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Sexual Astrology

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Sexual Astrology
Personal horoscope can reveal a person whom, and when he will love for their lives. On a horoscope can learn how to partner predisposed person, which in quality and duration of the relationship will be in his life. What kind of relationship will bring joy and what torment. Some signs of the zodiac say about ardor, and others - that person is not very interested in sex. Personal horoscope can give lots of advice and tips in matters of love and sex.

Each zodiac sign has its own peculiarities. Characteristic which is given here for each of the characters - these are signs inherent in its entirety only pure signs that life are extremely rare. Indeed, in compiling a personal horoscope, you may find that person, sort of like one born under the sign actually is rather a different way. Therefore, with all the confidence we can give a characterization of sexuality and life in general only after the preparation of individual natal chart.

The sexiest sign of the zodiac

Sexiest are Scorpio and Aries. However, they show it quite differently. Scorpio, you must first push apart, and only after that it wakes up the sexual storm. Scorpio applies to signs on which most strongly affect the subconscious. Therefore, the desire to continue the kind they have laid on a cellular level. On the other hand, if Scorpio someone to love, then it really seriously. Scorpio does not admit adultery - they are abhorrent to his nature. Aries also operates quite differently. He constantly thinks about sex. His is the first drag your favorite girl in the bed, and then find out her name. It is not constant: his passion burns bright, but not for long.

Elements and sex.
A fire sign, which include Aries, Leo and Sagittarius inherent heightened passion. They can instantly ignite and wish to sex immediately. Watermarks, which include fish, crabs and scorpions, and different sensibilities. For them - the main love and tenderness. They would never go to bed with a man who does not quite clearly expresses feelings toward him. Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are most appreciated high intelligence in a sexual partner. Between these signs often become good friends. They are more important than an interesting conversation than sex. Earth signs such as Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn, the value stability and solidity. Over the years the sexuality of these characters only increases.

What to do if a fire sign - Leo shows no passion?

Lions vital worship, so it should be as often as possible to praise and admire them. If you are going to demonstrate his superiority to Leo, he will not resist the temptation.

Sexual compatibility characters.

All signs are combined with each other differently, because each of them characterized by individual characteristics.

Fire-Fire can be happy together, but too quickly, they light up and go out.

Fire-Air are well aware of each other, including sex. But they are both leaders and both love the independence and, hence, some of them must be compliant and tractable, but it can not escape abuse and partings.

Fire-Water is not the best combination of: these signs are put out each other. In addition, water in most cases, capricious, that the Fire is absolutely not like it. Come out if they have to establish relations will depend on the water. But in most cases, these couples will not be able to coexist for a long time.

Fire-Earth understand each other, but only in old age. A pair of mature people will be more harmonious.

Air-to-air only when they find common interests, the sex they have become exciting.

Air-Water often have problems in bed. Air signs do not understand the prelude, they like quick sex. But the watermark to the contrary, gently and slowly.

Air-Land unfortunate combination. Earth needs stability, and the air, on the contrary, is looking for diversity. Air sign with earth in most cases, it becomes boring.

Water-water vapor and, if formed, then these characters appear very strong psychological connection. Roughly speaking: water is mixed to form a coherent whole, and separate them is impossible. Obtain a pair that water does not spill.

Water-Earth is not an easy couple. Water signs are jealous and require daily confirmation of love and earthly signs of this can not possibly understand.

Earth-Earth should be familiar with as long as possible. Then in sex, they will all wonderful.

Is there an explanation of astrology to the expression "love is blind"?

Scientists have found that the more active the person is your sex life, the sooner destroyed his eye retina. All sorts of tools that enhance the potency, ultimately, negatively affect zrenii.Iz this we can conclude that people who wear glasses are more sexual.

Fish are cold in bed, Libra is necessary to shake?

This is a common misconception. Each sign has its own characteristics and preferences. Simply, they must be taken into account. For example, for Libra important romantic surroundings. They will not have sex in random places.

Can be calculated using the horoscope safe days for sex?

Unfortunately, no. After all, it relates to biological rhythms of a particular organism. Such days can be calculated from the woman's menstrual cycle. But to calculate the most successful days for conceiving a child could and should be using the horoscope. These days may be one or two a month.

The Twins win the Ram.

The easiest way to win Aries - get him into bed. He will appreciate it. The main thing - do not download it superfluous phrases.

Representatives of some characters often have homosexuality?

Personal horoscope shows a top prevails in a man: masculine or feminine. The more human energy to the opposite sex, the larger the propensity to homosexuals. If the woman prevails Yang energy, then it will have lesbian leanings, but if a man has a lot of yin energy, it would be homosexuality. In sex the most inventive are the Scorpions, and the most indefatigable - Aries.

Will my Pisces and Capricorn?

Need to find a different approach to each character. Is not it absolutely incompatible characters do not. Horoscope compatibility can give advice on what to change in itself, something to work to create more points of compatibility. For example, the same Capricorns do not like too pronounced manifestations of love and attention, namely, that sin and Fish. If correct such confusions, then the pair may get well.

Who frequently change?

It is believed that most often change the dual characters, such as Pisces, Gemini and Sagittarius, because they always are in a state of choice.

Best time for conception.

The most successful day for conception is 17 lunar day. Most often, it falls one day after the full moon.

Who has more boys are born, and who has a girl?

In astrology, there is the concept of "home children". It is revealed by compiling the individual horoscope. If the home children are male characters, such as Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Aries, Libra, then most likely it's a boy. If there is a sign of Virgo, Cancer, Taurus, etc., the probability of birth of girls.

Who is the most prolific, and who - is fruitless?

Most prolific different fish, scorpions and crabs. By the barren signs astrology classifies Aries, Virgo, Aquarius and Lviv. However, this is only statistics, but in life everything is very individual.

Who is the coolest?

The coldest, that is, the least sexy are air signs. Fire signs, on the contrary, different passion. However, sexual energy can manifest itself in - in different ways, and each character peculiar to it to transform into something else. For example, the Archers spend it on travel and adventure, forgetting directly about sex.

Is it true that everything in our lives is no accident.

Our lives are completely governed by the law of cause and effect. She is ordained to us by karma, the stars, call it what you want. Each event, which is only going to happen, has already spelled out in our horoscope. Countless number of karmic knots and links must be lived by us.

Does place of birth on sexuality?

Place of birth, as well as date of birth, strongly affects the person. Of particular importance to sexuality is the energy of the sun. Therefore, the blood of the Southerners are much hotter than the northern residents. Southern passions boil more, because the energy of the sun is stronger there. Even the laws on harassment, appear at the southern edge, because the northern people to harass anyone - is not typical.
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