date

All relationships are divided into two types: a relationship that began with sex and relationships, which was preceded by a romantic dating and friendship. With the relationships that develop in the second scheme, everything is clear, is a popular option. And what happens with the relationships that start with sex? Can I slept on the first date is hoped that these relationships over time escalate into something more serious?

Talking on this subject with my friend, I came to the conclusion that most women are still, for a romantic beginning, no one wants to deprive themselves once candy buketnogo period. Although almost all women and allow another option - if it's a la Antonio Banderos, or a la Brad Pitt - well I can not resist!

And yet, women are more inclined to romanticism and the gradual development of relations than men. In the stronger sex in this regard is completely different point of view. It turns out decent behavior, these will not be surprised, in fact they consider it inappropriate to meet a couple of three months with a girl, then to learn that she logs in bed. Better just to dot the "J" and not guessing ..

I will not hide the logic in such a cynical approach to this issue is still trapped. Then it begs the question, when should we do? If you are not man lie on a first date, while the second is significant? Or if it happens next week? Who sets these dates and to whom they all necessary?

These deadlines must of course everyone has their Bat. Not the fact that slept with his chosen one a month later, you end up getting married and just not the fact that slept on the first day of our acquaintance, you definitely finally parted, all quite individual. Still, let's try to understand why it is not necessary in the first day of our acquaintance to jump headlong into the arms of pleasing men.

First, though, because what you will feel the beginning of a long relationship for men, in most cases, will mean only that supposed to mean - sex. For men such a denouement is quite natural: I like a woman, she likes me - why not? And believe me, he does not think that you necessarily will have sex after the first day of dating and start dating, much less get married. Disappointment in this case is inevitable. After a stormy night you'll continue to wait, and your object of passion, and silently removed without even leaving you to your phone.

Secondly, well, let's just imagine what would happen if going to bed with each pick-me man? Ladies wear you ahead of time, I've shut up about all kinds of sores, which will award you unfamiliar macho.

Third, when you have sex on a first date, it becomes clear that you have raged hormones or of the romantic feelings of the question. We are talking about feelings when the relationship is based primarily on affection, when a man as you know it - becomes the roads you as a friend, a person close to the spiritual, and only then "happens" sex. Then we can say that you became close with the man listening to his heart, rather than going on about his libido.

It is these relationships statistics most durable. Why is this happening? Because sex - it is our physiology, so a sexual relationship can move to a sinusoid. What we long for a partner, then suddenly cool to him. So, when in addition to sex and desire in a pair have something else, for example, trust, understanding, friendship, and then a cooling period fairly easily overcome. If it was originally "tied" to the passions - is a spark to go out for long and, alas, there is no relationship. Because apart from that spark people's nothing more bound.

Arguing on the topic have sex on a first date or not to be, we are not talking about how bad or good. It's about what you want from this relationship? If the man you love, you're free and want to just get acquainted, have sex with him - please, this is your private affair, but in this case should not build castles in the air, because in 99% they will be destroyed.

Do you find it frivolous? Absolutely! And that men are not talking about this, but a certain stereotype still exists, and your willingness to surrender to this moment will be seen not in your favor. Furthermore, all men are inherently conquerors, and they are much more interesting to pursue a woman, rather than get all at once. Of course the main thing here without fanaticism, if you're six months to pose as an impregnable virgin, dust your vote may grow cold.

It is important that you should be aware that having sex on a first date, the second may not come. This can happen because the man wanted was sex, or because he was waiting on you for something more, or because it is this man not tying a long-term relationships with such impulsive special, like you.

In fact, if you zapasetes little patience and will meet with the pick-me-a man several times, you will clearly see that this is the man waiting on your relationship. If he wants only sex, then its flame runs out at the second interview, believe me, he will not pursue you, even weeks. If this is indeed sympathy, admiration and enthusiasm will be a third date, and the fifth. Pretty Girls Do not deprive yourself of romance, after all, sex anywhere you are not going to go away!

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